Day 65: Liquid Diet Day #1

Parker Fo-shay
3 min readAug 5, 2017


Day 65! I am starting a little late today because I wanted to make sure I would make it the full 24-hours. For the next five days, my blog will probably be released later in the evening. I will try and not have them released too late but you all know where they are, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding them. Today let’s talk about my first successful day on the liquid diet.

Day #1:

I made it through the first day with little ease! The way I tackled today was much different from yesterday. I made sure to space my formula so I never felt hungry. When I start to feel slightly hungry, that is when my urge for solid food goes bonkers. I can tame that urge quite quickly by putting a bottle of formula, followed by a bottle of water into my G-Tube. My mind is still craving something savory even when I feel full, it’s a weird sensation.

My energy

has been a bit low all day. I have been feeling more lethargic than usual but that is to be expected on the first day. Other than that, nothing crazy unusual.

How Have I felt?

I have been battling a faint headache all day long and I have been a little shaky. I’m also feeling more irritable than I usually do. My body feels like it’s sweating more than usual but it could also be from the heat and humidity we’re experiencing in Phoenix.

My mentality

is ‘meh’ and I have realized something while writing this. I do not like doing this liquid diet experiment at all. It is somewhat of a tortuous experiment and I think I am going to call it quits after today. I love the taste of food, it’s an aspect of life which brings me happiness. In my eyes, this is absolutely not worth my sanity and/or time. I am genuinely sorry if you were interested in following this experiment but I need to watch out for my own sanity.

After doing this for one day, on my own terms, I have found a new respect for the SMA type 1 kiddos. This was a real shitty experience and the fact that it could become my reality is terrifying. Maybe when it is forced upon me, it will be easier. Hopefully, I will never have to find out.

I am going to wrap it up on that note. I hope you have an awesome day and I will be back tomorrow. See ya’!

I am so close to hitting my merchandise sale goal! Only 9 more days left to pick up a limited supply of merchandise. Percentage of the proceeds goes to St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital.

Here’s another beautiful photograph from my lovely photographer.

Originally published at Days of Parker.

