One God, One Humanity

Paramendra Bhagat
5 min readOct 20, 2016


There is but one God, there always has been but one God, the one true Living God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible.

That one true Living God is three distinct identities: the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit. But God is one, because the three exist in perfect harmony, a perfection that is only possible in that 10th, final dimension.

Everything that was created was created by the Holy Father through the Holy Son, who was begotten not made. Everything that is and ever will be is contained within the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, the one who has spoken through prophets. The Holy Spirit already knows everything that any scientist might ever discover. The human consciousness has the option to dip into that superconsciousness that is God.

God spoke the world into existence.

The sixth dimension is God’s dashboard on which God has simulations of every possible universe with its own unique set of laws of physics, on that dashboard God can foresee the unfolding of humanity based on all possible choices each human being might make. You have free will but that does not mean God can’t see where you are going with it.

In the Old Testament when the Holy Son first introduces himself he calls himself Wisdom, called Bramha by the Hindus. Both words mean the same.

God created the angels of Heaven with everlasting life, enormous intellects and powers, and free will. Angels are spirit creatures that don't need to be, are not gendered. They don't need to eat.

Some angels rebelled against God and fell from Heaven.

God created human beings in His own image, the God of ultimate intelligence, infinite love and total power.

The Holy Father has appeared in two human incarnations so far, as Rama and Krishna, 7,000 and 5,000 years ago. Rama, before leaving, said he would come back. He came back as Krishna. Rama created the family on earth and the ideal ruler. He established justice is above knowledge, wealth and power. Krishna established justice is above peace.

The Holy Son's first human incarnation was as Jesus Christ. Jesus built the bridge to Heaven and created the person on earth. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior you are not glorifying Jesus, you are choosing to come face to face with the fact that there is only one of you in all creation, that you do not end at death. The world has awaited the second human incarnation of Wisdom/Bramha for 2,000 years now.

None of the major religions clash. The Jews and Muslims pray to the one true Living God. One get there through Prophet Moses, another through Prophet Muhammad. God made a covenant with Abraham. God intends to keep that covenant for a thousand generations.

The Buddha attained enlightenment through the grace of God, but he was a human being who never asked for worship. He has done some of the very best work on the mind. The Buddhist meditation techniques are some of the very best.

Shiva, similarly, is the founder of yoga, which is much more comprehensive than the Buddhist meditation techniques. Shiva is an ice age figure from more than 12,000 years ago. He married a South Indian princess.

Both Shiva and Buddha were erroneously turned into gods by the Hindus who did not stop at that. They went on to declare there are 33 million gods and goddesses, the census figure of India at the time.

The original chosen people, the Hindus, and the later chosen people, the Jews, both seemed to have missed the point that God is not the God of one people but all peoples. God is the God of the entire cosmos.

The truth is God created human beings. For human beings to create gods and goddesses is hubris. That hubris, the slavery that is the caste system and an utter rejection of God's only Son in human incarnation, the one that gave the Hindus the Vedas, and that is why India is the poorest country on earth today.

Yoga (Shiva), meditation (Buddha), therapy (Scientology), and free hand exercise (Bruce Lee) are all good if they all lead to prayer and worship of the one true Living God.

Think of God as the sun and the human being, no matter how enlightened, as the sunflower, such is the power differential, on earth as well in Heaven, only God is the creator of both the sunflower and the sun, and trillions of other suns.

All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. Rama, Krishna and Jesus have to be worshipped together by all humanity. But let the Jews and the Muslims remind all that God is formless, as in beyond space and time, God is the 10th, the final dimension. But God is not bound by any of the laws of the universe, all of which God created. With God all things are possible. God is everywhere in space and time. God has always been just one prayer away for any human being anywhere through time.

All humanity has to move to one God, one religion, one world government out of free will. In Heaven there is no religion, only God. The earth only needs communities of prayer.

Cultural diversity is natural and good, but all cultures, all nationalism are in the mind.

Body (eat, sleep, exercise). Mind (do yoga, meditate, teach, learn, converse, read, write, create, work, produce). Heart (love, forgive). Soul (pray, worship).

Jesus worshipping Christians in America crossing a cultural barrier to also worship Rama and Krishna is the only cure to racism in America, so you learn cultural diversity is natural and good. Indians accepting Jesus kills the caste system (priests are not born to priests any more than kings are born to kings, not any more), brings the focus back to the one true Living God, and that is the only way poverty can be wiped out in India.

Universal Spiritual Centeredness is the most important thing. On that foundation an Age Of Abundance can be built for all humanity.

The Internet, the Blockchain, the Holy Spirit. The Blockchain will be much bigger than the Internet. It will do to money what the Internet has done to information. Money will not become free but it will become universally accessible.

When every single human being kneels down and summons the Spirit at once at that point the Holy Spirit will engulf all earth. Once that happens the spirit prays for you even before you feel the need.

The Holy Father loves you so much He is offering to pray on your behalf.

Your soul is indestructible, and death is not the end of you. You yourself are in human incarnation.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.