Going deep into Digital Arts

Mariana Jó
2 min readMay 31, 2018


But hitting in some rocks as well

(veja a versão em português aqui)

I graduated in Physics and I currently work as a software developer in a start-up — careers that don’t necessarily have something in common. But the thing that I always loved the most, deep in my heart, was Music. It’s the thing that really moves me and makes me feel like I’m floating and fulfilled. Not only Music but Art in general, are both responsible for who I am today.

During my graduation I had the opportunity to study a little bit of Computer Music, using Pure Data, and fell in love with it. Also, I ended up getting to know Processing. With all this in hands, I realized that I could put all the different parts of my life together — my graduation, my skills as a programmer and Art.

Ok. Now I have finished my graduation and I finally can use my free time to pursue knowledge in this area. By the way, I discovered that there is a great area in the Arts called, not surprisingly, Digital Arts, of which all these things are part.

But in order to do Digital Art, you need to know how to use digital tools. So I decided to face this challenge and, just like we do when we want to learn anything in this world nowadays, I searched on the internet. And to my surprise, I couldn’t find many things on how to use Pure Data, or SuperCollider, or how to communicate different software using Open Sound Control, just to exemplify some topics.

I don’t quite understand why this happens, but the thing is I decided to start writing about all the things I’m learning and all the difficulties I’m facing. Also, I’d like to post this content not only in English but in (Brazilian) Portuguese as well, as I couldn’t find any relevant content in my mother language.

I don’t intend to have a script to follow for the articles topics. I will just write about something I just learned, be it in Pure Data, Processing, SuperCollider, Tidal Cycles or, really, anything else. I also won’t force myself to a posting schedule. I’ll just go with the flow.

I hope that by spending a few minutes once in a while I can help other people to lose less time trying to figure out how to do something, letting them focus on the artistic aspect of their work, not on the technical one.

I’ll do my best to share all the code I write on my GitHub page and I always appreciate constructive feedback.

