Life is precious, why waste time finding a parking spot. PARKRES is here to help…

5 min readJun 19, 2018

Let’s face the fact… urban cities are congested, over-populated and bursting with vehicles. We live in an era where owning a car isn’t a luxury but a necessity and this makes parking a compulsory activity of the day. There are thousands of cars on the roads no matter which time of the day it is. Resultantly, we have to deal with what can be termed as the new-age No Parking! Menace.

Why is it a Problem?

Finding a decent parking space for your vehicle is becoming more and more difficult nowadays especially in metropolis and urban cities. Whether it is the city center or downtown, shopping arenas or commercial complexes, cinema halls or eateries, the available parking space has proven to be insufficient. Streets are becoming congested as people try to accommodate parking load with short-term and unreliable solutions.

As more people migrate to cities to find better opportunities to work and live, the number of vehicles twofold, aggravating the situation even more. There are although a number of parking systems in practice but none has proven to be workable enough to resolve the issue comprehensively.

How Does No Parking! Menace Affects People?

People continue to deal with fuller parking lots and the options are becoming lesser every day, which makes them frustrated and stressed. Such as, in the morning when people go to work, they need to park their car but spend a lot of…

