3600 Latest 2024 IELTS Speaking Topics And Questions Part 6

Parmar Sneha
4 min readMar 1, 2024


In our IELTS Speaking Questions and Topics App You will get 3600 IELTS Speaking Questions with answers. CLICK HERE to download. You can buy our E-book from here as well. For overall English Learning try out A-Z English Learning App.

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Airplanes / Question — 51 — What do you like to do during the flight? Does the plane provide anything to do to pass the time?/ Answer — During the flight, I usually take advantage of in-flight entertainment, including movies, music, and reading materials. Many airlines offer a variety of options to keep passengers entertained, from recent movie releases to interactive games. Some flights also provide onboard Wi-Fi, allowing passengers to stay connected or work while in the air.

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Airplanes / Question — 52 — What are some movies you remember seeing on the plane?/ Answer — I recall watching a mix of blockbuster movies and classic films during flights. The airline’s selection often includes a diverse range of genres, catering to various passenger preferences. Notable movies I’ve seen include recent releases and timeless classics, providing a pleasant way to pass the time.

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Airplanes / Question — 53 — What do you do when you experience turbulence?/ Answer — When experiencing turbulence, I try to remain calm and follow the guidance of the cabin crew. Staying seated with the seatbelt securely fastened is crucial for safety. Engaging in a distracting activity, such as watching a movie or listening to music, helps alleviate any unease during turbulent moments.

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Airplanes / Question — 54 — Have you ever met anyone or established any relationships during a flight?/ Answer — While I haven’t established lasting relationships, I’ve engaged in friendly conversations with fellow passengers during flights. Airplanes can serve as unique social environments, providing opportunities to connect with people from different backgrounds and share travel experiences. However, these interactions often remain casual and limited to the duration of the flight.

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Airplanes / Question — 55 — What should be done with obese people who practically take up two seats?/ Answer — Addressing the needs of passengers with specific requirements, including individuals who may need additional space due to obesity, is essential for ensuring inclusivity. Airlines should implement policies and accommodations to address these situations without causing discomfort to any passengers. Solutions could include offering wider seating options or providing flexibility in seat arrangements to meet diverse needs.

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Airplanes / Question — 56 — Can you sleep during the flight?/ Answer — Yes, I can sleep during flights, especially on long-haul journeys. The hum of the airplane engines and the generally dimmed cabin create a conducive environment for rest. Carrying a neck pillow and an eye mask, along with adjusting to the local time at the destination, can enhance the quality of in-flight sleep.

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Airplanes / Question — 57 — Have you ever seen a female pilot? Why do you think that most pilots are men?/ Answer — Yes, I have seen female pilots, and it’s encouraging to witness increasing diversity in the aviation industry. Historically, the prevalence of male pilots was influenced by societal norms and traditional gender roles. However, efforts to promote gender equality in recent years have resulted in more women pursuing careers as pilots, challenging stereotypes and contributing to a more inclusive aviation sector.

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Airplanes / Question — 58 — Would you like to be a flight attendant? What are the benefits and /or downfalls?/ Answer — Being a flight attendant comes with both benefits and challenges. The job offers the opportunity to travel, meet new people, and gain exposure to different cultures. However, it also involves irregular working hours, dealing with passenger needs, and coping with jet lag. The ability to handle diverse situations, excellent customer service skills, and adaptability are crucial qualifications for this profession.

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Airplanes / Question — 59 — Are most flight attendants female? Is being a flight attendant considered a good job in your country? What do you think are the qualifications?/ Answer — While there is a historical trend of more female flight attendants, the industry is evolving, and there is increasing gender diversity in this profession. The perception of being a flight attendant as a good job varies across countries. In some places, it is seen as an exciting opportunity for those who enjoy traveling, while in others, it may be considered more challenging due to the demanding nature of the job. Qualifications typically include excellent communication skills, customer service experience, and proficiency in multiple languages.

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Airplanes / Question — 60 — Are planes really safer than cars? ( A British study shows that flying is 176 times safer than walking, 15 times safer than driving and 300 times safer than a motorbike.)/ Answer — Statistically, flying is considered safer than many other modes of transportation, including cars. Safety measures, rigorous training for pilots, and stringent aviation regulations contribute to the overall safety of air travel. While accidents do occur, the aviation industry’s commitment to continuous improvement and safety protocols significantly reduces the likelihood of incidents.

