The time has come for the blockchain and financial services to come together!

Titan Adonis
6 min readJul 19, 2018

The financial world has not been the same since the big crash in 2008. A lot of companies were wiped out in the blink of an eye. If they survived, then they have been struggling for a long time. A new masternode coin has surged to the forefront, possessing the ability to heal the financial wounds of the past, and carry them successfully into the future. The coin is called QYNO Coin.
Undoubtedly, there are a lot of coins that claim they will provide the much-needed services that the financial institutions require, but they never seem to quite measure up. QYNO Coin is different, they want to close the gap between the real world and the cryptocurrency world. This is major undertaking as the population is just now waking up to what cryptos are and are still barely familiar with Bitcoin. That is why QYNO Coin was created, the coin has two distinctive advantages; vastly adaptable and easily applicable.

At the same time, before I go any further, I need to define what a masternode and what the blockchain(blockchain technology) are:
* Masternode: A masternode is a wallet that is open and running on your local computer. In it, is the required collateral of QYNO coins(5,000) that are required to qualify as a masternode. The masternode performs a lot of different functions for the QYNO network: it records the time, date, amount and address of all transactions on the blockchain. It helps to increase the anonymity of the users, at the same time making the transaction completion time lightning fast. Also, maintaining a decentralized network with locations all over the globe. One of the most important functions performed is the protection of the network from malicious attacks.
* Blockchain: (blockchain Technology) simply a growing stack of transactions/records, that are called “blocks”. Each transaction is linked together in succession in chronological order or stacked upon each other, thus forming a chain of blocks or a “blockchain”.

Next, let us talk about the adaptability of the QYNO Coin. Businesses around the globe will be able to quickly and easily start and continue to use the QYNO Coin. When the need arises that require instant payments or transaction, whether near or far, it should not cause any problems to conduct business. The company should have at its disposal the tools and products required to do its business. And at the same time, it should not create a financial strain on the bottom line to do these transactions, and Qyno is here to cater to those needs:
* Faster transactions: Performed/conducted in lightning fast time
* Safer transactions: Due to blockchain technology, no altering or loss of information
* Anonymous/Private: By the use of InstaSend and mixing, access for only parties involves in the transaction
* Low costs: Fees are kept low by using the QYNO Coin to cover fee for services

Also, QYNO Coin has done its research and like they say if you don’t learn from your history, you are bound to repeat it. They took this heart, to learn from the mistakes of other masternode coins and sought to build from that point, a coin that can actually accomplish the mission. That mission being the go-to solution for all services financial.

Have a look;

The foundation of the platform will be based on the QYNO Coin. The QYNO platform and network will operate on the QYNO Coin as it means of payment for the use of QYNO financial services offered. This is done by maintaining a stable coin for all of the users transactions. Achieving and sustaining a stable QYNO Coin is very important in the coin becoming widely adopted by the masses, in particular those desiring financial services. This also, keeps the transaction cost/fees as low as possible, so businesses keep as much profit as possible.

Now, at the center of the QYNO Coin foundation is the Q-Paygate App and other eCommerce Solutions. Q-Paygate, enhanced by the QYNO Coin, will cater to a smooth merge with the blockchain, for all devices, merchandise and vendor services. All the while offering, fast, direct and ease of use of the platforms interface. QYNO Coin plans to create and deploy payment plug-ins for any existing or future eCommerce platforms, including such big names as WooCommerce, whom has its hands in the fulfillment of the Q-Paygates purpose. Once the plug-ins are utilized by the merchants, they will see a increase in revenue, by users using the QYNO Coin for payment. So, the merchant can double-dip, one by having an increase in revenue, and another with the ability to use the profits to run a masternode and create another income stream. The QYNO Coin will be used as compensation for the masternode owners. Owners of the QYNO Coin masternodes will be earning the unheard of amount of block rewards to the tune of 90%. This is one heck of an incentive to purchase and run a QYNO masternode!

In reference to adoption by the masses, the services offered have to, at a minimum, be the same or better than their current ones to attract new customers and to keep them. We are talking about deposits, checking, savings, time deposits and call deposits all working in conjunction with the QYNO bank deposits. And with the integration with the blockchain, there won’t be any need for third party association at all. Decentralization has eliminated the need for management, overhead costs and actual banking locations. This helps keep cost low for QYNO, which in turn keeps fees/cost low for the merchant.

Thus, the creation of the QYNO Foundation. The foundation is a cornerstone to ensure that the QYNO platform with all it’s services, will continue to keep moving their research forward, to always meet the needs of its customers/merchants globally.

QYNO Coin Specs:

  • TYPE: POW(Proof Of Work) + Masternodes
  • Block Generation: 60 Seconds
  • Algorithm: NeoScrypt
  • Max Supply:100,000,000
  • Masternode Collateral: 5000

To be able to realize the opportunity that is here, is immeasurable. You’ve grasped just how powerful the role of masternodes are to QYNOS Coins network. So let’s indulge a bit more. You have been given the opportunity to become a masternode owner. You have the chance to create a passive income stream for you or even your family. By purchasing a masternode you will earn QYNO Coins to your local wallet daily, these are called rewards. These rewards are given to you by QYNO Coin for your backing of the QYNO Coin network and infrastructure by you running a masternode.

So, to become a QYNO masternode owner follow these simple steps.

1. Download wallet for your operating system
2. Go to exchange, purchase the required collateral of 5,000 QYNO Coins
3. Send coins to your local wallet(these are ALWAYS under your vision and control)
4. Lock coins in masternode mode and sync to blockchain
5. Start receiving your rewards


QYNO Coins Announcements & Milestones:

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