The Truth

Paramendra Bhagat
3 min readApr 29, 2016


God created human free will. God respects human free will. He has the power to simply take it away, but He doesn't.

Forgiveness is proof your free will is a gift to you from God Almighty Himself. He will always give you a fresh start.

God is The Ultimate Truth. All other elements of The Truth are derived from that. There is a God, creator of all things Heaven and earth. God is beyond space and time, but God is everywhere in space and time. God is a loving, kind, forgiving God.

There is but one God. There always has been but one God.

God does not give you good days and bad days. God only gives you good days. God does not give you pain and joy. God only gives you joy. If you are having a bad day, that's The Devil. If you are in pain, that's The Devil.

Evil is that evil does. Evil is that evil plots. Evil is that evil instigates.

There is a God, one God. There is a Heaven. And your soul is unique in the history and future of time. You do not end at death.

Those are the four elements of The Truth. Many religions are possible around that Truth. Equally no religion is possible minus The Truth.

But everything is possible in the free speech domain, the right to peaceful assembly domain. You can say there are 10 Gods, not one, and that is free speech.

There was once thought there were five elements in the universe, that was revised and replaced by the Periodic Chart Of Elements. We do not have two chemistry religions, one organized around the five elements, another around The Periodic Chart.

Similarly, no true religion is possible minus The Truth. All thoughts peacefully expressed are covered by free speech, but The Truth is essential to religion. The Truth is essential to weeding out religious and spiritual corruption.

The four elements of The Truth beautifully come together in the person of Jesus Christ. That is by design, for Jesus was the son of God. You are all God's children. But Jesus was a direct son of God. Because you are all God's children you have been able to do everything Jesus did. He walked on water. You fly on water. He cured people. You cure people. He ascended to Heaven, but he did it in a way that you can also ascend to Heaven like him, for you are God's children, God loves you beyond words.

In accepting Jesus as your Personal Savior, you are expressing your belief in God, that one God, creator of Heaven and earth, you are accepting that, yes, there is a Heaven, you are coming face to face with the fact that your soul is unique in the history and future of time, you are affirming you do not end at death, in accepting Jesus as your Personal Savior you are conquering death, you are securing a place for you in Heaven.

If there is a religion that says there are many Gods, and their God is one of them, it is a false religion. If there is a religion that says there is a Heaven but you get there by bribing priests, it is a corrupt religion. If there is a religion that says there is a God, one God, there is a Heaven, and you do have a soul, but every soul is like every other, it is right about God, and Heaven, but it is so wrong about the soul, it does not really matter that it is right about God and Heaven, it is a misleading religion that will lead you astray. A religion necessarily has to be right about all four elements of The Truth for it to be a valid religion.

Your soul is unique in the history and future of time and no one can accept Jesus as your Savior on your behalf but you. It is a personal relationship, a personal connection.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.