Library Privacy And Self-Checkouts

2 min readMar 12, 2018


Does your library have a self-checkout? It seems like a simple question but the ramifications are deep and prescient. After the Patriot Act was passed libraries pushed back against government surveliance by purging patron records as soon as that item was returned. But that’s only one step in a long and arduous process.

Consider the self-checkout machine, the bane of every clerk from CVS to Wegmans. It allows patrons the ability to checkout their items without having to interact with a library employee, and has many benefits, not the least of these bring an inherent privacy. Many people aren’t comfortable checking out books when they know someone is going to know what they are reading. For the majority of us, this may not seem like a problem, but consider the 14 year old struggling with their identity, or someone who may be dealing with a very privacy illness, or even someone who doesn’t want to be side-eyed because they might be picking up a controversial book. This wide range of reasons are more than sufficient in and of themselves, but also consider what happens when someone isn’t afforded privacy when they check out an item, first they may just decide not to pursue that topic which can be detrimental, or less severe but still worth alleviating, they may just take the book (and may or may not return it).

True, the item will go on their record, but if your patrons are concerned about library staff seeing what they are checking out you need to be able to assure them that your staff only uses the information appropriately. In a previous lifetime I was given access to databases to run background checks, and was told if I ever used the software for anything other than its intended purpose the penalties would be severe (apart from losing the job, felony charges could be brought down). This is the standpoint I take when it comes to our patrons privacy. We keep only the information we need and only for as long as we need it.

But the self-checkout machine isn’t enough. If there are cameras pointed at the machine the footage is subject to record keeping laws, and while the cases may be rare when law enforcement views it it’s still information they would otherwise need a subpoena or court order to access directly. So take extra precautions. As I said earlier only keep information you need, and only for as long as you need it.

Anonymity and privacy are bedrock principles of libraries and we should do everything in our power to assure our patrons that we take is as seriously as possible. In order to continue to secure adequate funding we need the good will of our communities, and we need to show our worth. Letting them know we value them not just as patrons, but as private individuals goes a long way showing them our priorities.




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