Wrangling Data with Speed: A Deep Dive into Apache Flink’s Kryo

Parin Patel
4 min readAug 6, 2024


The world of big data is all about speed and efficiency. When processing massive datasets in Apache Flink, serialization plays a crucial role. This is where Kryo enters the scene, a powerful tool that helps Flink serialize and deserialize data objects in a flash.

But what exactly is Kryo, and how does it help Flink programs perform at their peak? Buckle up, data enthusiasts, because we’re about to dive deep into this fascinating technology!

Kryo: The Serialization Superhero

Think of Kryo as a data ninja, adept at transforming objects into compact, easily transmittable byte streams. This process, called serialization, allows Flink to move data between operators in your streaming pipeline efficiently. Here’s the magic:

  • Kryo leverages a technique called reflection to analyze the structure of your data objects.
  • It then identifies the most efficient way to represent each field (e.g., primitive types like integers require less space than complex objects).
  • This analysis allows Kryo to write the data object to a byte stream in a space-saving format.

The counterpart to serialization is deserialization. When Flink needs to access the original data object, Kryo reads the byte stream, analyzes its structure, and reconstructs the object in memory.

Putting Kryo to Work: A Hands-on Example

Let’s see how Kryo simplifies data processing in Flink. Imagine a simple POJO (Plain Old Java Object) representing a user in your streaming pipeline:

public class User {
private String name;
private int age;
private List<String> hobbies;

Flink’s built-in serializer, the PojoSerializer, can handle this object. However, Kryo can potentially do it faster and with a smaller footprint. Here's how:

  • Kryo recognizes the basic data types like String and int.
  • It efficiently serializes these fields without any unnecessary overhead.
  • For the hobbies list, Kryo analyzes the list type and the type of elements (strings in this case).
  • It then chooses the most efficient way to represent the list in the byte stream.

This detailed analysis and targeted representation translate to faster serialization and deserialization compared to the generic approach used by the PojoSerializer.

Beyond the Basics: Customizing Kryo for Even More Speed

Remember the data ninja analogy? Kryo can become even more powerful when you customize it for your specific data types. Let’s consider a scenario where you have a complex Address object within your User class:

public class Address {
private String street;
private String city;
private int zipCode;

Serializing this using Kryo’s default approach might work, but you can potentially optimize it further. If you know the exact structure of the Address object, you can create a custom Kryo serializer. This custom serializer can directly write the street, city, and zipCode fields to the byte stream, bypassing unnecessary reflection and potentially leading to performance gains.

The Verdict: Kryo — Your Flink Serialization Ally

While Flink offers several serialization options, Kryo stands out for its flexibility and efficiency. Here’s a quick recap of its advantages:

  • Faster Serialization and Deserialization: Kryo’s detailed analysis leads to a more efficient representation of data objects in byte streams.
  • Reduced Memory Footprint: Compact byte streams require less memory, allowing Flink to handle larger datasets efficiently.
  • Customization Potential: Custom Kryo serializers can further optimize serialization for specific data types.

However, using Kryo effectively requires understanding its limitations.

  • It might introduce additional configuration compared to Flink’s built-in serializers.
  • Serializing complex objects with frequent changes in structure could become cumbersome.

Code Example

We’re going to write a Java code snippet demonstrating serialization and deserialization using Kryo, without the context of Apache Flink. We’ll include necessary Maven dependencies and a basic main method to showcase the process.

Maven Dependencies

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Output;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class KryoExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Kryo instance
Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
// Register the User class
// Create a mutable list first
List<String> hobbies = new ArrayList<>();
// Create an object to serialize
User user = new User("Alice", 30, hobbies);

// Serialize the object
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Output output = new Output(outputStream);
kryo.writeObject(output, user);

// Deserialize the object
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray());
Input input = new Input(inputStream);
User deserializedUser = kryo.readObject(input, User.class);

// Print the deserialized object

import java.util.List;

public class User {
String name;
int age;
List<String> hobbies;

public User() {

public User(String name, int age, List<String> hobbies) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.hobbies = hobbies;

public String toString() {
return "User{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", age=" + age +
", hobbies=" + hobbies +


  1. Dependencies: We’ve included the necessary Kryo dependencies for serialization and deserialization.
  2. Kryo Instance: We create a Kryo instance to handle serialization and deserialization.
  3. Object Creation: A User object is created as an example to be serialized.
  4. Serialization: The User object is serialized into a byte array using ByteArrayOutputStream and Output.
  5. Deserialization: The serialized byte array is converted back into an object using ByteArrayInputStream and Input.
  6. Output: The deserialized User object is printed to the console.

Note: This is a basic example. In real-world applications, you might consider registering custom serializers for specific classes or using more complex data structures.



Parin Patel

Java, Spring framework, Kafka, Apache Flink, Code optimization, Multi-threading, MySQL, Cassandra, AWS, Multitenant systems, Microservices architecture