Tor des Geants 2021 and the Japanese Dorando Pietri

Parallel 37.95
4 min readSep 20, 2021


Saturday 18, 2021 was the last day of the TOR330, also known as the Tor des Geants, one of the toughest and most fascinating endurance trail marathon in the world. Participants run, walk and trek for one week to complete the 330 km competition, starting and finishing in Courmayeur, passing 34 different municipalities across the Valle d’Aosta region, confronting a positive altitude difference of 24,000 m, within a time limit of maximum 150 hours. Actually the Tor des Geants is one of four races, the other three being: TOR450 (Tor des Glaciers), TOR130 (Tor Dret) and TOR30 (Passage au Malatra’), respectively 450 km, 130, km and 30 km long. These foot races are run in a single, free-speed stage with a limited time, in conditions of semi-self-sufficiency. The routes include high-altitude sections, some above 3,000 metres, where conditions can be extremely harsh and cold, alternated with sections at much lower altitudes, where conditions can be the exact opposite.

TORX map, timetables and distances and TOR330 elevation roadbook.

After watching the winner of the shortest race, TOR30 (Passage au Malatra’), and walking back from Parco Bollino to Courmayeur town center, we noticed a runner laying back on the ground, close to the finish line in Jardin de l’Ange. Several Courmayeur residents and two TORX volunteers (or volonTORs) were helping the participant stretching and massaging his legs, giving him water and calling the organizers for help. Mr Yosuke Yoshida, a runner from Japan and two other Japanese nationals were also standing and helping with the translation.

Mr Hideo Takano helped by passerby few hundred meters from the finish line of TOR330.

It seems that during the race Mr Hideo Takano, a 55 years old Japanese veteran runner based in the UK, was bitten by a viper, a poisonous snake common in the Italian Alps, but managed to arrive at the centre of Courmayeur Saturday early afternoon. Extremely fatigued and dehydrated however, he collapsed at the beginning of the pedestrian area in Viale Monte Bianco, around 300 m from the finish line, receiving immediate aid by several passer-by. A few suggested to support the runner for the last meters to the finish line, but others, more knowledgeable of the regulation of Tor des Geants, hinted to let him finish independently to avoid a disqualification. With almost no energy left and with a wound in his right ankle, Mr Takano stoically regained the last strengths to walk the last hundred meters to the finish line, with the help of some generous residents of Courmayeur and two TORX volunteers. There an ambulance was waiting for him, ready to go to the nearest hospital for a medical checkup.

Photos courtesy of Carlo Alberto Raschioni.

The whole episode reminded of the story of Dorando Pietri: the Italian marathon runner in the London Olympics of 1908, who, completely exhausted, fell down several times during the last lap and managed to pass the finish line in first place, but was later disqualified for the help received by the umpires. Differently and fortunately Mr Takano was not disqualified and finished the race in 378° position with a time of 146 hours.

This episode highlights not only how grueling and dangerous the TOR330 remains, but also how well organized and managed the race is, how strong willed and trained runners have to be, and how compassionate and integral part of the event the local Courmayeur residents are. All the runners mention that, together with the scenic panorama, the festive atmosphere and the constant cheer from start to finish makes the Tor des Geants an unique competition in the endurance trail world. Above all the completion of the 2021 Tor des Geants demonstrates that, the pandemic and looming uncertainties notwithstanding, events can now restart with more added safety measures and we all may return to the life of pre-Covid19.

The award ceremony stage in Parco Bollino and Mr Yoshida, who finished 371° and completed TOR330 in 145 hours.
Mr Takano ranking and other Japanese runners shown on the arrival area giant screen. There were 5 runners from Japan according to Mr Yoshida at TOR330 in 2021.
A runner of TOR330 resting in the arrival area and the memorial cairn erected for Yuan Yang, the Chinese runner, who accidentally died during the 2013 edition in the descent to Planaval (the first section of TOR330).



Parallel 37.95

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