Jesus: Wisdom: Bramha

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readOct 3, 2016


Jesus' name in the Old Testament is not Jesus. That was the name Jesus acquired in human incarnation. The first mention of Jesus in the Old Testament is Jesus introducing himself. He calls himself Wisdom. That is the exact name he has in the Hindu scriptures. He is called Bramha. Bramha is the one with enormous knowledge.

But both Wisdom and Bramha are human words. Hindus give Bramha three heads. That is human symbolism, not to be taken literally. In the final book of the Bible the lamb of God is referred to having seven heads. That is human symbolism.

Rama was a human name, an earth name. Krishna was a human name, an earth name. Jesus was a human name, an earth name. You know Vishnu has had only two incarnations because Jesus was the first human incarnation of Bramha, or Wisdom. The Jews for the longest time thought Wisdom was female, a daughter to God. The male female thing is an earth thing, not a detail in Heaven.

If Vishnu has had only two incarnations, why do the Hindus claim nine? Spiritual corruption. Human hubris. Spiritual decadence.

Hindus also went ahead and created wives for Vishnu and Bramha. Because Shiva, the founder of the science of yoga, married a princess in the Indian South, first the Hindus turned Shiva into a God, like later they would go on to give Buddha the same treatment. Not only did they turn Shiva into God, they literally turned him into a phallus because he had married one of their princesses. Shiva had a wife. They gave the wife to him. That was true. From there they proceeded to give Vishnu also a wife, as Bramha.

Once Indians got into the business of creating gods and goddesses there was no stopping them. The climax was when it was declared there are 33 million gods and goddesses, because that was the population of India at the time.

Indians were the original chosen people, the Jews were the later chosen people. The Jews on their part refused to accept the very Son Of God.

Indians are not gods and goddesses. They are not even the chosen people. They are the people who originally chose. And God chose them back.

Shiva took Indian spiritual awakening to the greatest heights. Such is the science of yoga. Indians chose.

But human hubris took over and Indians lost their way. Humility is knowing God is your creator. Hubris is when you start creating gods and goddesses on your own.

There has also been Lucifer's infiltration into the Hindu belief system. The Hindus await the tenth and final avatar of Vishnu and that is supposed to be the end of the world. It is for Hindus to figure out how Lucifer infiltrated their belief system that way.

Human beings have been created in the image of God. All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. Gender diversity is the most fundamental human diversity, but then every human being is unique. Unique, special, equal.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.