Hereditary Bramhinism: 100 Times More Harmful Than Hereditary Monarchy

Paramendra Bhagat
4 min readApr 16, 2016


Hereditary monarchy is harmful enough, for the people are the only source of legitimate power on earth. The power flows from the people, not from the throne. And to suggest a good, just monarch can pass his goodies to his offspring the genetic route is just plain bad science, but if it is possible, let the successor seek a mandate from the people.

Power flows from the people, and since people are to pray, to seek a direct connection with God, power flows from God himself.

Hereditary Bramhinism is nothing less than blasphemy. Not only are you laying claim to God as if He were something you have copyrighted, you are also saying that privilege you can hand over from generation to generation. The corrupt priests Jesus railed against, there are a hundred million of them on the Indian subcontinent. The world is poor, because India is poor. The priests have been doing a fine job. Their grip is total, and the poverty of the land is also total. India has made zero progress in 70 years of independence. The country’s economic growth rate has matched the country’s population growth rate. The quest for liberation has not even started yet.

In Nepal Hereditary Bramhinism used the people to push aside the Hereditary Monarchy, and now also lays claim to the earthly throne itself, it only used to claim the gods before. What Nepal has today just might be the top example of corruption in all history of humanity.

Prophet Muhammad talked in terms of the atom being the center of the universe, and that atom being indivisible, metaphorically speaking, and he was right. There is but one God. He said, God is one, and God is formless, and he was right. God is one. The Trinity concept has never clashed with the idea of one God. God is formless, but because God is God, and with God all things are possible, and so God is capable of taking form, but of course.

Priests and spiritual workers do important work. But at most they can assist you as you seek to connect with God directly. Connecting to God is hard enough, it is impossible to do through another human being.

All earthly laws have to be shaped by the democratic process. But since all human beings are supposed to pray to God, all earthly laws are to be shaped by God. But all earthly laws have to be shaped by the democratic process, as the Sharia Law. Men claiming divine inspiration wrote the Sharia Law hundreds of years ago, and they put in place something worse than Hereditary Bramhinism, if that is possible, for they claimed hereditary privilege without producing any offspring. They falsely claimed their words are to go into eternity, unchanged. Laws may only be decided and revised through the democratic process. Every word in every holy book may be questioned, but of course.

Not only does the Hereditary Bramhinism stand between God and people like The Great Firewall Of China, it prevents the formation of the individual, the person. A person is someone who has realized his/her soul is unique in the history and future of time, that he/she is to connect with God directly, although assistance is allowed, even encouraged. One is to accept Jesus as one’s Personal Savior and secure one’s place in Heaven for Everlasting Life. Jesus is not of this or that culture. Jesus is the bridge between earth and Heaven. Someone who has thus consciously conquered death is a person. And after that one person one vote democracy becomes possible.

One person one vote one voice 24/7 local to global is democracy. It does not exist anywhere as of now.

Cultural diversity is as natural as fingerprints. Every soul is unique, like every fingerprint is unique, like every snowflake is unique. If God would not have wanted diversity, God would not have created it. Cultural diversity is God’s work. Racism is The Devil’s handiwork. When racism permeates earthly institutions, it is The Devil permeating earthly institutions.

The Jesus path co-exists with diversity, has got to. It co-exists with many teachings and traditions in various organized religions. For example, Christ and Krishna talk of apples and oranges, one is showing the clearest path to Heaven, another is teaching that you live a full life, while being fully detached, and always remaining conscious of God. The two messages can not only co-exist, they need to. The month long fasting that is Ramadan does not take away from anything Jesus said.

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Krishna And Christ, Geeta And Gospel

Christ And Culture

India And God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.