The not-so-definitive ranking of which GOP candidates hate trans people the most.

Okay, it’s not so much a ranking as a collection of statements, and it’s in no particular order, but it’s something!

Parker Molloy
5 min readJan 7, 2016


Ted Cruz gets his biology lessons from ‘Kindergarten Cop’

“Look, these guys are so nutty that the federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls,” Cruz replied. “Now listen: I’m the father of two daughters, and the idea that the federal government is coming in saying that boys, with all the god-given equipment of boys, can be in the shower room with junior high girls — this is lunacy!”

And then he trotted this little number out. It’s a line that’s been making the rounds at his appearances lately. (and there it is a second time)

Chris Christie thinks trans people are ‘beyond the pale.’

Trans people are baaaasically the same thing as terrorism… uh.

“Christie responded by joking that life is simpler in New Jersey, ‘Men go to men’s rooms, women go to women’s rooms and there really shouldn’t be a whole lot of confusion about that — public accommodations. And I don’t think we should be making life more confusing for our children.’”

Christie is also adamant about making sure trans people who happened to be born in New Jersey aren’t able to update their birth certificates. Why? Because they’re “beyond the pale.”

From the Washington Blade:

“‘Listen, for people who do not have a sex-change operation, all the bill required was somebody that who would seek a doctor’s treatment and that that doctor would verify they felt like the opposite gender,’ Christie replied. ‘I have to tell the truth, Michael, there are certain things that just go beyond the pale, and that’s not what I’m gonna permit the law to be in New Jersey,’ Christie added. ‘It doesn’t make any sense to me, and that’s why I vetoed it again, and if they send it to me again, I will veto it again.’”

Ben Carson says trans people make “everybody else uncomfortable”

In an interview with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos, Ben Carson was asked his opinion on what to do with trans people and bathrooms. His response? The totally small government solution of… requiring businesses to build a third “transgender bathroom?”

Historically speaking, “Hey, look! We made you your own separate bathroom blocked off from people who are made uncomfortable by your existence,” hasn’t been viewed as a good thing. It wasn’t a great argument 50 years ago, and it’s not one now. Maybe someone needs to get the good doctor a history book.

He’s also against trans people serving in the military because… something about “social experiments?” That’s great and all, but trans people are already serving in the military… they’re just getting kicked out for it. Studies have shown that the impact of lifting the ban would be virtually nonexistent, but it’s not as though Dr. Carson has ever let facts get in the way of his worldview.

Donald Trump has thoughts about yr Jennatals.

Somehow… and it really isn’t saying much… Donald Trump may be the most trans-friendly GOP candidate. This is mostly due to the fact that he speaks only in vague declarations of “making America great,” and doesn’t bother with, you know, details. So, he hasn’t said anything (that I know of) about trans people.

But back when he was running the Miss Universe pageant, a trans woman from Canada named Jenna Talackova wanted to compete. At first, Trump had her booted from the competition. Soon after, he reversed course, allowing her to compete (she didn’t make it to the main competition). In an awkward/hilarious moment, he explained to Barbara Walters some of his concerns about Jenna, namely… her name.

You see, the first letters of her name are J-E-N-N-A T-A-L. Donald Trump is a smart man with a yuge IQ, so he put 2 and 2 together, and BAM, he realized that spells “Jennatal,” which is almost the same thing as “genitals,” which is what trans people (and all people have). “Could there be an ulterior motive?” Trump asks.

What’s in a name?

Mike Huckabee wants to shower with high school girls.

I leave you with just this GIF, in which Huckabee fantasizes about the creeper he would have been had he known trans people existed when he was back in high school.

Marco Rubio will go out of his way to make life harder for trans people.

Not only would he come after things like marriage equality by way of Supreme Court nominees, he’d also overturn an executive order President Obama didn’t even make (no, seriously, the president has not made any sort of bathroom executive order… it’d be great if he did, though). Rubio: I’ll repeal things that don’t even exist. (has a nice ring to it, right?)

Rand Paul doesn’t know what trans people are.

Really, I wish there was even a hint that he knew what he was talking about, but it seems like he thinks transgender = gay, so oh well.

Rand Paul on Transgender Rights: ‘Government Shouldn’t Ask About Your Personal Life’
A news week that started with Caitlyn Jenner’s debut in Vanity Fair ended with another



Parker Molloy

Professional storyteller-human. @Upworthy Writer-person. Word-stuff. Opinions my own (and probably wrong).