Faith Over Fear.

Pariis Garcia
3 min readDec 20, 2018


For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

A little over a month ago I made a decision that changed my life.

Shot by Thierry Jean

I spent the last 23 years of my life growing up in what I believe is the greatest city in the world. My days were spent running around between different boroughs with the most amazing family, friends, coach, coworkers, and students I could ask for.

One day I was presented with a decision that I knew would change everything.

The decision I was faced with was to stay in NY, my favorite place, surrounded by my favorite people, or to move to Florida and place myself in a new environment that may or may not help me to achieve my goals in track and field.

I wrote this prayer to God during this time…

The repetition reminds me of how desperate I was for his guidance. I wanted God clearly tell me “Pariis go”, or “Pariis stay.” But I wasn’t getting that. Everyday I prayed and thought about it nonstop hoping for clarity. Then I started to notice something…

Whenever I thought about leaving and what I had to do if I did decide to move, those thoughts were filled with uncertainty and fear. I was scared to leave my family, scared to leave my friends, scared to tell my coach, scared of being poor, scared of not finding a job, scared of not having a place to live, scared of the new people I would now be spending my days with.

It was all fear. I let my fears begin to eat at me and caused me have a clouded mind when really thinking about what decision was best for me. That’s when I started to realize God had already answered me. One thing I know is that fear is the opposite of faith. So I had to choose faith. I had to choose to have faith in the new environment, faith in the unseen results, and faith in the fact that no matter where I am God would be protecting me and that it was for a purpose.

So I left.

I only told the people who had to know. I couldn’t tell everyone I wanted to. Most of my extended family didn’t know until my parents later told them because I couldn’t get the words out. I didn’t pack until the day before because I couldn’t bare to see a suitcase sitting on the floor of my room everyday, making the idea of me leaving everything I loved a reality.

I cried whenever I was alone days before and most of the plane ride on my way.

But I knew I made the right decision.

There are times I feel like God gives us direction and opportunities, but if we don’ t step out on faith we won’t be able to see the greatness he has in store.

Hebrews 11 starts with, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” It continues with examples of how, throughout the bible many followed God through faith and not by what was coming. They were patient, trusting, willing to sacrifice, and didn’t let their own fears or doubts stop them.

I’m not saying whenever an opportunity or an idea to get up and go out in the unknown comes up, that you should do so. I’m saying to trust and have faith in God. To know that He is with you and that he will guide you. Just go to Him with an open mind and ready to listen.



Pariis Garcia

A native New Yorker who runs track and field. I am a new writer looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned and as i learn.