House Analysis: 4–10 Axis in Astrology

Paresh Patel
3 min readJul 27, 2019


The 12 houses in astrology can be grouped in many ways based on their features. Some common groupings are trines, angles, apoklimas, panapharas, upachayas, purusharthas etc. Understanding each of these groupings is critical for understanding the relationship & functionality of the houses.

However, these groupings are common knowledge. Most astrologers know about them & actively use them in their practice. Today, I’m starting a series of articles to focus on a different way of understanding the houses — according to axes.

Each house can be thought of as part of a pair with the opposite house. Thus, there are 6 axes: 1–7 , 2–8 , 3–9 , 4–10 , 5–11 & 6–12. We are going to see how each of these axes deals with a critical area of life & plays off each other to create balance & harmony.

The core idea of this analysis is that opposites are complimentary. The opposite houses apparently look opposite in their themes, but are actually complimentary to each other when closely observed. Understanding that dynamic can be very profound in its own way.

In this article I talk about the 4–10 axis or the power axis:

4th house is about connecting to our innermost self & listening to our heart. Here we dive deep into our emotional core & find means to connect with our immediate environment. A good 4th house allows one to connect & adapt to his environment in order to receive proper emotional nourishment. Hence, he feels grounded & peaceful in his own skin.

10th house is about fulfilling our responsibilities & achieving status & prominence through that effort.Here we take charge of a project, that responsibility brings power which makes us feel important. Here we are the leader of a project, the doer in our life.

The 4th house tells us what we really want to do, what really can emotionally make us fulfilled. That awareness drives us to deal with the responsibilities in order to take care of that. Once we deal with the obligations, it makes us feel satisfied which reinforces the 4thhouse. Thus, 4th & 10th house play off each other.

When 4th house is stronger than 10th, the person feels what he needs to do in order to be happy, but do not know how to approach that properly, how to initiate proper action in order to take care of the responsibilities involved.

When 10th is stronger than 4th, the person takes a lot of burden & fulfills a lot of obligations, but none of that makes them fulfilled at heart. The efforts they make are empty, it may bring status & wealth, but not inner satisfaction.

Only when the 4th & 10th are in balance, one can find happiness from their actions & do what really makes them happy.

This axis is especially important for your careerwhere job satisfaction is a primary marker for success. Having a well developed 4–10 axis ensures you know at your heart what actions will make you happy & also, you know exactly how to tackle the responsibilities involved.

Thank you.

Author of this article: Pratyush Bhattacharya (

Note: This article is not written by me. My purpose of this article is to just share with you.



Paresh Patel

Digital Marketing Consultant, Passionate about Astrology & Photography