There Is No Room For Racism

Paramendra Bhagat
2 min readJul 24, 2016


There is zero room for racism in the teachings of and the ways of Jesus Christ.

Nobody who is racist has accepted Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. They might say it, but they are lying out of their teeth.

Jesus did not come to be glorified. He was being glorified plenty in Heaven. God had the power to make Jesus king of Israel, like the Jews wanted to. Or the king of the Roman Empire, or all world.

Accepting Jesus is not about glorifying Jesus. It is not a faith of allegiance. You are not joining a political party. Jesus is neutral in legitimate political fights, fairly fought.

A lot of people who call themselves Christians could benefit from yoga and meditation. Nonsense, primitive gun laws are barbarism. Mahatma Gandhi, often called the father of nonviolence, got it all from Christ, not even Buddha.

Violence is sin, the most obvious sin.

There is no room for racism. There is no room for sexism. There is no room for casteism. There is no room for classism. There is no room for homophobia. There is no room for physicalism. There is no room for ageism.

If your soul is unique in the history and future of time, and if everyone else's soul is the same way, there is no room. Accepting Jesus as your Personal Savior is about you waking up to the fact that your soul is unique in the history and future of time. There is no way to wake up to that fact without realizing that is also true for everyone else, and if that is true for everybody then obviously there is no room for racism. Racism is sin. Racism is the opposite of love one another. And that is why it is sin. And racism is not mysterious. You know it when you are doing it. Institutional racism is institutional sin. If you are at the giving end, you repent. If you are at the receiving end, you forgive.

Kumar: Wake Up To God



Paramendra Bhagat

Tech Entrepreneur/Consultant (Augmented Reality Mobile Game, FinTech/Microfinance, Software, Clean Energy/Hydro), Digital Activist, New Yorker.