The All-natural Eight Easy Ways to Get Rid of Hangover

David Parker
4 min readOct 14, 2017


What if hangover had a racist mind and could discriminate the target? Would it not be easy to just avoid it with our super powers or maybe become a favorite, so hangover never took over our morning after plans? Well, this might be possible in a hypothetically imaginary world but not in real. Coming back from the dreamy thoughts, hangover puts us back on the earth after we have been on cloud nine the previous night.

Yes, apparently it just does that very thing which you would never want to face after a happening night out.

But don’t you worry folks, we have some really simple and amazing hangover remedies to tackle hangover and that too all natural, and easy to make and are usually readily available at home.

Follow below simple and easy ways to get rid of hangover;


The simplest and the basic way to get over a hangover is to keep your body hydrated after consuming alcohol. The diuretic property and aspect of alcohol prevents the body from maintaining necessary water level and the need for hydration increases, causing hangover as a side effect. Keep plenty of water with you when you are out for a party or try and drink as much water as you can before alcohol consumption and after it. In addition to the re-hydration benefit of water, it also helps in flushing out excessive impurities that clog your system and give way to a terrible hangover. Malt Liquors and red wine are toxic and many a times cause hangover that leaves you in pain and perplexity.


Fluids that are rich in electrolyte are also an excellent cure for hangovers. The electrolyte induces and restores the necessary levels of potassium and salt in the body that have depleted due to over consumption of alcohol. Such drinks are easily available at our homes and we can surely depend on them for our worst morning after. Both way, you can also have salt and water mixed together that acts as a substitute for electrol. You can also have a concoction of sugar and water that helps in regaining the strength of the body, relieves headache and nauseating feel after heavy drinking or when you get up the next morning and your body is deprived of that vital energy required for the day. Having fluids makes your body immune to hangover and helps in adjusting the levels of vitamins that were washed out and also releases the quintessential nutrients beneficial to the liver.


These two can be in our fridge or can be outsourced at much ease without asking for help. Or maybe, you can borrow some from the neighbors if need be. Have ginger tea or have bits of ginger with water. Alternatively, you can chew some pieces of ginger, as it is a perfect remedy for a hangover. Honey helps in digesting the alcohol and competes with its metabolism. You can have a mix of honey, hot water add lime to suit your taste.

Natural Hangover Remedies


Peppermint is a very useful herb and can either be taken raw (chew) or with your tea. It’s hangover helper and removes gas that accumulates as a result of alcohol previous night. Therefore it is always better to eat something after alcohol. Have three to five leaves of peppermint or boil some leaves in water and drink for immediate relief.


Low levels of potassium often lead to muscle cramps. Banana is a rich source of potassium and replenishes the levels of minerals and electrolytes the body has lost while drinking. The best way is to eat a banana before you start drinking those stocks up the potassium levels and prevents hangover. You can have a banana smoothie to soothe your taste buds. And if you do not like bananas, then choose apples as a substitute. Both work just the same.


Tomato contains fructose that supports metabolism of the body and helps in digestion of alcohol at a faster pace. Take freshly prepared tomato juice or soup and deal with the hangover in the booming manner. The sour taste of tomato boosts curing hangover.


Cabbage has some great healing powers that have been demonstrated and emphasized upon by the Greeks and the Romans too. Eating larger quantities of cabbage before drinking avoids and prevents hangover. Take cabbage with vinegar for immediate hangover relief or chew raw cabbage for hangover headache relief. Cabbage juice can be taken with tomato juice to boost metabolism of the body.


The concoction can be prepared by boiling some green beans in water and wait for it to turn a little yellowish. The beans settle down at the bottom and the water, which is now yellowish in color, can be consumed to remove toxins from the body. Same thing can be repeated and followed with black beans.

So, we got you covered with some very basic cures, natural in nature to cure hangovers. Don’t forget to tell us what worked for you!

Natural Hangover Prevention- Over-EZ

(P: S A tried and tested home remedy to return sugar, starch and potassium in your system: You need to stir pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar into 1 cup of water, whisk in little orange juice and mashed banana and sip the mixture throughout the day.)



David Parker

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