CryptoTown Day 3 (orig Jan 23 2015 repost) — Political (Hierarchy) vs Civil (Network)

Brian Vereschagin
3 min readFeb 17, 2017


This blog was originally hosted elsewhere, but this platform seems much better. I want to bring this work back for comparison to my current writing series. It was written two years ago in early 2015 because I knew that even if not enough people knew what I was up to at the time, it would still be documented for me to look back on. Compared with current work, much of this is fumbling in the dark, but its interesting to notice that many of the themes and concepts remain relevant and become more clear to me over time. The posts remain unaltered and outdated aside from this comment, the formatting, and navigation links at the bottom.

I spent a lot of time yesterday and even a bit today covering questions about GeoTabs. The response has been really great! A lot of excellent questions and engagement, and the best part is that I still haven’t come across any criticisms which couldn’t be properly addressed.

I didnt wake up this morning and say “Today I’m going to troll Bill Gates,” but it happened, although probably no one will notice ;)

Continuing on my Twitter fun, I challenged Elan Lee (co-creator of Exploding Kittens) to a race to see who can get more money for their Kickstarter campaign. It turns out that the “Exploding Kittens” campaign was launched a mere two hours after mine!

His campaign to make a russian roulette style card game based on exploding kitties (which admittedly I cant help but love the awesomeness of) has garnered over $3.5 Million with over 90k backers. $100k was raised in just the first hour of the campaign! I am still showing a strong rally of $110 at this time and the pace is just not letting up! I think this is a testament to the power of the social network, if you have it. The irony is that Open Memetics would give an avenue for really innovative ideas to make it into the culture. It would not matter if you know one person or 1 million, a good idea is a good idea. I know that there are many people out there with awesome ideas who are unable to make it past the noise. Unfortunately an Open Memetics system doesn’t exist yet to help me spread the idea of Open Memetics.

I kept it pretty simple with the posting today and put my effort into this post on /r/PoliticalDiscussion: Is politics based on human trust of opaque hierarchies a dead-end? How do we overcome deception and exploitation when it’s formalized as the profit motive which drives our overall economy? This discussion linked in today’s video as well as the CryptoTown Global Consciousness Memeplex.

There have been some good responses so far, and I am pleasantly surprised that it has not been buried!

I also made a post on /r/OpenMemetics: Work to be done: Identifying the major areas of development for Open Memetics

There has been quite a bit of interest shown in this work, but I think a lot of work needs to be done to identify the scope and methods.

