Ether-1…”THE” solution to a decentralized internet for all!

Titan Adonis
6 min readJul 15, 2018


We have seen and heard the all familiar tune, that once you post anything on the web, it no longer belongs to you. I mean you have Facebook to share interesting things with friends and family that are separated by distance so they can still feel close. However, once you add those pictures to the site, they no longer belong to you…no longer your property. But, how long can this continue, without anyone trying to fix it?

Today, yes that day is here! The Ether- 1 Project has been formed to do what others thought was the impossible. That is, to create and disperse a 100% decentralized and democratized internet, for all to enjoy. We know there are counties in 2018, that still has it’s internet and media totally controlled by the government, controlling the narrative to their benefit. Everyone has the right and freedom to use the internet for information, to conduct business or whatever use of their choosing. And that is exactly what the Ether- 1 Project can/will provide to the world.

Let’s start with how Ether- 1 Project plans to tackle this endeavor. Their network/platform will be developed on a fork of the Ethereum Protocol. This will be centered around the Ethash proof of work(POW) algorithm, which enables consensus, as well as the option to evolve in the future at any time with changes to the Ethereum Protocol.

Next, is the Ether- 1 Project masternode coin. This coin is the foundation of the consensus and financial system on the Ether- 1 Project platform. The coin is 100% tradeable currency for use on the platform. It will offer the enticement for members to use both for consensus as well as those that become masternode owners. Before we move any further, let’s discuss what a masternode is and what it does to support the Ether- 1 Project platform and network.

Now a masternodes is a Ether- 1 Project wallet that is open and running on your local computer. It has locked in it (100% under your control) the required collateral of 15, 000 to qualify as a masternode, or 5,000 to qualify as a service node. Also, the masternode performs many duties that are crucial to the running of the network:
* confirms payment transactions
* makes import decisions
* coordinates mixing of funds (for added privacy)
* retains a record of the blockchain in real-time
* records transaction date to blockchain: time, date, amount and addresses
* supports anonymity for both sender and receiver

Next, Ether- 1 Project has plans to provide website hosting and plans to be accountable and available for services provided, thru a DNS like service. When a user visits the platform they will see the use of custom top-level domains(like .eth domains), that on being seen alone will let the user know that the data being viewed is on the blockchain, and being supported by the Ether- 1 Project system of decentralized nodes. It may look the same as most typical websites the user may use, however, the data that the user puts on the Ether- 1 Projects network will be decentralized and hosted virtually everywhere instead of just one single location and single point of collapse.

And then, the Ether- 1 Project plans to have two types of masternodes(nodes) available to investors:
* Masternodes: Requires the collateral amount of 15,000 ETHO Coins. These nodes will ensure that the Ether- 1 Project is kept decentralized, and additionally provide storage capacity for the host network.
* Service Node: Requires the collateral amount of 5,000 ETHO Coins. These nodes primary objectives are to administer storage capacity and bandwidth to the hosting network.

Ether-1 Coin Specs:

The investors that choose to purchase the masternode will earn higher rewards than the investor running the service node, due to extra services provided to the network/platform. As well as the higher collateral required to own the masternode. The masternode provides that trustworthiness of being decentralized to the network and its users. Through the use of the masternode and service nodes Ether- 1 Project can reach its end goal of, total start to finish, 100% decentralized hosting capabilities.

Ether-1 Road Map for the rest of 2018:

Announcements & Milestones from Ether-1:

Next, let’s meet the Ether-1 Project Team members:

* James Reilly (Development Team)

  • Sui Xiaojin (Development Team)
  • Emily Protter (Development Team)
  • * Ani Ahmetbeja (Marketing/Social Media)

The time is now, to get involved with the Ether- 1 Project. To become an investor, simply start by downloading the Ether- 1 wallet to your computer. Next, visit the exchange either; Stocks.Exchange or Maple Change to purchase coins in the amount of 15,000 or 5,000 ETHO. Then, send coins to your local wallet and lock them in to be qualified as a masternode or service node. That’s all there is to it. Now, you will begin to be paid for your support of the Ether- 1 Project Network/Platform in ETHO Coins, which are called rewards. Rewards are paid daily directly to your local wallet. Welcome to the world of passive income!

To purchase your Masternode or Service Node, click below for more information:

* Website:
* Twitter:
* Discord:
* Ether- 1 Project Calendar:
* Facebook: Coming soon!
* BitcoinTalk:
* Email Ether- 1 Project:

