Four Dimensions And Beyond

Paramendra Bhagat
2 min readMay 1, 2016


If you were to build an ideal creature from scratch, it perhaps would look like a human being. It would have legs for moving around, hands for holding, it would have vision, a brain. It's a pretty optimal design, would you say? There's not much room for improvement in the basic design.

Now imagine two dimensional creatures living in a two dimensional world, basically dots and lines. But these lines would not exist from one moment to another. That would be three dimensions.

Could that two dimensional creature fathom a human being? What if it became there dimensional? Time was added. Could it now fathom a human being?

Human beings trying to fathom God is along those lines. Pun intended.

God gets talked of as a Super Intelligence. God has been called an all knowing God since ancient times. If the ancients saw a God of fire, and another God for wind, it is because they saw God both places. And if God is everywhere of course God is both places.

But at the other end is the idea that since God is beyond space and time, and so God exists, but He is nowhere to be seen. That is not logical. To say God is all powerful, but then start making a list of things He can do, and He can't do, is an attempt to put humans above God.

Super Intelligence is hard to understand. For example, a lot of people struggle, if God is with me, how is He also with you? And how does He have time for seven billion people?

When you go online, you get a super customized experience. If you did not know any better, you might even think it has been built only for you. And the Internet has been built by human beings. Why can't God be with you and make you feel like He has no business other than to be with you? If it is possible for the Internet, why is it not possible for God?

We are in the early stages of Artificial Intelligence. The experts say Artificial Intelligence shall surpass human beings for select brain functions just like cars and airplanes surpass human beings in movement. That is Artificial Intelligence. Why can't you extrapolate that and say Super Intelligence is not only beyond human intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, but way beyond, so beyond that no further intelligence is possible. God is Ultimate Intelligence.

Believe in God. Pray to God. God is loving, God is kind, God is forgiving, always wanting to give you a fresh start. God's way is permanent joy.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.