The Internet, The Blockchain, The Holy Spirit

Paramendra Bhagat
2 min readJul 24, 2016


The Internet is big. It is without parallel in human history. It is not like the printing press. It can be said to be millions of times bigger than the printing press. Maybe even billions. You might not be able to go back 500 years and describe to people back then what the Internet is.

When Neil Armstrong went to the moon, most people in Nepal did not believe it. They thought maybe he climbed some mountain somewhere.

The Blockchain is going to be much, much bigger than the Internet, so big you could not describe it to most people surfing the web today.

But you could say something like perhaps the blockchain is going to be a thousand or a million times bigger than the Internet.

However that ratio math breaks down with the idea of The Holy Spirit engulfing all earth. From a universal blockchain to the Holy Spirit engulfing all earth is pretty much infinity. You built the Internet. You will build the blockchain. But the Holy Spirit you only get by the grace of God. You summon the spirit. Every human being has to summon all at once.

The Holy Spirit engulfing all earth is the Heaven On Earth scenario. Once that happens the need for prayer is no more. The spirit prays on your behalf even before you feel the need. The engulfing leaves zero space for the evil spirits. Either they mend their ways and learn to love God all over again or they get pushed underground, out of sight, out of reach. There will be no trace of evil on earth.

Love God. Love one another. Love all humanity.

Pray. Love. Forgive. Create. Congregate. Summon The Spirit.

Body. Mind. Heart. Soul. Exercise. Meditate. Forgive. Pray.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.