Knowledge, Hubris And God

Paramendra Bhagat
2 min readJul 6, 2016


Modern physics is quite impressive. So is contemporary mathematics. So is medicine. As astronomy.

Knowledge is impressive. Because the human mind is an amazing creation.

Ancient knowledge is also quite impressive. The Vedas are supposed to be full of formulas. Abraham's YHWH is supposed to be like Einstein's E=mc^2.

But that the human mind is amazing is not an argument against the creator. If the human mind is amazing, how much more amazing is the creator of that human mind? If the laws of physics are amazing, how much more amazing is the creator of those laws? If mathematics is amazing, how much more amazing is the God who created the integers?

Human intelligence is impressive but God is the Ultimate Intelligence, an intelligence beyond which no intelligence is possible or even necessary. God is all knowing. God is the Ultimate Big Data. God created all creation through thought. Human beings can discover the laws of physics, but God can create them.

No matter what the branch of knowledge, if you keep going and going, you end up at God. And so all genuine knowledge leads to humility in the face of God.

Knowledge that leads to hubris that prompts one to violate the most basic of God's commandments is knowledge without the wisdom.

Knowledge is a great way to appreciate creation. And the creation is a great way to appreciate the creator.

Ancient or modern knowledge, it's the same.

But both the Jewish priesthood and the Vedic priesthood has erred on the side of hubris. The Jewish priests refused to acknowledge God's own Son. The Vedic priests have saddled India with the caste system, which is 100% satanic practice. God's primary property is love.

Love God. Love one another. Love all humanity.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.