2 min readMar 22, 2024

Little book of leadership and parenting

Fail six times , get up seven

The actual Japanese quote talks about the numbers seven and eight .

The figure six , stands for the number of times my garden has died and got barren.

Got many Gardners, tried different nurseries , but the lesson was no gardner , no garden .

The same sutra holds true for my relationship with yajat and yashaj , as my connect grew , things improved .

Through gardening I learnt patience , that flowers will bloom in their own time .

I learnt acceptance, some flowers and plants won’t bloom .

I learnt balance , both too much sunlight , too much water, too much nutrition will kill the plant .

I learnt surrender , that one fine day there would be too much rain or too much cold , too much heat and the garden would wiether , and I would have to start the eighth time .

My Reflections

1. Read the article, replacing garden and plants with children

2. Read the article replacing , garden and plants with team

3. Patience, acceptance, balance , surrender, resilience what is the lesson I need to learn .

Please connect with us for interventions on culture, empathy , emotional intelligence, leadership, happiness and well-being.

We also do executive coaching.

Love n light
