Jesus: Man And God

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readJun 25, 2016


People would ask to see signs. And he did give them some signs. But Jesus was not on earth to play God. God did not need Jesus on earth to play God. God could play God from where He was. All creation is but miracle. Creation is full of miracles.

Jesus was on earth for God needed Jesus to be a human being. The focus needed to be on the message, on the life events.

How do you respect human free will as God and still help people? Jesus in human form was the answer.

Every step in the life of Jesus was choreographed in Heaven by God. But Jesus did the work and exercised free will in the process.

The washing of his disciples' feet at the last supper has several meanings. Abba, I shall wash your feet, he meant to say.

It is thought that earth is like a footstool to the King of Heaven. Jesus washed the sin on earth. It was work done by the son for the Father.

But the Jesus life and message was always meant for the ages. Crucifixion can be thought of as God's PowerPoint presentation to humanity.

God respects human free will, but that doesn't mean He doesn't know where you are going with it. Think of human choices collectively as weather. God is a weather scientist who can predict the weather. But it is the exercise of human free will that decides "the weather."

God knew how the Jewish priestly establishment would react to Jesus. But the crucifixion was decided upon even before Jesus was born.

The chosen people refused to recognize the Living God's own son.

Because he looked too human, he looked too Jewish.

God can sit right in front of you and you can fail to recognize.

Jesus was man. God needed Jesus to be man.

That was the whole idea.

He gave a few signs. But they were so people would listen to the message.

And then he gave a sign for the ages, the crucifixion and the resurrection. That is God wanting you to conquer death.

That is God's love and forgiveness. The idea that you can ask for forgiveness and get a fresh start is revolutionary.

The one true Living God is not an accountant. He is loving and forgiving.

Jesus performed a few miracles. But people tend to forget water is the big miracle, Jesus walking on water is the small miracle.

But for the most part Jesus worked within human limitations. That was the whole idea.

Crucifixion was to show Jesus was man. A human being. The resurrection was to show he was God, not just a God who ascends to Heaven, but a God who builds a bridge to Heaven for all humanity.

Jesus was not amazing for being God, Jesus was amazing for being a human being. Yet the message of Jesus is incomplete without the person of Jesus. It can be said Jesus happened to his closest disciples only at resurrection.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.