CryptoTown Day 8 (orig Jan 28 2015 repost) — Science Fiction, where are the stories?

Brian Vereschagin
3 min readFeb 18, 2017


This blog was originally hosted elsewhere, but this platform seems much better. I want to bring this work back for comparison to my current writing series. It was written two years ago in early 2015 because I knew that even if not enough people knew what I was up to at the time, it would still be documented for me to look back on. Compared with current work, much of this is fumbling in the dark, but its interesting to notice that many of the themes and concepts remain relevant and become more clear to me over time. The posts remain unaltered and outdated aside from this comment, the formatting, and navigation links at the bottom.
Kickstarter: Posted to /r/sciencefiction:

I made a video and a few posts yesterday exploring the impact of negative narratives on our perception of possibility. I am looking for positive narratives, better experiences, a kiss to build a dream on. Star Trek is a great example, but its too far in the future to be useful. How do we get from here to there?

Let me share a story…

13'000 years ago, Omni was the foundation for meaningful human existence. During the development of agriculture and domestication, humans were accidentally mistaken for livestock. The sacred consciousness which lifted us out of the animal kingdom was repressed in every possible way so that we may again submit to those above us, and dominate those below. Not paper and pen, printing press, radio, nor television broadcast could escape the clutches of exploitation until industry of the late 20th century wrapped the planet in a tangled mess of wire. The great forces of isolation and disconnection were smashed and scattered by this internet, but the cosmic battle raged on, with re-doubling of efforts directed through broadcast media and dark magic.

It was, however, too late, as the cat was out of the bag. The blockchain had already arrived, and began to consume the hierarchy, leaving deep green abundance of spontaneous self-organization in its wake. The Great Memetic Pandemic of 2015 was the spark that set fire to ego, and united the movements of consciousness. The long awaited chance to defuse exponential exploitation had arrived, and the tiny Blue Dot was almost ready to meet the stars. Once a whisper, the call had reached crescendo: Create, Connect, Converge!

/r/sciencefiction: ^- Negative/Dystopian Narratives limit our imagination and may help create what we fear. Where are the stories of positive, instructive (near-term), sci-fi based in equality, cooperation, connectivity and civil abundance?

The post also contained the full text of yesterday’s: Negative Narratives (or, do you believe in fate Neo?) — Are we consumed by a fearful reactive state? Is constant exposure to negative narrative creating the future we fear?

I have to give credit to /u/FuturePrimative for giving me the idea to ask /r/sciencefiction about the stories that I am looking for.

/r/sorceryofthespectacle: Hyperstition on /r/sciencefiction — negative narratives — where are the stories? I linked this subreddit in because they’re pretty interested in this stuff and might have some good input.

Pretty much replying to the replies… its a late night. I want to have the replies done for the morning so that discussion may continue with some fresh input. Aaand it’s 5AM. This is a good example of why 9–5 “employment” is a distraction against social participation. And its 6:30 zzzzzzz..

One of the last conversations I participated in last night, having all kinds of fun!

