Rhetorical Analysis I

2 min readApr 23, 2016


The author, McBrien, is inspired to write this piece about leaving NASA’s government funding untouched or even promoted due to the fact that it, just like many other government entities, produces jobs and, thus, creates a steady monetary workflow that can stimulate the economy. McBrien also notes that it is important to promote government entities outside of the space agency because of this same redeeming fact. Many people are quick to take sides in what should or should not be funded in the national budget but it’s necessary, as a citizen, to apprehend exactly what the cost-benefit analysis is of many of the major entities and sectors that receiving funding from the government like the military, space, research, etc. Simply put, the author is aware of the ignorance set forth by many opponents to space exploration and research and directly addresses these opponents with statistical research pointing out the hypocrisy in their challenging statements between space and any other government sector that someone can find themselves passionate about.

It’s evident that the author, McBrien, wants nothing more than for his readers to take an introspective approach to the priorities of the national government and not only see how wasteful spending can be in other sectors that dwarfs any amount we’ve allocated to the space program, but also considered the future of an investment such as said space program and what that could potentially mean for boosting the national economy. Government sectors such as “Bailing out banks, endowing big oil and other unsustainable resource farming, as well as arming and training foreign militias only to have them undulate under political pressures” do not just need monetary slashing but also need to be re-evaluated as ethical spending measures for the common citizen to promote. McBrien is trying to make the case that the U.S., in collaboration with other space agencies around the globe, can bring nothing but prosperity for all nations involved in such an extraordinary undertaking. Foreign relations can be won, research and technologies can be produced and commercialized, and the reach and imagination of mankind can be proliferated to new heights.

The main claim McBrien wants to make throughout his article is that there is an important sub-priority for space outside of researching and the production of technologies. The main point is that the long-term evaluation of this sector can highlight the true nature and potential of such an ambitious area of government funded research and inspire many to work harder and produce more to meet the goals and challenges set forth by the missions dreamed up by the space agency. The sub argument to funding the space agency is that many see it as a vehicle to promote the future of young scientists dreams and give them something to strive for. There is something romantic about reaching for the stars and tackling that final frontier that has many of us gazing at the sky every night wondering if we all will eventually come to our senses and accept that challenge.

