Bloodhound Chronicles: Hacking Active Directory (Legally!) Like a Pro

Bloodhound is a tool used for Active Directory (AD) security analysis. It helps identify and map relationships between AD objects, which is valuable for detecting security risks.

2 min readNov 11, 2023

To use Bloodhound effectively, you typically follow these steps:

  1. Data Collection:
    Use Bloodhound's data collector to gather information about AD permissions, trust relationships, and other relevant data.
    Example command: `SharpHound.exe -c All`
  2. Generate Graphs:
    Load the collected data into the Bloodhound interface and generate graphs to visualize the relationships.
    Example command: `.\BloodHound.exe -c ZIP -d yourdomain -p all`
  3. Analyze Results:
    Review the generated graphs to identify security risks, privilege escalation paths, or misconfigurations.
  4. Take Action:
    Use the insights gained from Bloodhound to improve security by remedying misconfigurations, removing unnecessary privileges, or addressing other identified issues.

Example PowerShell command to collect data:

Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All

Example command to load collected data into the Bloodhound interface:

Import-BloodHoundData -ZipPath C:\Path\To\

Remember to tailor the commands to your specific environment and needs. Bloodhound provides a powerful interface for analyzing and securing your Active Directory environment.

Image Credits : Here

Bloodhound is a powerful tool with various capabilities for Active Directory (AD) security analysis.

Here are some key capabilities along with corresponding commands:

1. Collect Data:
- Identify permissions, group memberships, session information, etc.
- Command: `Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All`

2. Analyze Group Memberships:
- Find which groups a user is a member of and vice versa.
- Command: `Get-BloodHoundGroupMembership -Identity <username>`

3. Identify Admin Rights:
- Locate users with administrative rights.
- Command: `Get-BloodHoundAdmin`

4. Spotting ACL Issues:
- Discover objects with overly permissive Access Control Lists (ACLs).
- Command: `Get-BloodHoundAcl`

5. Find Shortest Paths:
- Identify the shortest paths to high-privileged accounts.
- Command: `Get-BloodHoundSession`

6. Detect Trust Relationships:
- Understand trust relationships between domains.
- Command: `Get-BloodHoundTrust`

7. Analyze Effective Admin Rights:
- Evaluate effective admin rights based on group memberships and ACLs.
- Command: `Get-BloodHoundSession -Filter All`

8. Visualize Data:
- Generate and visualize graphs for better analysis.
- Command: `.\BloodHound.exe -c ZIP -d yourdomain -p all`

9. Export Results:
- Export BloodHound results for further analysis or reporting.
- Command: `Export-BloodHoundCSV -CollectionMethod All -Path C:\Path\To\Export`

10. Custom Queries:
- Create custom queries for specific analysis needs.
- Command: Various, depending on the query. Refer to BloodHound documentation for details.

Make sure to refer to the BloodHound documentation for the most up-to-date information and additional capabilities. Always use Bloodhound responsibly and with proper authorization, as it deals with sensitive information within an organization's AD environment.

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