Indian Brahmins Worshipping Donald Trump

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readAug 12, 2016


A few months ago I came across a picture of a bunch of Brahmins in Delhi giving a picture of Donald Trump the full god treatment. He was being worshipped. The rituals were being performed. These Brahmins hated Muslims so much that they felt perhaps The Donald is The One.

That right there is proof not everyone and everything Hindus worship is divine. Most are not.

The Buddha gets called the ninth avatar of Vishnu. But that is not true. How do you know it's not true? Because the Buddha himself said so. He said he was a human being.

But the Hindus worship the Buddha.

This gets a little problematic with Shiva. In the Hindu scriptures Shiva is always placed high in the Himalayas, but never in Heaven.

That corroborates with the fact that Shiva was the Adiyogi, or the first yogi. Yoga started with him. He "wrote" the A to Z of yoga.

But Shiva gets called a member of the trinity and is worshipped.

The Buddha happened 2,500 years ago. Shiva is supposed to have happened 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.

Vishnu created all creation. All creation is but him thinking. But he did it through his begotten, called Bramha.

Rama and Krishna might be the only two Vishnu avatars. The Buddha was not it, and the fish was not it, although it can feel like the Hindus came up with something like the theory of evolution thousands of years before Charles Darwin, just like the Iraqis came up with calculus thousands of years before Newton.

Hindus go one step beyond creating gods and goddesses like they create companies in Silicon Valley. They go ahead and call themselves gods. Human beings are created special, in the image of God. But that doesn't mean human beings are gods, not on earth, not in Heaven. Each human being's unique identity remains. There is no "merger."

Some Hindus claim, but if God is everywhere, what harm is there in worshipping anything and everything?

Can we please keep Donald Trump out of this?

It is true God is everywhere, but God is one, but the way you worship every other rock has prevented you from seeing the very Son Of God for 2,000 years now.

There was only one Big Bang. There is one creator, one God, the one true Living God. There always has been but one God.

The eternal spiritual corruption of the priestly class is that they end up embellishing the life details of the god incarnates.

Mary had a few other children besides Jesus. But the Catholics claim she was a virgin all her life. In telling Krishna's story, the Rishis, the Munis, the priestly class added details like, these priests were in Heaven with Vishnu. When Vishnu decided to come down to earth they also came down and were born as women and became his numerous girlfriends.

The suggestion is that they are just like god. They also can go back and forth between earth and Heaven.

That suggestion is problematic.

The scriptures have to be vetted. The one true Living God has to be dug out from the wreckage that is the Hindu belief system.

The caste system is 100% satanic practice. It can not be included in any conversation about God.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.