CryptoTown Day 1 (orig Jan 21 2015 repost) — Kickstarter Campaign Launch!

Brian Vereschagin
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


This blog was originally hosted elsewhere, but this platform seems much better. I want to bring this work back for comparison to my current writing series. It was written two years ago in early 2015. I knew that even if not enough people could understand my expression at the time, at least it would still be documented for me to look back on. Compared with current work, much of this is fumbling in the dark, but its interesting to notice that many of the themes and concepts remain relevant and become more clear to me over time. The posts remain unaltered and outdated aside from this comment, the formatting, and navigation links at the bottom.

It was a Super New Moon yesterday and a great time to kick off my crowdfunding efforts! I spent all day putting it together. I have been trying to balance work with exercise and meditation and other things, but sometimes those 12 hour days come along…

Last night I only had time to begin engaging friends and family via Facebook and to make one quick tweet: Crowdfunded #WageDelete — Help me help you! #Transition #Blockchain #Civil #Abundance #Singularity @OpenMemetics

Today I made two posts to Reddit on the Rad_Decentralization sub and the DarkNetPlan sub to try to get feedback on my GeoTabs system. I also threw in the CryptoTown Memeplex for good measure. All exposure is good, and the memeplex is relevant to these subs. I also included a link to retweet the above tweet.

GeoTabs — Internet 2.0? Client-Service model augmented/replaced by web of trust peer based flow. Opinions appreciated. Bonus: CryptoTown Memeplex — Civilization 2.0 — Equality — Abundance

GeoTabs — Internet 2.0? I am releasing all work I have done on this in the hopes that it’s useful. Bonus: CryptoTown Memeplex — Civilization 2.0 — Equality — Abundance

Moving on to Twitter, I dont have so many followers, so when I make a post not many people see it. I am trying another strategy to tailor posts to specific accounts which resonate well with the CryptoTown memeplex. I have made a few posts already which simply try to offer something profound for the account’s followers that they might be willing to share. If this happens on a large account it could spark a lot of interest. (but few FB followers.. oh well)

Regular updates to follow.

