One Church Is Enough

Paramendra Bhagat
2 min readApr 26, 2016


A Place to Worship, and to Jam, Shop and Feast “ of the first English-speaking Lutheran churches in New York.”

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Medium: Paramendra Bhagat

Keep doing what is being done and stay in rhythm with your central organization. Just add to it.

A strong digital “marketing” effort is needed.

People already seem to know. For example, Summoning The Spirit is cutting edge. It is the future of prayer. And it was well attended. Why not do it every week? In parallel to the Sunday service?

Music can not be just one genre. Any and all genre should be welcomed. One music event a week a must. This might be the best time to collect donations.

The Sunday Dinner is also a hit. Well liked. It should be done every Sunday, and instead of dinner, it should be a potluck brunch, right after the service. People should be limited six to a table. So everyone gets heard during the hour. This will turn also the Sunday Service into a hit. People are not being heard enough, generally speaking. Just ask, how was your week, and listen.

Two things to add: yoga and freehand exercise. Daily. Ideally free, but people might even choose to pay.

WiFi in the basement.

Down the line, Langar, aka community kitchen, seven days a week. All welcome, no questions asked. Start with cheap food: peanut butter sandwiches, coffee on the pot all day, apples, oranges. And as the donations pour in, add items. Eventually it's cooked food. These days WiFi is considered a food item.

One church done right can go everywhere in the world digitally.



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.