Every Detail In Creation Has Been Thought Through

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readOct 17, 2016


If you start studying the creation, your own body, or the cosmos, the sub atomic world, or galaxies, you realize it feels like every detail has been thought through. Pretty much behind everything there seem to be numbers. That is one way to come to the conclusion there is a Creator who created everything you see.

It is not surprising that every detail has been thought through. If you had a paintbrush that was dabbed in blue paint everything that brush would touch would be blue. The wall, the ceiling, the table. It would not be surprising that they are all now blue, because it would be the nature of the blue paintbrush to paint blue.

In the beginning, it is written, the Word was God. Word here means the Ultimate Intelligence. God is the final dimension of all reality, the 10th dimension. It is the very property of God to think, and not just think but think with the Ultimate Intelligence, an intelligence beyond which no intelligence is possible or even necessary.

That Ultimate Intelligence also has Total Power. It is written, with God all things are possible. The power is so total God simply spoke the world into existence.

The first four dimensions that you have ready access to as human beings, you should be able to extrapolate from there to the 10th dimension and appreciate God, the power, the intelligence.

God is also as loving as He is intelligent and powerful. God is a God of infinite love.

That God created human beings in His own image. Human beings are so very special to God. Feel special. Love God with all your Heart, for your love is real. Love one another. Love all humanity. Love is the essential music of all creation.

But there is human free will. Sin leads to suffering. Sin leads to collapse and unhappiness. God can not simply look the other way. God metes out perfect justice. Because God has perfect knowledge. Nothing you do stays hidden from God.

But God is a merciful God. He Himself paid the price for your transgressions. He sacrificed His own Son. Because He loves you so much. Genuine repentance gives you a clean slate and a fresh start.

No matter what the branch of knowledge if you keep going and going you will end up at God.

There is the one true Living God. There is but one God, there always has been but one God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all there is in it.

Obedience to God is obedience to love, truth and justice. Jesus did not fully comprehend the purpose of crucifixion before he went up the cross, or he would not have called out to the Holy Father and said, "With you all things are possible. Take this cup away from me."

But he quickly followed by saying, "Let thy not my will be done," and He went up the cross.

If the God of ultimate intelligence, total power and infinite love asks you to move a cup from point A to point B, would you do it? You should do it even if you don't fully understand it. Jesus set an example. He also showed you are to stay true to the path of God even if you are tortured or killed. Poverty is a small thing compared to torture and death.

It is possible in all human situations, no matter how adverse, to stay true to the path of God.

But the situations need not be adverse. If humanity can choose to achieve Universal Spiritual Centeredness, it can hope to achieve the Age Of Abundance.

Pray, love, forgive is the foundation, the precondition. Worship is step one, worship gives you humility. In loving God you get to know God loves you. It is an essential realization. Wisdom is step two. You are to acquire knowledge and wisdom. You are to learn. You are to make use of your tremendous mental faculties.

Humanity is in this together. There is not one soul to spare.

The family is the basic social unit. That is ancient wisdom but also cutting edge modern research. Surveys routinely show seniors say their marriage is the best part of their senior years.

Bees secrete honey. Human beings are capable of secreting love. In all income brackets.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.