33 Insightful Affirmations

2 min readOct 27, 2019

These are meant to hopefully enhance your years, months, weeks, days, and hours. From my soul to yours.

  1. I possess all I need to grow.
  2. I must make time for myself.
  3. My dreams deserve to manifest.
  4. I am not alone, I just haven’t met all of my friends yet.
  5. Fresh air and a walk will always benefit me.
  6. I am an everblooming flower.
  7. I trust every moment in my day is meant to serve me.
  8. I may get mad or upset, but I will never hold hate in my heart.
  9. I made it through and I am stronger.
  10. Life loves me as much as I love myself.
  11. I deserve.
  12. I deserve all that I am, and all that I work for.
  13. To attract abundance I must be abundant.
  14. I do not fear love.
  15. If I feel overwhelmed, I shall take a break.
  16. If I’m so ugly, how come I’m not
  17. I am beautiful, inside and out.
  18. How people view me is their personal problem or answer, this should never affect me.
  19. I shall say what I honestly think or I shall remain silent.
  20. I don’t have to respond or react to everything.
  21. I will not say yes when I want to say no.
  22. I am not good, I am great.
  23. I must be the main one concerned with my health, what I eat, and what I intake.
  24. No matter what, I can always take a deep breath.
  25. My purpose is not to depress or drain myself to help or teach others.
  26. I am in a better headspace and soulplace.
  27. I am getting better at getting better.
  28. I wanting a sign, is a sign.
  29. I have feelings for me.
  30. I exist to have fun and to grow, in love
  31. My life is in my control.
  32. “good could be better” — Asaad
  33. I am a light.

🖤 — Paradigse

