Rama, Krishna And Christ

Paramendra Bhagat
4 min readJul 24, 2016


The Jews wanted a king. The Jews wanted and still ask for "the king himself." They were not even aware there was a son or also a holy spirit.

Where did this strong desire for God as King come from? The Christians are no different. They are waiting for Christ to come and become king, an earthly ruler. Where does this come from?

Did the Hindus already get what the Jews wanted? What the Christians want? The Vishnu of the Hindu belief system seems to be like The Holy Father of the Christian belief system. Vishnu dreamt the world into existence. He did it through Bramha, who emerged out of his naval. God spoke the world into existence. Sound familiar? Jesus was born without a mother, not in Heaven, but before Heaven itself was created. And his name was not Jesus. Nobody knows what his name was. Jesus is his earth name.

And that Vishnu first appeared as Rama 7,000 years ago and as Krishna 5,000 years ago. Rama taught family values through example. How to be a good son, how to be a good husband. Also, how to be a good king. Rama Rajya is still the term for the best possible kind of earthly rule. Or, the rule of Rama. Did Rama actually happen? Or was he created by the Hindu religious gurus? The strong family values in India to this day is ascribed to how deeply the Ramayana is embedded in the Indian psyche. Indians scoff at the divorces and single mothers and old age homes and babysitting that Americans seem to be into.

Krishna's teachings are in the Geeta. Your body is not permanent like your soul is but the world is real and you are to live life to the full, you are to fully perform your duties, but since the world is not real, only temporary, your soul is, God is, you are to live a full life, but always in full detachment, always remaining conscious of God. Krishna also taught, you are to seek justice through peaceful means but if you exhaust all such options you pick up the sword for the cause of justice and God will be on your side.

Maybe considering where human beings were in terms of evolution 5,000 years ago that message made sense. Justice is above peace. Peace without justice is not even peace. Or perhaps the message is as relevant today. Police officers and soldiers can engage in lawful violence for the cause of justice, even though violence is sin. But the caveat is all peaceful options have to be exhausted first.

A lot of people, especially in the West, who might even have picked up yoga don't connect Krishna to yoga. But yoga and Geeta are connected. Yoga is not stretching of the joints, although it is. Yoga is supposed to wake you up to the fact your mind is amazing. Check this out. Ancient Hindu yogis were able to make accurate astronomical observations about distant twin stars without using telescopes, eyes closed too. How do you explain that? Everything that is outside is already inside you, that is how. You don't see with your eyes, you see with your mind. Modern science has proven that.

On the other hand the Hindu priestly class has far outdone the Jewish priestly class on matters of spiritual corruption. The caste system stinks so bad I have to hold my breath when talking about it.

The Hindu priests also peddle some wrong and harmful concepts. The soul is not a drop of water that becomes one with the ocean - God - when you die. Your soul is unique and you maintain your distinct identity also in Heaven. The person you know to be on earth, you will recognize that person in Heaven. But it is true your soul is made up of spirit matter from the spirit world. Angels are creatures from the spirit world.

You have been created in God's image. And your mind is amazing. You can conquer your mind and come face to face with your soul right here on earth. And you are loved immensely by God. But, no, you are not God. There is only one God. Citizenship of Heaven does not make you God. Having a soul that is made up of spirit matter just like matter in Heaven does not make you God but someone who has the option to go to Heaven.

Hereditary Brahminism makes as much sense as a surgeon's son wanting to operate on you. Just like a doctor, a spiritual worker should learn it and earn it. The practice of untouchability is Satan worship.

The gun laws of America make Americans look like primitive, pre evolution animals. America needs a heavy dose of yoga and meditation. Americans also need to accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. Nobody who has done so could act racist.

And there can be no compromise on human rights anywhere. There seems to be an Indian definition of free speech. There is no freedom of religion in India. You can't call yourself the largest democracy without having democracy.

There is but one God, but Catholics have been populating the Heaven with saints. They even pray to saints, which starts sounding like the polytheism that Hinduism gets accused of.

Were Rama and Krishna for real? Did they happen? Or were they written into fictitious ancient novels? Or were Rama and Krishna but The Holy Father having made two trips to earth already? Those are legitimate questions. For both Christians and Hindus. The answers might lead to Americans getting more into family values and yoga and Indians demolishing the caste system.

The Hindus talk of a consciousness and a super consciousness that sounds awfully like the soul and the Holy Spirit. But some Hindus claim there is no God but only that superconsciousness.

The Holy Spirit might be amused to know.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.