God Is Not Opposed To Wealth Creation

Paramendra Bhagat
2 min readOct 2, 2016


If God would have been opposed to wealth creation, God would not have laid down stealing as sin so early in the scriptures. There is no stealing if there is no wealth. God laid down property rights early on.

What God is opposed to is stealing. The rich and the powerful can steal, and when they do it is sin.

God is opposed to idolatry. Worshipping shiny objects you buy with money is idolatry. It takes you away from the one true Living God.

God is opposed to wealth being the reason you walk away from family, from the least among humanity.

God is opposed to wealth becoming the cause of your hubris and sinful ways.

But God is not opposed to wealth creation. Staying true to the path of God can lead to tremendous wealth creation.

Pray, love, forgive come first, they are the foundation on top of which you can hope to build the house of create, congregate, summon the spirit. No foundation, no house. Stronger the foundation bigger the house.

Love God, above all else. Everything that is wonderful flows from that.

You can love God, create wealth, and then you could lose your way, walk away from God, and the whole house would collapse on you. Love God always. God consciousness is 24/7/365. Always remain conscious of God. But, no, God is not opposed to wealth creation. If humanity could first achieve Universal Spiritual Centeredness, humanity could achieve unprecedented wealth creation.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.