
Paras Ali
2 min readJul 6, 2020

Why is it so important to self-love? What does it even mean? Everyone loves themselves, right?

What is the rocket science behind this?

All these questions make sense ya!?

But do you really love yourself? And even before that do you really know yourself?

I used to say this phrase quite often few years back that ‘I love me’, but now when I look back I realize I just used to say it but never actually understood its true essence. When you love someone, you make sure or try to make sure that your loved one/ones are doing fine, are happy and never alone while facing life’s trails and tribulations. So should be the case for self-love! You should know yourself to be able to take care of yourself. Back to the point why you should love yourself… well the answer is quite simple.

From the moment you were born and to the moment you will die, the hundreds of thousands of moments in between, the person that’ll be their to face it all together with you, is You.

People will be joining your journey, but none will be there to experience it all with you. Its life. You need you more than you can contemplate. So, you need to know you, you need to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad. If you are aware of yourself than most of the opinions and harsh tones of others wont cause you much pain because deep inside you would know what you are, and their opinion doesn’t define it.And when you don’t really know yourself you would believe in what others dictate to you, about you. Which wont be pleasant most of the time.

I was such a thin skin person as a child that any negative comment from anyone would shatter me and make me cry. I was bullied for being tall (I am 5'5” ) which actually isn’t that tall, and I used to hate myself for no reasons. But now I love myself enough that petty comments like these doesn’t really bother me. This is the power of self-love. Hope it make you embrace yourself and your perfect imperfections.

