Making Sense Of Prophet Muhammad

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readJul 28, 2016


The last prophet. As in, the suspense might soon be over. All earth is to be Eden again. The circle is about to be complete.

But there is some explaining to do.

Either Jesus is the Son Of God or he is not. What is it?

The first order of business, though, is to drive the infidels out, the unbelievers who would turn a religion of peace into an ideology of violence, hatred, dictatorship, sexism and social ills. Ancient practices are taken out of context and imposed upon modern circumstances in a grand misfit. The political question of democracy and human rights is supreme. Islam is a religion of peace and can only legitimately be peacefully practiced. Islam was never meant to be a tool of fascism. But then Christianity has also been twisted out of shape many times, through colonization to slavery to apartheid to segregation, not to mention witch burnings and inquisitions and crusades.

The Jews believed in the second coming of Christ before there was a religion called Christianity.

Islam says God is formless. Form is in the three dimensions of space. God is beyond space. God is beyond time. So, yes, God is formless. Several religions and all ancient religions have had a tendency to descend into idolatry. The problem with idolatry is it takes people away from the one true Living God, the only God there is, ever was. The trinity concept does not clash with the idea of the one God. Islam stands as a strong bulwark against idolatry.

Jesus was both man and God. A lot of "Christians" think Jesus never happened. Or he happened but he was a man, a teacher who got blown out of proportion by people who came later. Jesus was man, a kind, loving man, a philosopher, a teacher like Buddha. His disciples even called him teacher. Even those who think he was divine also think he was a man.

The Koran is the only place where you see Jesus perform miracles as a child. He gives life to a dead bird.

Could Jesus be the Son Of God and could Gabriel, God's archangel, claim otherwise? Is that possible? Or was it Lucifer posing as Gabriel out to undo the work of Jesus?

Or is the Koran being misunderstood by the Muslims? To say Jesus was man is not to deny he was divine. To claim he was a prophet might be a way to deny he was a man. He was no ordinary man, he was a prophet. As in, he was not a man God, he was a prophet God.

The political and the social should be separated from the religious. That's just how things are done in the 21st century. Many European monarchies became constitutional monarchies. Arab monarchies need to follow in those footsteps. I am not opposed to throwing them out entirely either.

Islam needs to undergo a fermentation and go back to its roots in peace, love, compassion, justice and kindness. The KKK style fascists are not followers of Muhammad but Lucifer. They are a blight upon Islam.

Islam might also have been God's way of protecting the Jews by giving the now large Christian group a counter balance. Islam filled a major vacuum in the desert. The one God had been displaced with hundreds of idols.

Cultural diversity is as fundamental as free will. God respects it. And so He gave a gift to the desert.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in America. South Asia has more Muslims than any other part of the world, and South Asia is democracies.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.