The Devil Is For Real

Paramendra Bhagat
4 min readMay 18, 2016


Evil exists. It is for real.

Evil is that evil does. Evil is that evil plots. Evil is that evil instigates.

The fight between good and evil is not a fight between equals. God is overwhelmingly more powerful than The Devil. But it can appear like a fight between equals. Why? How?

Because the only place you witness the fight is within the domain of human free will. And because human free will can go either way it can feel like a fight between equals. But it's not.

The Devil is not a guy with a tail. If he were a guy with a tail, it would be much easier.

The Devil is a gentle whisper. The Devil is a suggestion.

God does not punish. God's way is of immense love, enormous kindness, bottomless forgiveness.

The Devil does not punish either. The Devil does the only thing it knows how to do. The Devil's path is one of death and destruction. The Devil's path is one of hatred and confusion. The Devil's path is one of chaos and mayhem.

There are stories, ancient stories, where someone made God angry, and God punished. That is a misleading narrative. That is a narrative The Devil will have you believe.

It is a binary situation. You choose to walk away from God. As soon as you do that, you are in The Devil's lap. And then The Devil does the only thing it knows how to do. But it wants you to believe it is God punishing you. The Devil is a master of deception and subterfuge.

So what to do?

Stay on God's side, always. When you mess up, ask for forgiveness and come back. He will always, always, always welcome you. Strengthen your spiritual immune system. Protect and nurture your heart. Be of sound mind and body. Surround yourself with people who choose to stay on God's side. Join a community of prayer. Pray. Love. Forgive. Read. Exercise.

Remember, Evil is that evil does. Evil is that evil plots. Evil is that evil instigates. Learn to spot the evil in action. The good people have to band together, and stay on a watch out for The Devil. The Devil needs to be thrown out of the sea of human free will. Only a collective effort can do that. And that is why we have to keep expanding the community of prayer, one soul at a time.

The Devil is capable of infiltrating government institutions, if not outright taking over governments. Do not underestimate it. But don't be daunted by it. Choose to be with God. Let Him worry about The Devil.

The racism in America's criminal justice system? That's The Devil. An authoritarian government anywhere? That's The Devil. Air pollution in Beijing? That's The Devil. In Delhi? That's The Devil. In Mexico City? That's The Devil. Air pollution in Manhattan? That's The Devil.

But forget competing with God in power, The Devil has less power than the human. Thrown out of the sea of human free will, The Devil is powerless. Utterly powerless. Exercise your power, your human power. Throw out The Devil.

The precise reason you forgive people is because it is always The Devil behind evil acts. If you don't forgive, you are letting The Devil latch onto your heart, and be the source of negative emotions. Your negative emotions hurt you. You don't want that. Avoid people who might engage in evil acts, plots and instigations.

The easiest path is to stay with God. God's way is permanent joy. God's way is love, kindness, forgiveness.

Accept Jesus as your Personal Savior. Secure your place in Heaven. God so loved humanity, He built the most concrete bridge possible between earth and Heaven. That bridge is Jesus.

Have faith 24/7. Do not doubt, not for one second. To have faith is to stay with God. To doubt is not to be on neutral territory, it is to be with The Devil.

Hell is much worse than the worst possible pain you can imagine on earth. Just like Heaven is indescribably amazing. The richest on earth will not see on earth what the poorest on earth will see in Heaven. It is a no contest. Choose God. Choose Heaven. The Holy Father loves you immensely and wants every single one of you in Heaven.

Leave Hell to The Devil. He earned it by disobeying God. Misery might love company, but you don't have to volunteer. The Devil needs your permission to be able to hurt you. Don't give it.

Pray. Love. Forgive. Create. Congregate. Summon The Spirit.

Say to God unequivocally, Thy will be done.

Forgiveness is proof your free will is a gift to you from God Almighty Himself. God will always, always, always forgive you. No matter how lost you feel, just come back. Choose to come back. His love for you is bottomless.

Keep deepening your faith. Keep building up your spiritual immune system. Pray. Love. Forgive.

Defeat The Devil. Vanquish it. Master human free will, individually as well as collectively as humanity.

The Devil may stay in Hell. It has no place on earth. Kick it out. You have the power. The human power can overpower The Devil. The Holy Father gave you the gift of free will so you may on your own overpower The Devil.

Prosperity is not sin. There is indescribable prosperity in Heaven. Love is not sin. There is infinite love in Heaven.

Walk the path of joy. Keep The Devil an outcast.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.