Mapping the mind simulation (and how to save the worlds)

Brian Vereschagin
61 min readNov 1, 2017


By Brian Vereschagin

The most ineffective thing you can do as an activist is try to change the world. Knowledge is power, and therefore the modern human is controlled through ignorance. Slavery is achieved by trapping the mind in an arbitrary reality tunnel composed of unwholesome memes. The simulated reality is so far from truth that agency is robbed from every intention. Every thought has a false premise.

The dream state, which now holds most of the world prisoner, blankets us all in depression. This feeling of powerlessness and apathy towards living is a direct result of processing a reality so far from the truth. Depression is the feeling that all possibilities have been extinguished from the current perspective. No one is to blame for this, and we all have the power to face the truth of our existence. Our suffering will continue to intensify until we take responsibility for ourselves.

Ignorance of our full potential chains us to cycles of destruction and suffering. The greatest treasure of the whole universe is now available to each of us. Initiation into the higher realms of existence is your birthright. The keys to the kingdom, and our collective evolution, have escaped the control of the renegade priest class. You are the hero the world needs, and your freedom is a priceless gift to us all.

Before we continue, I would like to offer the reader some contextual details about this writing. I originally intended for it to be just another essay in the series, but it was going so great that I had to continue the brain dump well past a reasonable length. This turned out to be a pretty good outline for the book I am currently working on through this series of essays. This might be the most life-changing thing you read all year. Even so, the final sections have been quickly summarized to perfectly segue into my next works which are now almost completed. I have numbered the paragraphs for reading and discussion convenience.

4 The upliftment and evolution of our species is a process that concerns every single living creature on this planet. The power of the elite is confined to the dream state; they do not have the power to change the world. The human body is a universal machine, built to navigate the cosmos. Once unleashed from the confines of simulated reality we become more powerful and more valuable to each other than any machine or treasure ever known. This is your destiny.

5 We all share this great potential, but we each have our own unique journey and experiences. Our path in life has shaped our own unique perspective on reality, and our material conditions and abilities. Life on earth is a complete mess, but we share much in common which is the root cause of our daily struggles. The culture of domination and helpless mediation is now a global phenomenon. Our individual struggle for freedom is a collective struggle.

6 Mass initiation into higher realms of existence is the only critical activism. All of society’s institutions emerge from the collective consciousness of the individual. The only way to change the world is to change the individual: yourself. New and wonderful culture then emerges, but it can only be recognized and fully participated in by the Others. This is the most critical and urgent challenge our species has ever faced.

7 Reality as we perceive it doesn’t really exist. The mind objectifies complex processes into a simulation which is overlaid upon the senses. Objectification is a shortcut which precludes looking deeply into anything. We treat our world like a rational computer, and we program ourselves within it. This is how we rationalize the exploitation of our own body and accept programming from others.

8 We treat our body as an object by identifying ourselves as objects: a religion, an employee, a gang, a race, a country. We subject ourselves and others to this categorical judgement with guilt and shame. These programs give our power and authority to the dream states which they create. One who conforms to an identity is not an individual, but is very divided. Bound to identity, they interact with a tribal consciousness, as if wearing govcorp skinsuits, oblivious to the beings behind the masks.

9 The strategy of divide and conquer can be seen in full effect all around the world. A population in constant conflict with each other remains weak and powerless; so easy to manipulate. Through clinging to our own identities and tribes, we project onto others the assumption that they do the same. Navigation by judgement leaves us completely blind to the real human beings behind the whitewash of the minds objectifications. Nothing could be more foreign to such views than an individual who identifies with no tribe but the one tribe, and who assumes full responsibility for themselves.

10 Individual sovereignty and self-ownership is the hallmark of a liberated, or awakened, individual. The false idea of the self and its anxieties over life give way to a body, with feelings and experiences. So much irrational fear dies, along with the simplified version of life the mind was clinging to. A great oneness may be experienced beyond the divisions of the mind, and reality may be perceived beyond space and time. This individual can no longer be programmed and controlled by fiat memes.

11 Fiat memes treat the self and others as objects, diverging from natural isomorphisms, without awareness or consideration for the resultant experiences. Fiat memes are inherently parasitic as the entire body, its feelings and experiences are cut off in favor of the mind’s ungrounded object-oriented reality. Govcorp skinsuit identities exploit this fiat reality tunnel to harness the power of the individual with alien motives of the dream state. Initiation through the body is the only innoculation against this meaningless exploitation of the self and others. We have enslaved ourselves, and this unconsciousness threatens to annihilate our humanity, if not our species.

12 The body is the master gateway. It is guarded by a self object, or false ego, which fears its own annihilation above all else. To experience and perceive the body beyond this simplistic objectification of the mind is to question the reality of all objects including the self. The parasitic memes which exploited the self object, to motivate the body, lost their grip on the host, leaving a great freedom in their wake, but also great new responsibilities. New gifts and abilities of the body become active which enable us to navigate this more universal reality.

13 The self object is the nexus of programming through which the mind dominates the body. Psychosocial attacks such as intimidation or being called ugly or stupid may permanently depress the behavior and health of a body dominated by mind. Foreign powers also employ and exploit the body through the govcorp skinsuit identity mechanism, or through more primitive and localized forms of this tribal consciousness, manifesting in family or social drama and power dynamics. These conflicting and harmful identities pull the body through life, like a puppet suspended by many strings. It is impossible to directly relate to a body dominated in this way by mind because the self is mediated by skinsuit, and deeper beyond this shallow identity is a great unexplored emptiness.

14 A civilization dominated by tribal consciousness programs the self to accept external authority and motivation. We unconsciously accept our reality tunnel and identities as the matter-of-fact reality and believe that nothing can be done about them. The body is propelled through the mind’s pinball machine, unaware of itself and its full potential to participate in creation. A society of such alien and unconscious motives teaches and rewards submission and dependence on extreme mediation. By knowing the body beyond mind we are able to open our hearts and directly relate to each other with original authority beyond skinsuit mediation.

15 We can not be told what to do; each of us has a unique situation to navigate. While it is possible to be programmed with wholesome culture, initiation through the body is required to judge it as such. Everything we do has to be questioned, there is just too much for anyone but yourself to tell you what to do. By discovering our own power and authority within, we become an individual, capable of recognizing alien motives which weaken and divide us. As individuals, we can also recognize the wholesome cultural geometries which emerge from a society of peers.

16 It is not necessary or even possible to change all at once. Only in recent millennia has our species began to awaken from the dreams of animal life to individual consciousness. And only in recent centuries has a critical mass of this consciousness begun to overcome the weaponized ignorance that the renegade priest class has used to harness our power to the dream state. We are very advanced along the program of uprooting which holds our physical bodies captive to extreme mediation. By recognizing the conditions to the existence of our body, we become aware of a great cultural void and understand the need for our collective healing which is well underway.

17 Awareness of the body reveals the deep scarring of generational trauma which we continue to inflict on ourselves. The culture of domination and submission to external authority within each of us continues to keep us divided and conquered by anti-human motives. Alienated from each other, we unconsciously choose competition over cooperation, exporting suffering and scarcity upon those less fortunate. To love the other we must first love our self, and to love our self we must directly feel and experience and know the body beyond the mind’s reality simulation. With heart open and mind aware, the empathic journey to the Others is incredibly painful, but necessary for the process of healing and the higher evolution of our species.

18 It is very difficult for most of us to find meaningful human connections with each other. Our bodies are pushed through life in the bondage of fake identities. Behind the masks we wear there is hidden trauma of domination too painful to uncover and confront. Deep in the dark dungeon of our minds we still hold captive the innocent inner child we once were. Like a pedophile’s wet dream, the body is completely dependent on the alien skinsuit, unable to resist, and no fight left in those dead eyes.

19 It’s a sort of cosmic irony that healing from trauma is how we become more whole and universal. Those who are too comfortable remain the least likely to transform themselves. On the other hand, we are taught to drown our pain and anxiety with drugs and alcohol, rather than confront the existential emergency of our captive body. Blessed with experience to awaken from the long fever dream, and reborn with limitless potential, we are cursed to see those dead eyes of our brothers and sisters who would build a new world with us. Thankfully our numbers are growing exponentially as planetary suffering accelerates in this late stage of tribal capitalism.

20 It is disturbing to notice the stunning precision of the physical and mental matrix. It has hijacked our spectacle of reality, the rational experience of objects and their events, and completely mediated our being with parasitic programming. All vulnerabilities have been methodically exploited to ensure we are kept so far from the possibility of awakening to self-awareness. Even so, it would be foolish and irresponsible to entertain conspiracy theories of total world domination by the few. These systems emerge and evolve through replication of simple programs at the root of our common behaviors.

21 We are personally held hostage to this programming until proper initiation of the individual has taken place. Then we are held hostage by the unconscious captivity of those around us. The truth sets you free, but many are stuck along the way to varying degrees. The simulation which most of us are running without choice selects for and rewards low-empathy actors and behaviors. It is important to realize that the vast majority of individuals at various levels of wealth and power within the simulation are innocent at heart but remain captivated and motivated by ignorance.

22 A very small percentage of humanity is actually incapable of experiencing empathy for others. This decreased internal resistance to dominating, exploiting, and even harming or killing others is selected for by rewarding the most sociopathic and homicidal of us with wealth and power in the dream state. The most grotesque concentrations of wealth and power, including those within govcorp and shadow govcorp, are held almost exclusively by this minority. Cultures and religions have emerged long ago to codify and legitimize the natural order of deception and exploitation, which we as tribal animals were not yet ready to transcend. Virtually all cultures and religions since then have been compromised by this order.

23 The vast majority of humans on this planet are gentle and compassionate beings who want to live in peace. These ideals are in direct conflict with our own actual behaviors which unconsciously sustain our collective exploitation and destruction. Most of our recent evolution has shaped us into very social and cooperative beings, contrary to our current programming which is leaving us isolated and empty inside. The identities which we execute within these arbitrary reality tunnels bind us in slavery to modern-day pyramid schemes. We are now responsible for a new grand conspiracy in which love grants the courage to open our hearts to each other and unleash the holocultural society.

24 The key to understanding the difference between a network and a hierarchy lies within the individual. Hierarchies are formed by chains of command and control, in other words, individual authority is mediated by a management structure. Individuals acting within a network remain autonomous and peer directly with each other to their full capacity. Hierarchies are unable to utilize even a small fraction of the individual’s true potential in society. Being totally occupied with a simple specialty, the roots of existence are scattered from the body like bloody entrails which nourish the parasitic skinsuits.

25 Hierarchies are said to be efficient, but efficient at what? Profit is an alien motive, divorced from the needs of the host bodies. The only needs to be satisfied are those which can be exploited to further the concentration of power. The uninitiated body, being vulnerable to deceptive spectacle, is unable to distinguish substance from appearance, and selects from govcorp an increasingly hollow and unsatisfying existence. With the poverty of this alien function clearly exposed, the network is waking up out of pure necessity to meet the real human needs that the dream state cannot.

26 As a living organism, the body does not simply end at the skin. There is a continuous flow with the environment which is required to sustain the body. All phenomena which we experience are conditioned upon long chains of conditions of increasing complexity through the environment, through our body, our mind, and up to the reality simulation we use to navigate this continuous flow. Our most basic roots into the earth include breathing, sheltering, and obtaining food and water. Taking these for granted may lead to death of the body.

27 By securing access to these basic needs, outside of the dream state, it becomes possible to free the body of alien motives without incurring death. The ideal is to bring these roots back under the direct influence of the individual, but in practice we need to rely partly on community with others. As a society, we can observe this transition in the awareness and demand to buy local food, as well as personal food gardens and meal preparation. Decentralization, or disintermediation, is a process of becoming whole again, independent of foreign influence and control. Like returning a farm animal to the wild, there is much to learn and prepare, as well as an angry farmer to deal with.

28 Food literally grows on trees. Nature already does most of the work for us, and automation is increasingly doing the rest. Everyone has to eat food, and so the replication and improvement of efficient farming and gardening techniques is a critical activity which benefits everyone. By directing the bounty of this infrastructure towards local human needs, instead of alien extraction, abundance is eventually realized. Global supply chains are unable to compete in areas where local supply is overwhelming the demand.

29 Ownership of private property including land and the means of production to satisfy needs is a natural right. The schemes and institutions of govcorp fail to satisfy the needs of the vast majority because the prime directive is power over others at all cost. It is up to individuals to recognize our common struggle and share their talents and resources to lift up those around them. The farmers of men know well that dividing us from each other through fear is the key to our control. As we open our hearts to each other and begin to realize our true potential, the real face of terror will be seen in the death-throes of the govcorp dream state.

30 Power in the dream state derives from the ability to control and manipulate others. Vast concentrations of wealth and power could not be maintained by a single individual; it completely depends on the domination of others. The bodies controlled through basic needs, the mind by government fake IDs. Sleepless dreamers neatly packed, into stacks they can’t relax. Always knowing what to do, when the dream is living you.

31 We think ourselves to be individuals, as our identities divide our behaviors in so many ways. We think that having money will make us free and independent, while being a slave to it, in complete dependence on govcorp for existence. We think we are good, while denying our responsibility for the necessary evils of existence. We wish for peace and harmony, yet ensure continual conflict through extremely polarized black-and-white thinking. There is no answer for any of this except to calm the mind and pay attention, to witness our own thoughts and directly observe the hypocrisy.

32 The mind divides everything into neat little boxes, rationalizing all experience. This is good and necessary, but without the ability to be aware of its processing, of what it’s doing, we remain trapped in the activity. By observing the mind, and passively witnessing our thoughts, without identifying ourselves in them, the body gains an ability to step back and choose which thoughts to engage. The body is an incredibly complex machine, providing us with access to senses, thoughts, and consciousness; the entire universe in one small package. Awareness of the body and its true significance is the ultimate source of autonomy and sovereignty over existing societal programming.

33 The body is subject to the same conditional existence, the rational logic of cause and effect, as its environment. Every phenomenon we experience through the senses is the result of such order and conditions of the whole. Our senses are our most fundamental connection to the forms of the material world. The brain sits in a dark and wet skull, sense organs mediate the connection with nerve impulses and this is as close as we get. No religion or philosophy will ever approach the simple truth of what’s right here and now for us to observe.

34 So much continually unique phenomena are experienced through the senses. Nothing is ever the same, yet the mind recognizes patterns out of the chaos. Much of the information received is summarized automatically into objects and events. If we had to process the form of each blade of grass rather than seeing a lawn, we would be paralyzed. Through the delusion of discursive and analytical thought, the mind presents a spectacle of reality, enabling rational navigation for the body.

35 Objects do not exist outside context, just as words do not have a solid meaning, independent of other words. Failure to perceive the conditions which lead to the experience of objects as solid things, in and of themselves, binds the individual to a categorically programmed reality. Our intentions to act upon reality initiate the simulation of reality in which the objective is solved as a memeplex, incorporating the entire cosmology of all relevant objects with a narrative of their interrelationships. This is done continuously so long as the mind is propelled by intentions, typically stemming from needs and desires. Through meditation and careful attention, the substance behind the appearance of spectacle can be revealed.

36 The reality simulation provides us with a narrow approximation of reality based upon our own experiences. If we are paying attention to learn from our mistakes and trauma and suffering we find our behavior increasingly harmonizes with our environment. We all share the challenge of a body’s journey through life and so find that our maps of how to live skillfully are isomorphically convergent with each other. Life’s experiences and the dedication to finding truth put us all at various unique perspectives within this common effort.

37 You are always changing. You are not the same you as you were 5, 10, 20 or 30 years ago, and yet, something special has always remained deep within. This accumulation of discursive spectacle, and the calcification of the self to numinous identities throughout life have driven us farther from the truth of this mystery and farther from each other. It is natural and necessary to develop the rational facilities of the mind and its scientific pursuit of knowledge, but a failure to turn this pursuit inward upon the self is the greatest tragedy. This is the omega protocol, whose doctrine of liberation can now be recognized around every corner.

38 If you think that words can be objectively and universally defined, you have been infected. If you navigate society by judging people into behavioral categories, rather than connecting with unique living beings, you have the disease. If you are afraid to truly express yourself and maintain fake identities to the satisfaction of others, you are suffering from the post-modern condition which your anxieties will continue to hint at. By allowing your mind to dominate your innocent inner child, you unconsciously perpetuate this domination and terror over others. Earth Prime, the real planet Earth, where the Others have gathered to help manifest a higher existence, awaits, and we need your help.

39 Holoculture is wholesome culture in which the entire organizational context is available to be used, replicated, and remixed by any individual. The open-source nature of holoculture gives the individual complete authority and autonomy of participation. Holoculture is memetically propagated as determined by the individual and the ability to recognize and participate. Each individual is able to meet their own local needs in direct cooperation with others. The human needs which alien motives leave vastly unsatisfied, can be properly met by individuals operating under their own authority.

40 It can never be overstated how much of a depression parasitic culture is upon humanity. The parasite knows that it will die if the host dies, and so allows a minimal life support. The parasite also knows that if the host becomes strong enough, it will be thrown off the back. For this reason, the host is maintained at the absolute maximum of disease, without killing the host. This is no longer a viable strategy as the limits of growth for this cancer have already lead us to terminal cannibalism.

41 Debt money is the most advanced and shameless extreme of parasitic culture yet known. Entire economies are centrally directed towards the maintenance of control and further concentration of power. By supporting and valuing these technologies, we unconsciously legitimize the continuing horrors of the past which were inflicted upon humanity to result in the modern arrangements of power. History is a fake and overly simplified program to ensure your continued submission of authority to such arrangements. Only by encountering the truth of our condition, through introspection, can we appreciate even a hint of what has really happened to us in the past and to this day.

42 The institutions of society which emerge from the geometries of holocultural peering appear vastly different from the parasitic geometries of domination. The models for these two approaches to society may be called the holocultural stack and the dream stack respectively. While both stacks have been available to us for a long time, it is the holocultural stack which flows from the evolution of our individual consciousness. The awakening of humanity has been increasingly challenged by a slipping back into the tribal consciousness of the dream state and an extreme dependence on its stack. Real human connections with each other have become increasingly rare and precious, but many of us are still lucky enough to know of this potential.

43 Family is one of the last institutions in modern times to still support meaningful human connections with each other. Love between individuals and for any children they may create brings us close to the mysteries of life and opens our hearts to each other. Even so, most of what was once directly lived and experiences together has been replaced by an accumulation of spectacles. The generations have been disconnected, the sexes have been ruined for each other, and home economics completely forgotten. Grandparents are put into a home, replaced by daycare and tv for the kids, cooking and mealtime by food service and communication by social media.

44 Terminal competition for the last scraps of growth has lead to an ever deeper reach of commodification into once holocultural activities. The long process of uprooting can be seen in all of our major institutions from the family and economy to governance, education, religion, and media. In each area of activity, we can see how the dream stack disables and actively guards against the substantial human intention behind it, while crudely sustaining the appearance of satisfaction. No single institution has been spared from this deception.

45 Our politics of representative democracy is a complete stage show for the masses. We are completely disabled as individual participants by the idea that one can represent many. Furthermore, our opinions are subtly manufactured by propaganda such that the majority is ruled by the few through exploitation of ignorance. The individual is always disabled when interacting with govcorp dream states because the function is control above all else. If we confront the darkness in our hearts, we can clearly understand our continuing support for the literal rape of our planet and our children taken by our leaders.

46 Dream states are made of people. It’s a shared dream, an illusion of some greater entity, beyond the individual who submits to it as real. By valuing currency or even gold or bitcoins we submit our power to the dream states that they create. We unconsciously empower, through a sort of soft slavery, those who hoard and control the majority of these symbols of power. Therefore, most of the world’s wealth is an illusion which simply represents the ability to control masses of people.

47 Money does not give you freedom, it binds you to its logic of scarcity and commodification of the things that once satisfied our human needs. Instead of cooperating with each other, we are paralyzed by the illusion of money, and unsatisfied by the unsubstantial spectacle of its commodities. Our atomization and so-called independence from each other is an unnecessary duplication of many resources which could easily be shared with each other. When we share with each other we directly weaken the dream state and empower our local community. It is the responsibility of the individual, especially those most well off, to benefit the lives of those around them, and help to reverse the extraction of wealth from ourselves and our communities.

48 It is no coincidence that meeting needs through sharing or self-sufficiency, especially for free, is shamed in this society. How dare you exploit the generosity of others, who work hard for what they have? How can you ride the stinky bus with all the other bums? How can you sleep in your car without even paying rent or mortgage? We are made to feel guilty when we free ourselves through community and self-sufficiency.

49 Govcorp is not your friend; it is not there to help you. The only function of govcorp is to exploit you for power by giving you the hollow representation, the appearance of what you want, while leaving you empty inside. What you really want as a human being is priceless and cannot be bought with money. By cooperating outside the dream state, we retain and multiply our wealth while relating to each other meaningfully. Only through our individual awareness can we rebuild humanity from the cold and alien wasteland of the dream state.

50 The modern system of education will never teach our children how to create and live this more wholesome and fulfilling life together. The spectacle of education as a commodity appears in the form of schooling, like fish in a factory where the product is a dominated mind, unquestioning and obedient. The mind is filled with relentless trivia as the coals and sparks of self-awareness and rebellion are stamped out. Finally, a piece of paper qualifies the individual for a govcorp skinsuit of varying quality depending on the money spent and available inside connections, if any. When the spectacle hits reality, most of the trivia is proven useless, and the individual is scarcely prepared for work or life.

51 School as a point of authority dispensing arbitrary dogma, is opposed to the natural learning capacities of the individual. When we deeply understand the inner workings of our environment, the way an engineer manipulates a system, we become dynamically effective in ways that simple memorization cannot offer. The mind naturally tries to apprehend what is seen before it, and builds a model of reality which allows the individual to copy behaviors and results accurately. When doctrine is designed and expressed to illuminate the deep inner workings of an activity, it empowers the individual to autonomously manipulate reality. This type of doctrine is different from arbitrary dogma in that its purpose is to facilitate memetic replication of behavior between individuals.

52 There appears to be a grand order to the universe, it’s like everything happens for a reason. The idea of cause and effect is the basis for all scientific exploration. The spectacle of scientism is an endless reduction of complex phenomena to simple concepts for the mind, often neglecting the subjectivity of the observer. Being lost in this arbitrary objectivity, scientific pursuit becomes ungrounded from the senses, and twisted to trivial or inhuman ends. The body, its senses and experiences of phenomena, is the basis for a meaningful pursuit of knowledge.

53 All phenomena are conditioned by and condition many other phenomena. When conditions are no longer present, the dependent phenomenal complex is no longer present. The body is not an exception, we are right in the middle of this mess, but this is only a half truth. Consciousness or even life itself is not constrained to a single body, whose strength and beauty is a testament to the eternal process of life which works through us. Just as ever more suitable and harmonious genes are selected for the body in its environment, so to are memes selected for the environment, including culture between other bodies.

54 The body is the most universally shared aspect of our environment, common to the experience of all individuals. It is also the center of our personal experience. We can not recognize the significance and meaning of anything, before we recognize the significance and meaning of our body. Knowing the self and how to master it as a part of our environment is not something that we have to do alone. While we can learn the hard way, through our own experience, we can also discuss and develop expressions of relevant wisdom with others.

55 Religious or spiritual teachings are a fundamental part of human culture. Throughout life, our awareness inevitably comes to the self and we question our existence: who am I? What is the meaning of life? Without getting into corrupted hierarchical organizations we can identify a basic model which emerges from sharing and convergence upon cultural behaviors between individuals along any category of knowledge including the transcendental. Ideally, we have an executive body of individuals interacting through guilds, which embody and express archetypes by aligning to models of reality. The convergence of culture manifests as disciplined individuals discussing and developing doctrine of the archetypes from various perspectives.

56 The application of knowledge always involves intentional action through a body. The quality of the results depends on the quality of the program we execute, and how closely it maps to the underlying territory of causality. Everything we do, every intentional act involves a set of memes which are bound up in the context of our personal model of the territory. The artifacts which result from our actions give direct hints of our personal models to others. Through the cultivation of discipline, and the development and discussion of doctrine, the culture among many individuals may converge upon ideal archetypes.

57 Religion or spirituality has always been motivated by the most fundamental questions of the nature of being; how the body relates to the whole and navigates existence. All religions share a significant and substantial set of isomorphisms between their maps, because they were all made by humans for humans who could perceive the higher realms of existence we all share. While all religions are convergent upon higher realms of order, they all exist in various states of corruption and incompleteness. Of all the prophets who experienced and expressed enlightenment, the Buddha has created the most successful legacy of liberation, and the only doctrine to pierce the illusion of spectacle.

58 The Buddha is a master archetype. The Dharma is its most basic model of reality; the conditionality and impermanence of all phenomena. The Sangha could be called the Buddha guild, and is constituted by the convergent actions of disciplined individuals. The abhidhamma is like a complete operational manual, phenomenologically breaking down the process of experience that we all share in common, but rarely consciously observe and experiment with. Furthermore, no other doctrine is as effective, or even capable of ultimate liberation, through unbinding from illusion of permanence and false pleasure, especially regarding the self

59 Doctrine facilitates cultural convergence between individuals upon ideal archetypes of human behavior. Doctrine is the result of this intention, and when passed among many individuals becomes refined through memetic selection. Holoculture depends on the replication of wholesome memes, whose entire organizational context is available to the individual, free of any dream state mediation and enforced information asymmetries. This open-source function is critical to the natural evolution of culture, and the autonomy of the individual. The network society depends on collections of such material which can be freely replicated between individuals in the context of guilds.

60 Doctrine comes in many forms and media. Traditionally it was passed orally between individuals as story, song, dance, ritual, etc. All of these must be properly interpreted by the disciple and this can be facilitated by direct communication with a master. With the introduction of written word and other modern forms of media, doctrine may be available without guidance, and the memes underlying this artifact material may go unrecognized. This is especially dangerous as language emerges from the spectacle of reality, which the mind fabricates, potentially binding the reader to surface level illusions (delusions).

61 Just as genes are selected towards an ideal suitability of forms in relation to facets of the physical environment, so too are archetypes, or archmemes, the ideal forms towards which memes are selected, for suitability corresponding to facets of the social or cultural environment. Just as nature will never produce a perfectly ideal lung, or foot, so too will human behavior never perfectly embody an archetype. The territory of geometries in this ideal realm is incredibly complex, being conditioned by many different environments, bodies, and cultural impressions. The pioneering of new facets of human behavior, when conducted out of a shared necessity, may result in memetic selection and replication depending on the quality of the map or program in relation to the conditions of the underlying geometric order. This process of cultural evolution depends on individual creativity and experimentation.

62 Culture in the network society is open-source, allowing access to the full organizational context of any particular behavior or process. This is critical to the ability of the individual to remix and replicate cultural patterns free of dream state enclosures. The patent system further demonstrates how our institutions prevent from occurring what they claim to facilitate. Nothing new is invented outside the context of previous advancements; we stand on the shoulders of giants. Intellectual property and patent laws massively depress the potential impact of humanity’s latest advancements, limiting their use and evolution to the motives of a single controlling entity.

63 Furthermore, technological and scientific progress within the context of control and the concentration of power will always turn out as a corrupted spectacle. Without individual concern and participation in the evolution of all facets of culture, the commodification undertaken to exploit this void will always result in the optimization of appearance at the expense of substance. The culture and technology produced under a control and exploitation motive will always turn out to be unwholesome. All efforts are made to ensure that the consumer remains dependant, and can be cut off with no way to satisfy the need on their own. Much of what we call progress is a cultural dead end and is barely salvageable for use in network society.

64 The network society depends on initiated individuals, who are able to recognize and determine the meanings of symbolic artifacts, independent of the programmed delusions of a homogeneously shared map of meaning. This recognizes that individual expression is highly varied depending on experience, and care must be taken when interpreting expressions so that our own map and mind does not trample and obscure the original intention behind the expression. A mind still bound to spectacle is used to being deterministically programmed, and has trouble with uncertainty and the navigation of self and peer authority. Authority is not mediated in the network context, and therefore peers do not command each other, but memetically converge their models for harmonious cooperation. When doctrine takes the form of protocol instructions, it may be mistaken for a command and rejected by the mind for lack of authority.

65 Blindly following instructions is not a valuable activity in a network context, but understanding what they were crafted to illuminate is the point. By intuitively lifting memes from artifacts left in the wake of the actions of others, our own memeplex may converge with those others, enabling a replication of behavior including intention and results. Better yet we can directly observe the actions of others and not just the results. Even better, they could intentionally attempt to generalize their behavior into a symbolic expression. This could be as simple as mundane protocols for daily tasks, or as complex as vast mythoscapes crafted to illuminate and awaken the universal order within us.

66 By collecting and ordering doctrine according to archetype, through its guild, we become responsible for the evolution of culture and collective convergence upon higher order. Archetypes are like hats that you can wear to evoke facets of the ideal landscape of behavior. Traditional Hindu society identifies four main categories of human social activity: research, including priests, teachers, and scholars: management, including rulers, warriors, and administrators: exchange, including farmers and merchants: and production, including laborers, and service providers. Categories of social and tribal identity also function as ideal archetypes but these are more often about conformity and mass programming than developing individual capacities. In any case, a self-awareness is required to avoid possession of the body by these identities and archetypes.

67 The uninitiated mind becomes bound to the spectacle of identity, believing the archetype to have a concrete and commonly shared meaning, without actively exploring and expressing its definition. This passive execution of behavioral programming gives possession of the body to outside forces. A good employee, a good husband, a hard worker, a productive member of society, a patriot, a jock, a nerd, a princess, are all examples of archetypes which individuals are shamed into conforming to. Beyond identification with our profession, we are further encrusted into our work roles by certificates and qualifications which cost time and money and amount to little more than superficial bureaucracy. We are pigeon-holed into highly specialized roles, and are made to feel guilty for never living up to the ideals and expectations of the masks we wear for others.

68 What have we become? Generational trauma and a giant sucking cultural void has replaced the wholesome culture which was once passed to our children. Commodity spectacles take advantage of our every facet of helplessness, inverting our intentions against us as appearance without substance. The sickcare system, for example, does not care for your health. Who is honestly going to care about the quality of your lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and hygiene, other than yourself?

69 The objective advancements of our knowledge and capabilities in the sciences, including medicine, cannot be discounted, however the alien commodity spectacle is motivated by sickness, not health. Concentration of power in the dream state can not motivate the prevention of illness or remedy the root causes of illness. The most profitable pharmaceutical commodities are those which maintain disease and consumer dependence. You can pay a life coach to tell you to pay a nutrition coach and a personal chef to take care of your diet, and pay a fitness coach to manage your exercise, but these people will secretly want you to depend on them indefinitely, and who can afford this? The personal health of your mind and body is a clear example of the failure of commodity spectacle and the necessity of holoculture.

70 Recognizing and confronting and accepting the horrific traumas that we have inflicted on ourselves and each other is a process that inevitably happens with the right experience. No informed consent is possible because the truth is beyond the spectacle, upon which our identity and whole perception of reality is founded. When truth strikes, we are released into madness, an itch of such irresistible clarity annihilates the fake life that lived us, and the process of initiation takes hold. In a sense, we are like a newborn baby, but we still carry our past experiences, which all take on new meaning.

71 We open our eyes for the first time to see that we are surrounded by still illusioned beings who can not seem to understand what is wrong. The physical matrix that conditions our existence is still fully functional, meaning that if we quit our job to process this existential crisis, we may not be existing for long. We start to look like a malfunctioning appliance for questioning the ultimate meaninglessness of our employment and our cold disconnection from each other. Rather than the guidance that we need to complete our hero’s journey and come home, we are prescribed anti-depressants and other pharmaceuticals which attempt to stop the irreversible process of truth within us. The spectacle of mental health care can only hope to give the appearance of a return to productivity, while substantially halting the healing process.

72 We are so far advanced along the path of cultural destruction that most of us can not even recognize wholesome culture, beyond revulsion. The socio-economic system which has firmly rooted itself into the global culture can be called zombie capitalism. The key to this distinction is a subject who is divided in every way against their self, adrift at sea with no captain at the helm. Every single need that we have is being met by forces outside of our control or influence. Of course we feel helpless to do anything, we feel that we have no choice, but we did have a choice, we chose to slip into a coma, and out of necessity we can choose to take back what we have lost.

73 There has always been a class of initiates who understood and exploited the cultural void left by self-ignorance. However, it’s not up to them, or anyone but yourself to undertake your own initiation and wake yourself up from the eternal dream. Our collective delusions and the exploitation thereof will continue to manifest as war, famine, disease, and most importantly, your suffering, in every single way, until we take responsibility for ourselves. Your dreams, desires, and hopes for the future of everything you love are not actually a part of the program that you unconsciously execute. The beatings will continue until awareness improves.

74 Our true potential is not limited to the idle consumption and execution of programming within the deterministic confines of our genes and culture. We have the ability not only to choose for ourselves, but also to create with individual self-awareness. Nearly every single action we take as zombie capitalists is executed in the context of tribal identities and govcorp skinsuits, all of which are external harnesses of control and power. If further evolution along this path is even possible, it is certain to be even more dark and diseased. The creation and selection of wholesome culture is the responsibility of individuals who are aware of themselves in relation to others, beyond identity and status.

75 The project of every liberated being, who has nonetheless retained a strong sense of empathy and compassion, has been to express the nature of our delusions and the light of our common existence. The project of the renegade priest class on the other hand has been to keep these silly notions, which might unite us as brothers and sisters, from us, mediating our access to so called god, and dividing us against each other. As an institution, religion has taken all of our most powerful and wholesome myth, and twisted it into the darkest forces of ignorance and corruption. This corruption of reality has been carried through to all of our modern institutions. What the renegade priest class has done to enforce ignorance even dominates the way we do science and technology.

76 The primary schism of duality instituted by the renegade priest class is at the root of all corruption, manifesting as division and polarization seen all throughout society. The continual conflict, destruction, poverty, and senseless suffering, including the fact that you are too busy and stressed out to do anything about it, is all a direct result of a metaphysical corruption first instituted as religion and carried through to all the institutions of modern culture. The original purpose of the primary schism was to harness the minds of people and pull them under the influence of external forces. This basic function can be directly observed in nearly every facet of modern society. Even atheism is a triumph of ancient religious corruption, offering nothing but reinforcement of the primary schism.

77 The primary schism was instituted in religion as a god that is separate from the material world, whose divinity is separate from the profane. This god is not wholesome in that it has condemned and separated itself from the devil, in other words, it has created the polarized conflict of good versus evil. This metaphysical exploit can be observed at the root of all that we would perceive as evil and twists what we perceive as good towards the very same darkness. The primary schism is an illusion of division and duality in what is an inseparable unity: yin and yang, subject and object, immanent and transcendent, physical and metaphysical, matter and spirit, divine and profane, ideal and manifest, etc. The modern result of this schism is a subject completely alienated from the emotions, reflexes, and experiences of their own body, and therefore others, in favor of the spectacle of deterministic programming via identities.

78 It is no easy task to unravel the ideological harness which binds us in conflict with our self and others. The human body has evolved to naturally bridge and navigate the universal duality of existence, and the abyss of its illusion. In fact, the masculine and feminine principles are a polarization which has manifested in harmony with the duality of immanence and transcendence, or matter and its order. The human body is made up of so many layers of complexity which condition its existence, and these layers of complexity carry on through the body and through the brain, culminating in the simulation of reality and its conceptualization of universal order. By studying sexual polarization within ourself and others, we can gain an appreciation for the challenges of existence, and the tragedy of the schism between man and woman, enforced by the renegade priest class.

79 Even in the most extreme examples, we can see that the immanence of the divine feminine and the transcendence of the divine masculine are inseparable. To plant a seed and sustain the body with its fruits requires a whole cosmology of order, bound up in narrative which hopefully matches the conditionality of material unfolding. All intentional action, no matter how imminently motivated, is bound up in the reality simulation whose order transcends the immanent. Likewise, when trying to recognize and express the general principles of botanical ecology which transcend specifically observed cases, we are bound to symbolic representations as artifacts within matter, such as words on paper. This is why we can never perfectly embody ideal or spiritual principles, and why all expressions of the order of matter is immediately corrupted.

80 Every single human being experiences the immanent world around them in a subjective manner, but what we sense is paid very little attention in favor of the spectacle of reality. Everything in our environment, including our own bodies, is recognized as transcendent objects and events, while glossing over the lived and unique experiences of existence. What began as an unwholesome polarization of god to the transcendent principle, called good, and its schizophrenic counterpart the devil to the immanent principle, called evil, has resulted in a modern subject completely alienated and condemned to insignificance. Modern science and technology perfectly reflect this religious dogma, attempting to pursue complete objectivity and service to capital, without regard for the subject. This subject, our inner child, our inner voice, the boundless life force which brought us here through countless births, remains locked deep in the dungeon of each of our minds.

81 The masculine-feminine dynamic is a natural phenomenon which anyone can study to illuminate universal order for themselves. Before proceeding, it has to be understood that modern society has severely corrupted and crippled this dynamic by favoring the masculine principle of objective rationality and condemning the feminine principle of subjective emotionality. This is not merely the domination and abuse of women in society, but the domination and abuse of the subjective experience within all of us. The masculine and feminine principles are absolutely inseparable, even within sexually polarized (attractive) individuals. Any attempt to sanctify one, while condemning the other, as in the domination of mind over body, will always result in an imbalance and a corruption so twisted as to be nearly unrecognizable.

82 Within the confines of the ego-identity mind matrix, and the physical matrix of the commodity spectacle, the masculine drive for freedom and the feminine drive for security are grossly misdirected. There is very little real security to be found in the consumption of products from the just-in-time global supply chain, nor in leveraging debt to pretend to own things like a house or car. Conversely, there is very little real freedom to be found in promotions to higher status of employment, or greater monetary income. In a society dominated by deception and exploitation, nothing is given which cannot be taken away. For this reason, local ownership of the means of production, in other words, disintermediation or decentralization, is the only wholesome path to both liberty and security.

83 The primary schism has our reality confined to a stunted growth pattern. Our immanent feeling and view of who we are in this world does not extent beyond a limited conception of the mind which clings to a very narrow definition of the self. Individuals who are alienated from each other in this way are missing out on a vast potential of culture and technology which would enable them relate directly to each other. This stunted view of self and culture enforces a fearful perspective because we calculate that everyone else is as selfish and fearful as we are. This metaphysical impairment severely restricts the emergence of wholesome culture and limits our relations to material judgements.

84 Once we recognize the extremes upon which our reality is polarized, we are able to discern whether our actions, and those of others, are rooted in fear or love. We can see how the commodity spectacle of our physical matrix dangles us over a precipice inducing relentless anxiety and fear based actions. The basic culture of relating as equals through mutual cooperation is simply not developed in a society of domination, leaving a void which induces further fear of each other. Fear is not unwholesome; it is a natural consequence of existing and evolving as a materially conditioned being. The world of immanent material which we can measure and quantify can not be condemned as evil, but relating fearfully to others through a polarization of material conditionality in the absence of transcendent unconditional love certainly is unwholesome.

85 Taking a look at the existence of our own body, we can peel away the fabrications of self and identity to reveal a much larger context and interconnection of our life in relation to what we perceive as outside ourselves. Mind aside, no distinction can be made between self and other, just a continuous flow. As the process of life replicates order in layers of complexity, patterns of this holofractal nature which connects us together can be recognized. By expanding our awareness beyond the self-centered processing of personal conditions, we gain the ability to participate in the co-creation of wholesome transpersonal culture. Wholesome culture does not break the symmetry of the stack because it depends on individuals who are peering as equals, without mediation which would put one above the other.

86 In one way we are polarized towards the rational mind, navigating by spectacle and excluding a self-awareness of the immanent material body, its feelings and experiences, from our calculations. Likewise, the mind has trapped its body in such a narrow and isolated view of itself that we are polarized towards a self-centered and fearful materialistic reality tunnel. Our once wholesome roots of existence have been mediated over a long process of enclosure such that we have forgotten how to be involved in meeting our own requirements for existence. Literacy has instantly resulted in the idiotic ignorance that allowed this to happen, but we can not turn back time, we can only bring balance to this new development through self-awareness. By quieting the mind and paying attention to the body we can know our self, and by extension we can know others, and only then can we choose love.

87 Wholesome behaviors emerge from the context of love. When we love our own body, we learn to become responsible for our own health and wellbeing. In relating with others, when we choose love over fear, we become stronger by learning how to share and cooperate towards abundance. We cannot ignore fear or be naive about the intentions of others, because might is right, and our body is materially conditioned, however, to have a closed heart reinforces our alienation from authentic life. Holoculture is grounded in the individual, unmediated by any external management structure, allowing for rapid evolution by memetic selection.

88 Indigenous cultures which transmitted doctrine orally gave the student concurrent access to a master. By their very nature, the meaning of symbolic representations can only be recognized to the limits of the active attention and awareness of anyone interpreting them. Written language and its broadcast media comes with the danger of misinterpretation by the subject, or worse, intentional mass poisoning of the mind. Tribes that didn’t initiate their younger generation were often burned to the ground. Now we are a mass tribe with inequality built into every single institution and every single commodity spectacle, including the greatest of all, the [current global reserve currency].

89 Interactions made directly with peers are inherently more wholesome than a subjection to mass broadcast media. One-way expressions such as a speech or announcement, a painting, a movie, an essay, or a book can be replicated, but two-way discussion can not. Doctrine can take any of these forms and more to be used as a tool in discussion, but should never be taken as stale unquestioned dogma. One-way expressions are static, but every individual, and culture overall is diverse and constantly changing. This is why wholesome doctrine requires the active component of creative expression and memetic selection according to local conditions.

90 Idle consumption of cultural programming, without paying enough attention to improve it and share your articulations, is the death of cultural evolution. Everything has to be questioned because all doctrine is just a best try experimentation, especially when the behavior is being freshly pioneered. Expression of doctrine is arbitrary, but it is normally based on careful observation of already dominant cultural behaviors, established through memetic selection, and then codified. Doctrine is a creative attempt to illuminate the general transcendent order behind the flow of immanent phenomenal experience, relevant to particular areas of human behavior. We all have a holocultural database, remembering much of the media expressions that have shaped our views and understandings, but we are missing the culture to effectively manage and develop it with others.

91 Since wholesome holoculture is authorized and executed by individuals, its use encourages complete disintermediation of the socio-technological stack of the individual. Management of the individual is self-contained, and the effectiveness of their work within holographic organizations depends on their capacity to perform it, rather than their status. Work to be done on specific projects may be spontaneously completed as necessary by those with the required discipline. Behavioral archetypes slice across organization and projects, meaning disciplined individuals are not bound to any particular one. The effectiveness of a guild is limited by the discipline of individuals, and the quality of its doctrine, which must be continually adapted and refined through experimentation and expression.

92 In oral traditions, the entire holocultural database was self-contained in the memory of the individual as artistic creations of song and story. This doctrine material could be readily shared and discussed with peers. Doctrine material expressed through media technology beyond the body may have benefits like augmenting memory, but come with the danger of dependence on the mediation of its technological stack. The same essential doctrine may be represented across many different forms of media such as a video, a picture, an essay, or an index card. Each of these media depends on a technological stack capable of freely replicating the material: a pen, a printer, a screen and speakers.

93 The holocultural database and its evolution depends on the free selection and replication of doctrine material between individuals. The content of this database must be managed by each individual for themselves. There can be no central or official holoculture as this mediation would break the symmetry of the stack and cause immediate disharmony and stagnation. Liberty depends on the autonomy of the holocultural stack, realized by local responsibility and influence over the satisfaction of needs. The challenges of disintermediation vary depending on local conditions and the type of media used to represent and implement doctrine.

94 The holocultural stack bridges the abyss between the immanent conditionality of the body and the transcendent order of the archetypes. The body itself is conditioned by the satisfaction of very few basic needs. Food is the most critical of these needs, even though it is taken for granted by most consumers, who don’t care where it came from or how it was produced. Shelter is another necessity taken for granted by a majority of the population whose home and property is owned by a landlord or bank. Most of us are one paycheque away from disconnection from our various commodity spectacles leaving the whole stack in constant jeopardy.

95 Each communications medium comes with its own technological requirements which must be satisfied at the individual level before peering. Index cards and pens or pencils are a readily available and low tech option which could ideally be produced locally and used to replicate concise representations of doctrine material. While it is possible to replicate essays or books by photocopy, it is more common to replicate the original electronic file such as document or pdf and either view them directly on a screen or optionally print and bind them. Media file formats such as videos are inseparable from complex technology such as the computer and its screen. Not only is this proprietary equipment manufactured by far away concentrations of power, but the internet through which we connect was designed as a dream state commodity spectacle.

96 Everything that the mind encounters through its spectacle of reality becomes a state of being to us, a state of existence. States can neither be condemned nor avoided, but we can recognize the difference between wholesome and unwholesome states. When relating to each other in society, work can be performed in one of two contexts: either through synchronous dream states, or through asynchronous holographic states. Dream states mediate human interaction by binding them to external identities and status and order beyond the control of the individual. Asynchronous holographic states spontaneously form and dissolve as needed, and are wholesome in that the entire organizational context is completely self-contained and unbound by identity or status.

97 It is clear that a transition to a more wholesome society will require the pragmatic use of dream states to meet our needs until stateless holoculture can be developed and implemented. Every single need in society that is met by a govcorp dream state commodity spectacle has a corresponding network behavior which can be performed asynchronously by individuals and their peers to meet that same demand. Dream states will probably always exist in society as we try to rule over and control each other, but without an alternative, the individual becomes helplessly mediated and subject to tyranny. Modern culture has already degenerated so far along this path that we no longer take any responsibility for our society, and generally hate and fear our neighbors. The network society has to be rebuilt, so that we can become whole again as a people, free from the tyranny of shadow govcorp and the poverty of its spectacle.

98 Using police, fire, and ambulance services as an example, we can demonstrate the poverty of commodity spectacle, and the requirement of personal responsibility in satisfying our needs. Emergency services arrive long after an incident has begun, and often, once the damage has been done. Learning to defend yourself, or use a fire extinguisher, or administer first aid could save lives and property from loss due to helplessness. The dream state is easily overwhelmed by mass events, highlighting the perilous fragility of modern society. Autonomy is the key to our resilience, and the only position from which to challenge and reform the state in our image.

99 The Internet is a mass communication system which represents a critical paradigm shift from one-way broadcast media to a two-way peer-to-peer medium. Although it has been a great liberating force, careful attention to its functionality reveals that the Internet Protocol itself is a dream state, and all of the physical connections and most of the online services completely mediate our access to each other and concentrate power from us. Although it has allowed us to peer with each other, we have unconsciously abandoned this ability in favor of highly centralized websites and services. This is merely a continuation of the long and stale process of enclosure, the unsubstantial mediation by commodity spectacle which makes us weak and powerless. Whatever functionality has been removed from our control has to be rebuilt into the Holocultural Stack or we will remain fragile and helpless.

100 The client-server model currently in widespread use breaks the virtual symmetry of the Internet, concentrating power to certain nodes. Bittorrent is an interesting protocol which matches the original spirit of the Internet, allowing a swarm of peers to share files with each other. However, even bittorrent is bound to the dream state of the Internet, and can not be used in a purely peer-to-peer context, thus breaking symmetry. Wholesome holocultural applications connect peers directly to each other seamlessly online and offline. This self-containment is critical to avoiding enclosure and maintaining the sovereignty of the individual.

101 The healing of our culture cannot be approached as a war between the dream stack and the holo stack. As described earlier, the reason for all of this extreme imbalance is the primary schism instituted as a corruption of our metaphysics by organized religion. Dream states become very unstable and violent in the absence of self-aware subjects who are responsible for their own part, but also complete the feedback loop to ensure the dream states are serving human needs instead of alien motives. Dream states go wrong when they stop taking feedback from their subjects, and subjects go wrong when they do not actively participate in the evolution of both stacks. Society would have evolved very differently if its members were aware of their responsibilities.

102 When we are peering with others holoculturally, a certain amount of responsibility and participation is taken for granted. Even still, the participants may neglect the critical responsibility of feedback to improve the particular facet of culture they are engaged in . Without continual improvement and selection of the guiding doctrine according to human needs, the culture becomes stagnant and dislocated from the people it serves, leading to eventual crisis. Public dream states such as the government are inherently more susceptible to this stagnant dislocation because they are no longer the direct responsibility of anyone. Even with full horizontal direct democracy and the subsidiary principle of solving problems as local as possible, we still end up with a mediation of authority and a dangerous concentration of power.

103 Public dream states at least presume to serve the people, and yet look how far we are from this ideal feedback and participation. Shadow govcorp and its deep state operate in a shroud of secrecy and special security clearances. Even if the public were allowed to vote and participate at all levels of government, our common sense would constantly conflict with and expose secret power arrangements. Instead of such a crowdsourcing of our collective intelligence, we cast away this responsibility and vote for a decider, to represent us, and decide what is best. Participation in this public dream state has been reduced to tribal couch warfare and picking a side every few years.

104 Private dream states, also known as corporations, will pretend to serve the people, but they can never hide their profit motive. They are bound to the logic of competition in a zero-sum game. Corporations are motivated to create permanent demand for their commodity spectacles through helpless dependence in every facet of human needs and desires. Exploitation is maximized in a race to the bottom, producing the cheapest and least substantial commodity while taking care to maintain the minimum appearance of satisfaction. As consumers, our ability to effect change in the corporation is limited to either buying the product, or not.

105 As a consumer of commodities presented by private corporations, we have very little insight into the practices we are supporting to meet our need. The price is often the only signal we have to base or judgement on, especially if we can’t afford to decide on anything but the cheapest. Corporations are forced by competition to externalize the costs of their products through environmental destruction and even destruction and disease of their own customers. This sociopathic and homicidal behavior is masked by the spectacle of the commodity, shaped by public relations and advertising to ensure the consumer will still buy the product.

106 Private dream states ideally concentrate power through a hierarchy to a single point, whereas public dream states ideally diffuse power through a hierarchy to the many participants. These two organizational approaches presume to be the opposite of one another: the monarchy and the democracy, but they turn out to be functionally the same. This false dichotomy has all subjects in either case submitting to an external authority, dazzled by commodity spectacles of power and participation. The democratic ideal of participation has been made so unsubstantial, and its subjects so alienated, that there remains no functional difference between government and corporation. The spectacle of participatory governance is the unsubstantial leftovers; the appearance of democracy, which thinly veils the shadow govcorp monarchy.

107 The whole spectrum of human economic behavior is dominated by private and public hierarchies. Those which dominate the subjects the most effectively become the most powerful; control is the objective. By mediating away all responsibility of the subject, the various dream states replace authentic life with an accumulation of spectacles. The totally mediated subject is unable to act as an individual, and is alienated from other individuals, relating only through choice of which tribe to identify with and submit to. Eg. a brand, a party, a race, a gender. Authentic life is found outside the confines of tribal skinsuit mediated behavior.

108 While it is still possible to encounter wholesome culture in the form of self-sufficiency and relating as peers, most of this has been meticulously engineered from our lives to further the concentrations of power. The warning signs of degeneration were there all along, but so was the allure of civilization. Only in this very late stage of disease instituted in the primary schism, have we reached such an intensity of polarization that the condemned subject is illuminated. It is the sealed fate of all dialectical polarizations of the mind to eventually have their imbalances exposed, as one extreme is approached, by its condemned opposite. The subject is a nobody, completely missing from the equation, as a foolish king who doesn’t know he has a kingdom.

109 Imbalance is the root of all evil; money is just a symptom. Money is the lifeblood of dream states and the mechanism of control. Enclosure and enforced dependence on govcorp is a soft-terrorism which causes the subject to support its arbitrary master. The requirement of income to pay govcorp to meet our basic needs is a form of soft-slavery. Total alienation and powerlessness is the final result of the metaphysical schism which condemns the subject.

110 The natural sovereignty of the individual is effectively neutralized by exclusive dependence on commodity spectacle to meet basic needs. The organizations of society merge from the collective order of the individual; as below, so above. Just as the subjective conditions and experiences of our body is dominated and mediated by the mind, so too is the individual dominated and mediated by society. We can directly observe this correlation by examining our subjective experience and the domination of ourselves by our own mind processes. By noting our nearly complete powerlessness and lack of active participation in the shaping of society, it should come as no surprise that secret power struggles and bloody mass human sacrifice is the politics of our shadow govcorp.

111 Our body is sliced up among to many tribal identities which reduce our individual thought process to a selection of which tribe is best. The tribes compete for the submission of bodies to their commodity spectacles; the best restaurant, the best clothes, the best ideology, the best party, the best country. All critical thought drops and we simply support our tribes upon which we base our whole identity and values as a person. We blindly support our political, corporate, and cultural leaders because to accept that they are bad or evil, is to admit that at the false core of our being, we are bad or evil. This non-participatory mediation of authority allows the state to go on terrorizing its subjects in the struggle for power and control.

112 Secrecy is the cloak of deception which makes these power arrangements possible. If there was transparency at the highest levels of govcorp, there would be immediate revolt by its subjects, whose values are consistently opposed by concentrations of power. We know that the political regimes of other countries are totally corrupt, but we can not entertain the thought of evil in the heart of our own government. We know that corporations are motivated to illegally form cartels and monopolies against us, and actively manipulate our thoughts through public relations, but we physically depend on them, and identify with them. Through subversion of the govcorp executive structure, monoliths of power concentration emerge and compete for the monarch ideal of world domination in the realm of shadow govcorp.

113 Individual sovereignty is the absolute inverse of the monarchy, and is perceived as its greatest threat. The totally dominated subject that we witness when we look at ourselves, this complete alienation, is the foundation of the so called new world order, which is actually very old and outdated. All of the conflict and suffering, the endless wars and struggles are a direct result of the metaphysical schism which must be healed for us to become whole again. In order to effectively assert our individual sovereignty, it is necessary to re-establish our autonomy and community, and to bring awareness to our dream states.

114 The monoliths of shadow govcorp provide the coordination necessary to corrupt all of the institutions of govcorp against their subjects: full-spectrum domination. The emergence of shadow govcorp from the darkness in our hearts is both the cause and effect of the total inversion of all facets of society against the individual. Millennia of cold war against we the people has broken out into a hot war, waged by a shadow govcorp emboldened by our apparent collective helplessness. The soft-terror of enclosure has advanced in the form of organized terrorism that we experience today. The War of Terror represents the final form of shadow govcorp which is desperate to have us drop our final liberties and completely submit to the false security of the state.

115 Every act of organized terror is a false flag attack made to appear as an opposition to the dream state, when in fact it emerges from it. Individual sovereignty and autonomy is equated with terrorist threat by shadow govcorp because it is the true rebellion, and alternative foundation of power required to bring balance to society. There is no such thing as a liberated terrorist, and no wholesome or just terror. To fight against anything is to legitimize its existence, and can only bring revolution; meaning to go about the path of a circle. Rebellion is a creative process independent of old contexts and is rooted in the power of individual capacity, not the power over others.

116 The process of enclosure is difficult to reverse as it underpins the legacy of power in which the farmers of men have long invested. Nonetheless, the processes can be witnessed unfolding in every corner of the world as so many limits flash red against our simplistic plans for the future. Our intuition is telling us that this is all too good to be true, yet our ego can not take the pain of admitting that our leaders have betrayed us long ago. Survival instinct is kicking in for many of us, the fog of dark sorcery is lifting, and we know that something has to be done, and that we can do it. Looking to our roots of existence, even the pure terror of the physical matrix is no longer enough to keep us frozen in fear.

117 Commodity spectacles are too good to be true. The last resort of power when its subjects bite the hand that feeds is to take away what it has granted. The unspoken threat behind commodity spectacle enclosed mediation is that you will be cut when power concentrations make their priorities clear. Perhaps a market crash will be initiated, perhaps a war will be started, perhaps a mass terror incident orchestrated. Whatever it is, there will be countless misdirections and false signals to chase, and a complete distraction from the roots of our own existence which leave us so helpless and vulnerable to this betrayal in the first place.

118 The economies of every country in the world are centrally planned by a hierarchy of banks who pretend no allegiance to any country. All races, religions, and countries are really one culture, distinguished by divide and conquer, always ready to be triggered into tribal conflict as the vultures circle. Television, radio, and websites are the weapons of mass destruction which continue relentlessly to gaslight their consumers with fear and pessimism. So long as we identify with our various tribes, and consume this poisonous and lethal central broadcast, vast populations will continue to be triggered for blood against each other. We neither see, speak nor hear this great evil, but ignorance isn’t so blissful in this dark exaltation of the old world order.

119 Enslavement of whole tribes under public debt is illegitimate. The mass killing of war between whole tribes is illegitimate. So long as we identify with our tribe, we will consent to mass killing and poverty in its defense. The War of Terror perpetuated by shadow govcorp will never end so long as we continue to be triggered by its false flag attacks into conflict with false enemies, who are not unlike us. The world has already been united under the terror of an evil empire, and the only way to break the spell is to relate directly to one another, beyond the false and superficial categories of the mind.

120 The swamp can never be drained; we must each consciously step out of it. Crime pays very well in the swamp, where every possible avenue of mass exploitation has been legalized and institutionalized. Even so, it’s as lonely at the top as it is at the bottom. For all the illusions of progress, we are deep in the fiery hell of entropic decay. It is now time to drop the empire, which serves no single human, and heal our hearts and our worlds as truly one people.

121 We are already deep into the dark night of our collective soul. Only the most privileged of us still cling to illusions of a fair and just world, where persistence and merit is usually rewarded. The younger generations are hardly willing to be pumped and dumped for buying into the bankrupt ponzi schemes of society which promises retirement after so many years of unquestioning slavery to the machine. Most of us are understandably stricken with grief to learn “how the world works,” and get stuck somewhere between denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. “What can I do about it?” is the greatest kept secret in all of human history.

122 For those who manage to get past denial of the evil in their society, and in their own hearts, the Gauntlet of Fear awaits. The individual is paralyzed by endless analysis of power and its conspiracy theories, passively consuming horrible atrocities against humanity. As dark as this is, the experience may finally conclude with a loss of this irrational fear, and the beginning of an existential crisis commonly known as the dark night of the soul. The whole false ego-identity complex which drove the insanity of modern life, and the Gauntlet of Fear, collapses with great relief, in a sublimely beautiful and horribly disorienting heap. With proper guidance, years or even decades of wandering and search can be short-cutted, completely healing the damage of all trauma, and clearly answering the question “What can I do about it?”

Before we continue further, I would like to offer the reader some more contextual details. First, thanks for reading this far! As I mentioned earlier, this post was not meant to cover so many details at once. Second, I have already spent months planning this, and over 3 months writing it. I can wait no longer to release it. Instead of continuing with the style and tone of the body of this work, I am going to quickly summarize the last few sections that I intend to cover in great detail as soon as possible.

123 The neurology of the brain organ constitutes the highest reaches of the body toward the threshold of the mind. This is the limit of objective science, beyond which only subjective experimentation and verification is possible. Nevertheless, the workings of the mind have been well understood since ancient times. The dynamics of mind can be immediately observed by directing the power of the scientific method inward upon the active experience of phenomena.

124 To approach this depth of insight, it will be necessary to pass through two common frames of reference which obscure and confuse this not-so-simple task of observation, of witnessing the process. The first frame is the conceited narrative in which the ego is dominated with a self-centeredness, a concern with one’s own story and little else. The second frame is the humble cosmology, centering around philosophy, religion, ideology, and science to understand the nature of our existence and reality.

125 Neither of these two modes, in which the majority remains exclusively, can ever provide any certainty about life. All that we can know for certain is the workings of our own mind as we carefully observe the sequences and contents of events that make up the spectacle of reality. With deep awareness and attention paid to the operation of the neural network we discover that it functions as a hologram. Every archetype in the web of meaning is just a reflection of other archetypes.

126 Furthermore, the neural network constitutes just one holon out of many which make up the fractal stack of our existence. We are holofractal organisms and we can see our self-similarity in the environment, the body, the mind, and society itself. All life has this holofractal relationship with itself through its environment. This model gives us an objective definition of healing ourselves and our species: the adoption of models which isomorphically converge with the nature of our various holonic layers, and the dropping of fiat models which destroy the symmetry of the stack.

127 Healing social relationships, among other parts of our life, is a major challenge that benefits greatly from such a comprehensive model of our existence and what we are all doing together. Those of us who have awakened to our potential look around with great dismay at the state of our neighbors and our loved ones who seem stuck in very dark places. There will be even more darkness ahead as the illusion crumbles around us, and much suffering will form a collective cry out for help. We have to be ready for this, ready to be the light at the end of the tunnel, and for this we have to reach out to each other right now.

128 We are already deep into the downside of yet another cycle, the math adds up, there are hard limits to the kind of behavior in which we now collectively engage. Those of us who see this clearly must support each other in raising awareness and working directly on the problem of building a new and better way for humanity. We can not afford to waste our efforts on activities that are not on the critical path to this way. I know this message may not be taken up and broadcast over mainstream media, but we sure as hell can put it in each others hands.

129 It is now time to come together. It is time to shine a light on the activity of all those who think that they are doing good, or think that they are doing the right thing. Those who are awake with good intentions will listen to this message, and will understand that something is happening which is bigger than all of us, but can not be done without our individual efforts. All together we can make this happen, we can make it a thing in our collective consciousness. We can support each other and create our world again.

130 The Spectacle Agency is an organization whose name you will hear again and many times very soon. It is under the umbrella of this organization that I present to you two ground-breaking scientific models and a number of projects which they underpin. The actual texts of these documents will be released for review in the coming weeks, and the project descriptions should make clear our intentions and the merit of our work.

131 The Memetics Standard Model is a document describing the bridge between the neurological brain, the operating mind, and the spectacular representation of life we refer to as the conscious experience. With a model for understanding holofractal metadynamics in general, we can take the same arrangement of DNA-RNA-Protein which makes up the body holon, and see it happening in the mind, or in the guild dynamics which organize our intentions.

132 The Holofractal Guild Dynamics model describes the dynamics for the organization of a system of guilds, convergent upon ideal archetypes. Everyone has their own unique “social DNA” from their own perspective among others. This model details the archetypal flows which stem from areas of concern relevant to the survival of the fractal organism, including the environment, the body, the mind, etc. Guilds describe the contours of this organizational structure, and reflect the relevant archetypes throughout.

133 The Holocultural Database Application is a peer-to-peer application for the representation and evolution of culture. It is a single common database for all possible disciplines of human behavior. The Holocultural Database can take many forms, however this application is being developed for the Ceptr Holochain environment. Using this application it becomes possible, through local actions, to globally converge upon the best possible culture for each environment.

134 The Holomemetic Superconductor Project is a transitionary measure to bootstrap holoculture using a network of highly concentrated HCDB App nodes. These nodes will present a website interface for access to the HCDB, and will connect to each other using decentralized Holochain technology to update each other. The Spectacle Agency will provide the first node in this network, and develop or encourage nodes in holocultural hotspots around the globe (especially commons spaces and wholesome communities).

135 The Human Memone Project is an effort to map the human memone. Everyone has a unique view to this, a unique social DNA, however, once the network has enough input, we can model a complete sequence of naturally isomorphic models. This whole template for a human society will include at least one full set of models with which to compare one’s own culture. From here the differences between the naturally isomorphic models and the fiat models will become immediately apparent, and healing can begin rapidly on an individual level.

136 These models and projects point to much more than a simple band-aid solution to the challenges confronting humanity. What I have outlined in this document can give both a clear understanding of these challenges, but also to some of the critical work that’s going on to address them. So many of us are in a coma-like state of unconsciousness, addicted and distracted by so many things, struggling for survival as the vice tightens its grip, caught up in so many delusions. The dark night is still ahead for most of us, and those of us who are awake right now are about to get a taste of true illuminati networking.

137 With this technology, we will bootstrap the global holographic nervous system. A stateless holomemetic nervous system which will survive the collapse of the failed management structures of the shadow govcorp hierarchy. Through our collective participation in the Human Memone Project, we will converge upon naturally isomorphic culture and return to the negentropic principle of life. With a Captains at the helms of our ships we will lead each other with compassion out of the darkness of this long fever dream.

138 In 2012, I theorized and modeled an internet that could go fully offline, peer-to-peer without servers. So began my journey through hell and back to find out the significance of this discovery. Since my spiritual emergency over three years ago, I have dedicated my life to finding out the truth about this world, and working to make it a better place. I have sacrificed so much to get to this point and give you this message. I now find myself in the company of extremely exceptional individuals working toward the same goal. I found my answer about the offline internet theory, and it turns out this basic design is accounted for in Ceptr Holochain.

139 The last three years, I have been working with the Sorcery of the Spectacle (sots) community to advance the cutting edge of critical activism. We expanded from reddit to a now-flourishing network of Telegram groups. It’s been over a year and a half since we connected with the Ceptr community and finally our collective efforts are coming to fruition. Ceptr is the exact platform that we need to build a truly decentralized, naturally isomorphic society. I have personally tested a twitter clone in this environment with success.

140 How can we make this transition happen as rapidly as possible? We need to remove the stigma associated with doing work that cannot seem to attract profit motivated investment. We need to remove the stigma attached to unconditional sharing. The world is under the spell of money right now, and this is our biggest source of potential which cannot be ignored. Research, development, and on the ground implementation of wholesome culture is critical to the survival of humanity. Profit motivated work is only a tiny fraction of the actual work that needs to be done to correct our extremely dysmorphic and diseased state.

141 The Spectacle Agency will support the finest levels of social development at this critical turning point in the history of our species. As more funding is secured, it will be used to provide my most close and trusted peers with basic income to further these developments. With expanding influence, I hope to give others a chance to make their mark on these critical areas of work. For the last three years I worked full time to bring you this work, and part time to stem the outward flow of my savings which are now running dry.

142 We can not afford to let talent like mine go to waste. My one and only focus these last three years has been to find the most critical work possible which could potentially benefit the most people so that I might stand a chance at making a living doing it. I wish to honor this effort by making The Spectacle Agency into the organization that I never had. An organization which could recognize the brightest talents and connect them together and help them to secure their ability to work on the biggest problem our species has ever faced. Could there be a better time than now?

143 I have in me the power to do this. I understand the model of Holofractal Metadynamics with which any project or activity can be critiqued for its wholesome and unwholesome aspects. In addition to the above projects, The Spectacle Agency will correspond with any and all organizations and communities related to critical activities and start the groundwork for the holomemetic nervous system. It will also maintain a public list of these organizations and the critiques and status of their integration with the network. The Holocultural Database, as well as the Ceptr Holochain technology itself will be used as a litmus test for the relevance of any so-called critical activities.

144 The Coalition of Invisible Colleges (CIC) will be upgraded with the latest protocols of the guild dynamics model. Any organization that can integrate with this will be viewed as a collection of projects, through which a global pool of guilds can operate to make them happen. In addition to this, the methods used will flow as protocols between organizations through the guilds and the CIC context, selecting the best culture to converge upon. As The Spectacle Agency grows in strength this process of convergence will also accelerate and set the stage for the imminent roll out of critical technologies which will multiply our collective effectiveness by unimaginable magnitudes.

145 The suffering will increase until awareness improves. We all know there is something wrong and it’s only getting worse. The one who expects to retire on a fat stack of slave notes and order others around until they die will not realize this naive goal. The world doesn’t work like this anymore. We have to work together. There is a way. It’s here. It is now time for us to retire civilization itself, and bring to each other the golden age for which our ancestors have always dreamed, the dream for which so much has already been sacrificed.

Help Us Out — Make it happen on Patreon!

If you found this writing interesting or useful, please share it. If you know someone who needs to read this, please show it to them. If you know anyone who might be interested in sharing some wealth to a good cause, please point them to my Patreon page. I can’t do this without a network effect, I need peers like you to advocate for me. I have gladly sacrificed nearly everything for this work that I do, please let this see the light of day. If you know someone with influence who can share this please please please send it to them. Thank you.

For any inquiries regarding The Spectacle Agency, please contact me by email or on Telegram @papersheepdog. I am also looking for any organizations or projects who could put my talents to good use.

Edits to this document may be expected over the next few days.

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