OpenAI is About to Create Millionaires!

Transforming Conversations into Fortunes: A 4-Step Guide to OpenAI’s GPT Builder and the Million-Dollar Wave.

The Pareto Investor
4 min readNov 10, 2023

How to Get Rich with Investing (without Getting Lucky)

OpenAI is About to Create Millionaires!

In a moment reminiscent of Steve Jobs’ iconic announcement:

“Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone”

OpenAI has ushered in a new era with the introduction of GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) and the Assistant API.

This marks a paradigm shift, comparable to the launch of the iPhone, opening up a world of possibilities for developers, entrepreneurs, and users alike.

OpenAI’s GPT Builder promises not only a revolution in technology but also a pathway to financial success for those who dare to create.

OpenAI is on the verge of creating millionaires, and a new revenue stream in the billions is about to emerge with the imminent launch of the GPT Builder shop.

The most exciting part?

Anyone, with or without coding skills, can now create their GPT and ride the wave of this transformative technology.

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