Top 6 Self Love Habits: That Will Change Your Life!!

Mindful explorer
5 min readMay 3, 2023


Self Love Habits

Why It Is So Important To Love Yourself ?

Many times in the race to become successful and to be perfect, people often forgets and ignore about the importance of self love in our life. Love is the only thing that makes us a human in this robotic world. Everyone needs love and we spend most of our energy in loving others but the question is do we produce enough love for our own sake ? We cannot always expect to rely on external source for love and that’s where the concept of self love comes in.

1 . Put Yourself First

Make Yourself a Priority

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean being selfish or neglecting others. The truth is that prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental healthcare could be one of the best things you do for yourself and everyone else. You can also be there for others more fully by caring for yourself. When you learn to put yourself first, only then will you be able to really get to know who you are and how strong you’re and when you’re down, you’ll know how to help yourself. You’ll discover yourself in ways you never thought possible and you will value yourself more.

2. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Don’t Compare Yourself

When you consider your background and current situation, you can reduce the competition you feel towards others because their expectations are not yours. Remember that everyone has different levels of privilege that impact their life – whether it’s time, money, or resources. Your journey is unique to you, so be patient as you work toward your goals. Start acknowledging and appreciating your own unique talents and abilities. Remember, there will always be someone more attractive, intelligent or successful. Whenever you focus on what other people have that you don’t, you give away your power. Decide that your energy will be used for believing in yourself and creating the life you deserve.

3. Don’t Worry About Other’s Opinion

Opinions are don’t matters
Image by : our mindful life

When we start to rely on what other people think of us, and we make their opinion pivotal to our success, we get into trouble. We start tailoring our lives to fit the expectations of others, and from there it’s a vicious cycle. The only reality we can see is how we believe others see us. Nobody else is living your life. They might have opinions or ideas, but the only person who knows what is best for you. is you. And that means you need to learn about yourself through your own mistakes and failures. People will love you, people will hate you, and none of it will have anything to do with you. Make your. choices and live by those decisions, taking full responsibility for what you do and how you do it. When you do, you’ll gain the self-esteem you need and the power to give yourself what you want, without blaming anyone for your mistakes.

4. Process Your Fears

process your fears

It’s easy to ignore our fears and hope that they’ll just go away. If you don’t face your fears, they’ll end up controlling you. Remember that your fear is just a way of thinking – one that you can control. Changing your “internal dialogue,” or how you think about a situation, can change how you respond to your fears. The best way to overcome this fear is not to avoid these activities but to gradually expose yourself to them. The key to facing your fears is to take one small step at a time. Going too fast or doing something too scary before you are ready can backfire. But it’s also important to keep moving forward.

5. Accept Your Flaws As Part Of Who You Are

accepting your flaws
Image by: villagepipol

We all have our flaws, and that’s part of being human. Making friends with our flaws, mistakes and imperfections helps us to learn and grow. Liberated from the need to be seen to be perfect, you’ll feel a lot happier and more content with who you are and what you’ve got. If you accept yourself for who you are, it becomes much easier to stay in the present and feel grateful for your life. Accepting that imperfection and mistakes are a normal part of life means that you become a lot less ego-driven, and judgmental. You can still find the beauty in your imperfections!

6. Practice Gratitude On Good Things And Avoid Focusing On The Negative


Humans are a selfish creatures . We all want to have everything thing in our life may it be being rich , having a good house , buying expensive clothes and jewelleries, But it is not possible for everyone to have everything . Gratitude is being thankful for all the tiny things about yourself and about the people around you . Gratitude is so much more than saying thank you. Gratitude changes your perspective of your world. Gratitude is being happy and loving your self for what you have achieved in your life. Taking a moment to reflect on how You conquered the day or what aspects of myself I was grateful for made a world of difference.



Mindful explorer

Just a normal Human being , trying to help people use psychology for a meaningful personal growth.