No, it’s not the X-Men, it’s XDNA!!

Titan Adonis
6 min readJul 8, 2018


First, let’s start with the bad news first. Over the last 12 months, we have been in complete and non-stop shock. We have seen hundreds of so called masternode coins, that touts the promise of being the one, trustworthy and such. And we have seen them rise high quickly and fall even quicker. These type of “investments” leave a very bitter taste in the mouths of masternode coin investors. Scamming people out of there money. They have no idea of who to trust, if the developer is who they say they are of if the project they are promoting will ever make it to fruition.

XDNA’s Slogan!

Now, for the good news, excuse me, GREAT news. A group has been formed that has decide to contradict all the bad coins in the marketplace and create a project, that investor can really see potential in and will want to invest. The goal being to take all the good parts of the coins that did it right, and fixing some of the worst issues plaguing the marketplace. And, at the same time supporting both miners/investors and those new to the crypto space. As well, each and every member of Team XDNA, has a true calling to help the real world, as well as the cryptos.


Next, let me explain exactly what is a masternode. Masternodes are wallets that you have on your local computer, that has the required amount of collateral to function as a masternode. They make decisions, lock in transactions, coordinate mixing of funds, and maintains a record of the blockchain in real-time. It also, increases privacy of transactions and helps protect the network against attacks. masternodes are ran 27/7/365!

Next, the XDNA team wants to address some of the many issues that have been overlooked by other coins. Not sure it it was due to negligence or on purpose on behalf of the other masternode coins.

  • Problem: Transaction confirmations that take to long to confirm.
  • Solution: Block time in XDNA is set at 60 seconds, and with only 6 confirmations. In other words, any transaction worldwide will only take a maximum of 6 minutes to complete! And through the use of the Instasend feature in your local wallet, you can send coins to any recipient and it will show up in their wallet balance instantly.
  • Problem: Emerging of ASIC’s that support POW algorithms
  • Solution: Utilizing the Keccak Algorithm, which has the benefit of use by many different types of mining equipment, as compared to ASIC.
  • Problem: Insta-mining
  • Solution: To combat insta-mining, only 1 XDNA block reward will be awarded during the first 720 blocks.
  • Problem: Pre-mining
  • Solution: The XDNA team will only pre-mine 0.7% during the POW Phase which totals 971,712 XDNA coins.
  • Problem: Not having a broader vision than just yourself.
  • Solution: Team XDNA has created a charity fund the XDNA Foundation, with over 350,000 XDNA coins as a starting figure. These funds are to help different organization and people around the world. Their goal is to change lives.
  • Problem: Developers receive a large portion of block rewards
  • Solution: XDNA team members will only receive 1% of block reward, that's all, nothing else!
  • Problem: Low miner rewards…
  • Solution: The BitGun feature added in, which is based on the gradual multi-stage block reward increase, enabling miners to have a stable reward. *(see below)
  • Problem: Price to purchase a masternode, sometimes too high!
  • Solution: Introduce the Triple Node technology (T.N.T) for investors and miners. This will produce three levels of entry for miners/investors, that require three different amount of collateral. *(see below)

From this, XDNA was born with the desire to change the game. To give the people what they truly want and need in a masternode coin. XDNA was created around three main features:

  • BitGun: Normally, in cryptocurrency mining, as more miners mine, the rewards become less and less. So, it become less profitable for miners to mine a certain coin. This can be based on the amount of GPU’s on the network or the total network hashrate. Under the BitGun feature, as the total hashrate increases, so does the block reward.
  • T.N.T.: The XDNA teams plans to use masternodes to help maintain network stability. As in the beginning of the article, we/you saw how critical masternodes were to a coins network. And to this avail, XDNA has devised three levels of masternode investments for miners/investors.
  1. Light Node: Collateral required for node is 1,000 XDNA coins and receive 3% of block reward during POW Phase.

2. Medium Node: Collateral required for node is 3,000 XDNA coins and receive 9% of block reward during POW Phase.

3. Full node: Collateral required for node is 5,000 XDNA coins and receive 15% of block reward during POW Phase.

  • XDNA Foundation: Created to help and support other charities that are low in funds/underfunded or have no funds at all. And, as mentioned above, the fund has a base amount of 350,000 coins to start with. All members of the XDNA community can see the real-time status of these funds at anytime. This is easily done by clicking on the block explorer and checking the Foundations wallet. Members can contribute to the Foundations wallet, buy just purchasing XDNA coins and sending them straight to the wallet. Hold on, one better, send whatever cryptocurrency you want, it will be converted into XDNA and still get to the needed recipients.

Foundations funding:

The technical information of the XDNA coin:

XDNA ROADMAP: Current & Future:

Here are the latest announcements & milestones:

Well, at this point after writing this article, I am very excited to see exactly what is in the future for XDNA. They already come long way in a short time. When the time is right, IT’S RIGHT! The team is focused, the concept is great. The cryptocurrency arena needed a coin just like this, that was about the investors and miners, and not trying to just make a fast buck. But a coin that truly wants to improve the landscape and at the same time help those less fortunate. I am going to invest in XDNA! By the time you read this, I will have a few coins in my own wallet.

DYOR (Do Your Own Research), download your wallet, purchase some coins or pick up a masternode! Click below for more information:

