The Top 5 Best Home Workouts Revealed!!

Paras Shrestha
4 min readSep 21, 2016


Do you want to get fit? but don’t have time to join a gym or a health club? Many individuals even may not have fitness centers located near their personal residence or workplace. Whether if it’s too expensive, or whatever the reason may be, the key point is to do something, somewhere, sometime. Well this is where home workouts tend to be your best friend. A fitness routine that you can perform in your personal residence without any obstacles and keep yourself fit. There are times when you just can’t make it to the gym. We’ve been there. Well these are a list of the best 5 workouts that you can do at your home;

It’s a good way to get your heart rate pumping in preparation for a more intense workout. Perform 30 to 40 jumping jacks to get ready for your workout.

One of the most basic exercises that can be easily done anywhere. It can help you build up your upper body’s stamina, strength and muscular endurance. For those who cannot perform a standard push up they can perform a knee push up and gradually improve along the way.

Who does not like a perfectly shaped legs? Jump squat is a power packed cardio exercise. It helps to burn more calories at a faster rate. It’s a simple but challenging way to strengthen your entire lower body: thighs (quads), hamstrings and butt (gluteus).

The simplest of movements result in the greatest benefits, and this is certainly the case with planks. Abdominal muscles must provide support for our entire back. It also plays a vital role in preventing injuries. Therefore, doing plank is a great way to strengthen your core and prevent various injuries and teaching your muscles to work together.

Burpees are an intense exercise that combine jump squat and push up into one physically demanding activity. The great thing about burpees is that they combine cardio and strength into one exercise. It will work your upper and lower body at the same time with a strong focus on the core. Burpees burns a lot of calories, and provides workout on several muscle groups, so it’s a great overall exercise.

Lunges are unilateral exercises, meaning that they train one side of your body independently from the other which improves your balance and coordination. Moreover, studies shows the gluteus are very involved with pulling you back to a standing position. It’s an easy-to-learn, safe and incredibly effective exercise.

Perform these exercise 3 to 4 times a week. Example:- Sunday: workout, Tuesday: workout, Thursday: workout and repeat. Perform each exercise for 3 sets for 10–15 repetition and planks for 30 seconds. Example:- doing push up for 3 sets and 10–15 repetitions each set.

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