Justice And Forgiveness

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readOct 8, 2016


Rama created the family on earth. Krishna established justice is above peace. Jesus created the person on earth.

The obedience is to love, truth and justice. The foundation is pray, love, forgive.

You forgive precisely because someone might have wronged. To forgive is to make peace with the fact that human free will can falter. To forgive is to honor human free will, God's prize creation. When you forgive, you honor God Himself.

The dimensions have been created by God, the first three space dimensions, the time dimension, the beyond dimensions.

Forgiveness is so intricately tied to the time dimension. Forgiveness is about understanding the true nature of the time dimension. Past is past. It is a one way street. What is past is over. You have to liberate your heart from the past. Forgiveness is liberation.

Forgiveness is so intricately tied to the time dimension you have to wonder if that is not the primary function of the time dimension. The time dimension was created to accompany human free will.

If forgiveness is so important why is God's commitment to justice so total? Forgiveness and justice are not a contradiction. God metes out perfect justice. Of that you can be sure. Nothing anyone does stays hidden from God.

God Himself forgives. Genuine repentance earns you forgiveness from God. That gives you a fresh start.

Sin leads to collapse and unhappiness. That much you can figure out on your own. God's laws are not arbitrary. They are verifiable.

The obedience is to love, truth and justice. The foundation is pray, love, forgive.

Staying true to the path of God gives you everlasting life. It also gives you the best possible life right here on earth. The here and now is also important. God is the God not only of the ever after but also of the here and now.

Justice is above peace. That is the underpinning of the modern state. The people collectively are the only legitimate source of earthly power. Violence is sin. But such a state can employ use of force to uphold basic law and order, and justice. But all peaceful options are to be exhausted first. Otherwise violence is sin.

Justice is above peace. That lesson helps humanity uphold justice. So God does not have to clean the slate and start all over again. For sin is abhorrent to God.

Your commitment to justice should be total. But practicing forgiveness is about honoring God, for it is God who created human free will. God could simply have created robots. But no, he created human beings. Forgiveness is about cultivating a deep appreciation for the fourth dimension of time. Forgiveness is first and foremost an act of love, the essential music of all creation. Forgiveness is a renewed commitment to truth, for in forgiving you are having to articulate the truth. Sometimes you sit down to forgive to calm your heart and end up instead asking for forgiveness.

Forgiveness seems to be a package deal: many good things in one package. Forgiveness is an insurance against an obstinate heart. Love and forgiveness are two sides of the same coin.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.