Get Started with Beacons in Your Mobile App: The Where, What, Who, How and Why

Hemant parmar
2 min readFeb 27, 2018


The beacon is a kind of Bluetooth enabled devices and capable of defining the locations in closed premises (Micro-location) rather than on the entire globe in the case of GPS.

Beacon has small Bluetooth chips with sensors, which are embedded in button-like devices and works with BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy) wireless technology to communicate with BLE enabled mobile devices and compute the exact location of devices as well as also can communicate with mobile devices to deliver messages automatically or in real-time.

There are multiple domains, which practically leverage the Beacon or iBeacon technology the most and how beacon application development company adds values in various domain-specific mobile apps, such as

· Hospitality Apps

· Museum & Zoos Apps

· Retail Apps

· Event Apps

· Public Transportation Terminals Apps

· Goods Transportation/Logistics & Fleet Apps

· Sports Apps

Thus, we can say that the role of Beacon technology is highly significant in a wide range of domains.

If you are interested to know it in details our “Beacon Technology in Mobile Apps for Various Domains” blog has some clues to explore while for your specific needs, we recommend you to go to consult the mobile app development team at SysBunny for perfect guidance.



Hemant parmar

Experienced App Consultant… Always up for an business plan