Pray Or Go Back To The Stone Age

Paramendra Bhagat
4 min readApr 29, 2016


The world faces a clear choice. Disrupted weather patterns look like this. This year the monsoon rains have shifted from India to somewhere deep in the Indian Ocean, the year after that they are unpredictably in Madagascar, the year after no such rain patterns can be found anywhere on the planet, except there is a monster version of Katrina in Chicago. The fastest computers will be helpless. Bye bye agriculture.

The first major place on the planet that got hit by disrupted weather patterns in a serious way has been the place that has the highest concentration of the most self proclaimed smartest people on the planet: California. If you are so smart, why are you not smart enough to pray? For it is a binary situation. Either you pray to God or you choose to sit in The Devil's lap. There is no neutral territory available.

God does not punish you for not praying. God is a loving, kind, forgiving God, always ready to give you a fresh start. What happens instead is, you choose to not pray, which means you choose to go sit in The Devil's lap. Not even The Devil is harming you. The Devil does not feel evil any more than water feels it is wet.

You can always choose to get out of The Devil's lap by choosing to pray.

The world is on an eco precipice. It could spin out of control. And there is a tipping point beyond which humanity's choices become severely limited.

But it is not all bad news.

Solar could meet 100% of the energy needs by as early as 2030, bringing forth an era of cheap, abundant, clean energy.

The missing link is a congregation. One person, one vote, one voice, 24/7, local to global. Create, congregate, summon the spirit is chapter two.

What humanity needs is a world government. Globalization of technology? Happened. Globalization of money? Happened. Globalization of politics? Has not happened yet. Minus the world government, humanity ends up in the stone age. Barack Obama is best equipped to be George Washington. I will give him a global grassroots structure that he never had as President of America, so he may do work to the best of his God given abilities. There is a choice to be made. Stone age? Or the age of abundance?

When there has been shameless exhibitions of raw racism against Barack Obama on the floor of the US Senate, you have to think, can you get any more public than this? You might as well take it over to the Horaldo Rivera Show. I don't watch TV, but I have heard even fist fights are allowed on that show.

Racism is sin. And racism is as mysterious as theft and assault. Let me spell that out for you. It is not mysterious.

It works just like assault. If you were to irrationally assault any human being as soon as they showed up, what would that world be like? Such a world actually existed. A long long time ago. People did not need a reason. They would simply assault.

The way racism works today, as soon as you see someone from a particular background, you irrationally assault. Either it is physical assault, if not outright gunfire. Or if you think they are from Zambia, you go drop bombs in Zambia. Or you put their kind’s names on black lists so they never can get decent jobs or can vote, or you box them into negative portrayals and create invisible walls and ceilings such that they can neither move nor complain.

It is assault, from one collective identity to another.

And just like human beings had to learn to not assault other individuals to create complex political and economic organizations, similar peace, love and kindness is needed at the level of collective identities so humanity may collectively reach new, unprecedented heights. Let me spell that out. That would mean a global per capita income of a million dollars and beyond.

Stop the racism, for it is sin, and takes you to Hell. Also stop the racism so you can have more money to spend on earth.

You know when you do it. It creeps upon you like temptation. The Devil delights in sowing confusion. The Devil likes it when people can't get along.

Get out of The Devil's lap. Walk away. Pray.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.