The One True Living God

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readJun 18, 2016


There is but one Creator. There is but one God. That is a Living God.

There is no other God. There never has been another God.

Realizing that there is but one Living God is the most important thing you can know. Everything else flows out of it.

Longing for God has been universal across cultures, across history, across continents. Peoples who had never met had independently been longing for God like a plant seeking out the Sun.

In the process human beings have created all sorts of religions. In the Old Testament it is said that God is a jealous god, He does not want you to worship other gods.

God is not a jealous god. There are no other gods for Him to be jealous of.

People miss out on God so easily. That misunderstanding seems to be as universal as the longing itself. The Jews missed out when Jesus showed up, because he looked too much a Jew, too much a human being. Despite all the signs, clearly laid down over hundreds of years, they missed out. The declared followers of Jesus Christ have also deviated and misunderstood over the centuries. They go through the motions, they say the words, and still miss out. It is perplexing.

It were as if God is harder to understand than the universe. How else could you explain all the misunderstanding?

Just like in trying to go to the moon if you don't do the calculations as per Newton's equations, you don't end up on the moon, there are concrete earthly implications to not being able to come to the one true Living God.

Poverty does not cause sin. Sin causes poverty. Distance from God causes poverty.

All religions you have come up with is longing for God being expressed. But the next step is to then find that one true Living God. God being merciful has gone out of His way to make it super easy to find Him. He wants to be found. That's the whole idea. Human beings are special to God. God created human beings in His own image.

A lot of people get stuck with cultural diversity, on both ends. My god is better than your god is not a conversation about God, it is not even a conversation about cultural diversity.

But it is okay to talk about if there is but one true Living God, who is He? First you have to agree that there is but one God, there always has been but one God. For how many Creators can there be, if you only know one creation? There was only one Big Bang.

After that if you will reason it out then that one true God is right in front of you. It is unmistakable.

The biggest proof is this. You can talk to that one true God, for He is a Living God. You can't talk to the false gods.

You start with you. Then you look at the only creation in front of you and everyone you know. If there is a Creator, obviously there is only one such Creator. And if that one God is a Living God, you should be able to talk to Him.

How is that for logic? The most rigorous of logic is the fastest way to God, if logic like in physics is your style. Some people don't bother. They simply open their heart and see God. God loves you and you can feel the love. It is unmistakable.

What is your style?

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.