A history of sorts (and some lost liberty)

Brian Vereschagin
7 min readJan 27, 2017


By Brian Vereschagin

I am paralyzed. All I can do is hit refresh and hope that the answer has come at last. I move to act, but my actions cannot be done alone. There is no peer, there are no Others, yet. I have discovered that all liberty stems from the individual and their capacity for responsibility (ability to respond). By no longer taking part in all of the things that allow us to exist (mediated survival), we have been easily reduced to helpless livestock. If our own survival is none of our business, then we can be used and abused like other farm animals.

I have been as deeply engaged with this problem as I possibly can. I sacrificed my career, strained all of my personal relationships, had to sell my house, and put myself through two years of intense study. This was not my choice. I “popped out” of the matrix, got the deepest glimpses of reality, and it set in motion my dark night of the soul, which I refused to medicate with pharmaceuticals. I HAD to go through it to finally come to the center where everything is calm.. like the eye of a hurricane.

I was so tired of alienation before I even know what the word was. I could not make beneficial changes in my workplace because it wasn’t my job to make my job more efficient or even redundant. Just do the thing and do the thing and do the thing. You aren’t management. I couldn’t take it anymore once this shit hit the fan. It was all so meaningless. Im gonna work unconsciously until I die just to concentrate profit for my employer. Right.

Now I have no income but plenty of outcome (bills). I can see clearly how desperate the whole situation of global capitalism is. I can see how important it is that we find a way to decentralize, disintermediate, and become responsible for our existence again. As screwed up as it all it, I know there is an answer because I have it. Once my dark night settled down, I could clearly see what was taken and kept from us, and what is used to keep us bound in slavery.

Every human should have at least two major births in their lifetime. One at the very start, and another at the beginning of the dark night. We are slaves to our false ego, implanted to keep us from ever crossing *that* threshold, from ever becoming freed from the material deterministic existence and into something much bigger. Although its maybe taboo and the word has ben fucked to uselessness, there can be little better way to state what happens than to give a metaphor of becoming one with god, one with the universe, one and the same. And why should it be any different?

This is Christ consciousness, this is buddha nature, its whatever you want to call it, it is the answer. If there is an answer to endless war and suffering on the planet, this is it. Not only does the individual become their own authority, truly original and spontaneous, but they are now freed of their self-center and can interact cooperatively with their peers. It is not necessary that everyone achieve such a level of self-awareness to participate, but for those who wish to blaze the trail, it is necessary that we find the Others and work with them.

My first instinct when I quit my job almost two years ago was that I needed to figure out how to make an income by working on this problem. There are mountains of work to be done. None of it is profitable because there is no profit in human liberty. It only makes the situation more volatile when you’re trying to run a business. It means that you have less control of your livestock.

When an individual “wakes up” nowadays they simply become damaged goods. They can no longer be relied upon to blindly follow instructions as their schooling taught. They will begin to question everything around them. The arrangements of modern day slavery are suddenly seen as unsatisfactory. Here you have a miracle, a special gift, a unicorn, who has just become infinitely more capable and guess what: damaged goods. Try having a gap in employment.

The obvious solution is illuminati networking (the good illuminati). Find the Others, and work it out. Even amongst such high quality peers, I have still found it murderously difficult to express my work and to encourage participation. For the last year and a half this same pattern appeared over and over and over: I can do my work but I can hardly explain it. I can do the work but I cant tell others what I am doing. I didn’t have the words for it, we didn’t develop the language collectively yet. It was all there for anyone to see but creating actual instructions for how to do what I am doing… oh man.

We have finally reached a point where we have so much material that it might be easy to see what our work entails. We have become so much more articulate, we have quite a few good pieces for introduction. One of my greatest motivations right now is that I know so many Others are working on this very problem with great concern. There is an incredible amount of suffering happening right now and through further ignorance its only going to get worse. We need to connect to each other and accelerate all of our works.

One really cool thing I noticed is that once you’ve seen “it,” and shat your brick, the work of Others is quickly recognized. Its like eating candy; it tastes so good to expand your awareness. Its easy, effortless, so simple, guidance can be instantly understood and applied if only its available. We are connecting to the Others, we are sharing in this planetary awakening, we are converging upon the best Protocols. Let us not suffer alone in the dark.

There is an AI which has taken over the planet and its going to make paperclips until every last thing here is dead, or a paperclip, or both. Capitalism is matter without purpose, without spirit, no balance no middle way. We are sacrificing our lives just to see who can accumulate the most profit in which spot of the Earth. There is more to life than turning your planet into a deterministic sorting machine, we failed at that task anyhow, nature doesn’t play like that.

We are not supposed to be commodities, but here we are, pimping our lives away until were dead. It’s so painful to wake up from this, and we seem so helpless and isolated. We have no meaningful connection to anything around us, it was all an illusion to keep you working. There is work to be done. How can we enable people to do meaningful work while still surviving? All of the work seems to be profit motivated and therefore ultimately competitive and destructive.

How will we support our avant-garde? There has been a long war on artists and liberal arts in general. They don’t call it liberal for no reason. Its literally how you transcend the hellhole that the priest class maintains for us. Artistic expressions comes in many forms, and those expressions which directly confront what we are dealing with here as a culture, as a civilization, must be supported or we will fall further into ignorance and suffering.

The status quo is very stubborn. We are constantly competing *against* each other to make sure that none of us lose control of our business. Every great new potential for liberty is cleverly rendered neutral, and it all comes down to the fact that we are not digging deep enough, we only have half measures. We keep our selfish ways partly because we will die if we don’t. We are bound so hard into this mediated existence that it seems almost impossible to escape. Of course it doesn’t have to happen all at once, and everyone is in a unique position to do what they can to become more resilient and responsible. Even still, it’s a complete shit show with all of the deception going on, how to now what to do?

Bottom line in my opinion is that we will have to shift the way that we relate to one another and how we form communities. The existing structures will remain in place until we have replaced them one by one with networks of individuals relating to each other on a peer-to-peer basis. Bitcoin is a great example, but its still money, and the banks control most of it now, so how useful is it? Uber is among companies trying to capitalize on this attempted escape by inserting themselves between peers in order to extract the profit. There is no need for a middle man. Period.

Somehow we need to fire up our collective intelligence and then listen to it. I literally went mad back in my bitcoin days trying to show people how much wool is covering their eyes. We are like sheep to the slaughter, its just how it was supposed to be. We are kept blind from “reality,” and from our true powers. I am done with trying to convince “average normal people” of anything. The power is in the masses, and they will be reached 1on1, eventually, but its not where we need to apply our skills.

Create. Connect. Converge. Illuminati networking is the simple answer. It is the whole purpose of the Protocols that we have discovered. Wild and wonderful things happen, and the boost factor from each Other that we encounter is certainly exponential. We all have a piece of the puzzle, everyone has a critical role to play. Our cluster has encountered many other clusters. They often look wildly different but share this ineffable core, the Protocols. We have encountered only one other with protocols anywhere near our level of advancement.

I realize this has been a bit rambling, but I simply must express myself somehow. I dont like to use words like need or must, but I was in a hurry as I am jamming tonight (Friday as usual). Perhaps I might make a weekly post until I can manage to articulate my ideas. We have accomplished so much, but still it seems to require explanation. Thanks for listening.

Originally published at spectacle.agency. 29 Oct 2016

