IELTS Exam Sample Questions on IELTS Speaking Topic — First Date

Parmar Sneha
4 min readMar 27, 2024


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Certainly, my first date holds a special place in my memory. We decided to meet at a cozy coffee shop in the city. The casual setting allowed us to have an easygoing conversation, and we spent hours talking about our interests, hobbies, and life experiences. It was a delightful and comfortable introduction, setting the foundation for future interactions.

What are some places you could go on a first date?

There are various places suitable for a first date, depending on personal preferences. Options include coffee shops, restaurants, parks, art galleries, or even a casual stroll along the beach. The key is to choose a location that facilitates comfortable conversation and aligns with the shared interests of both individuals.

Is it important to be punctual on your first date? Why?

Yes, being punctual on a first date is crucial. Arriving on time reflects respect for the other person’s schedule and demonstrates reliability. Punctuality sets a positive tone for the date, creating a favorable impression and fostering a sense of mutual consideration.

Is the first impression important?

Absolutely, the first impression plays a significant role in shaping the initial perception of a person. It influences how individuals are perceived and remembered. Making a positive first impression involves being genuine, attentive, and showcasing positive qualities, contributing to the foundation of a potential connection.

Would you dress up for a first date? What clothes would you wear?

Yes, dressing appropriately for a first date is important to convey respect and show that you value the occasion. The choice of clothing depends on the venue and personal style. Opting for neat, well-fitting attire that aligns with the chosen location, whether it’s casual or more formal, reflects a thoughtful approach to the date.

Is it important to give your partner a present? What, for example?

While it’s not necessary to bring elaborate gifts on a first date, a small, thoughtful gesture can be a nice touch. For instance, bringing a bouquet of flowers, a book related to shared interests, or a box of chocolates can convey a warm and considerate attitude. The key is to choose something thoughtful but not overly extravagant.

Is the place important? Why?

Yes, the choice of the venue is crucial for a first date. The location sets the atmosphere and can significantly impact the overall experience. Selecting a comfortable and neutral setting allows both individuals to focus on getting to know each other without distractions or discomfort. A well-chosen place contributes to a positive and enjoyable first date.

What kind of place do you think is ideal for a first date? Why do you think so?

An ideal place for a first date is one that encourages conversation and connection. A cozy coffee shop, for example, provides a relaxed environment where individuals can engage in meaningful dialogue. The low-key atmosphere allows for genuine interaction, fostering a sense of ease and comfort conducive to a successful first date.

What things would you talk about on your first date?

On a first date, it’s beneficial to discuss topics that facilitate getting to know each other. Conversations can revolve around interests, hobbies, life experiences, and aspirations. Avoiding sensitive or overly personal subjects initially allows for a gradual and comfortable unfolding of each person’s story.

Would you share the bill? Or is it the man’s role? Why?

The decision to share the bill or follow traditional gender roles depends on the preferences and dynamics of the individuals involved. Many people appreciate splitting the bill as it reflects equality and mutual respect. However, some may prefer adhering to traditional roles. The key is open communication to understand each other’s expectations and ensure both parties feel comfortable with the arrangement.

Would you behave formally, or is it unnecessary these days? Make your point.

Behaving formally on a first date is not a strict requirement in modern dating. The emphasis is on being genuine, respectful, and attentive. While maintaining politeness and courtesy, individuals are encouraged to be themselves and express their personalities naturally. Striking a balance between being courteous and authentic contributes to a more relaxed and enjoyable first date experience.

What type of restaurant would you rather go to?

The choice of a restaurant depends on personal preferences and the desired atmosphere. Opting for a cozy and intimate restaurant with a diverse menu allows for a pleasant dining experience. It’s essential to consider dietary preferences and ensure the venue aligns with both individuals’ tastes, contributing to an enjoyable first date.

How are first dates different from later dates?

First dates often involve a sense of exploration and initial impressions. As the relationship progresses, later dates tend to involve deeper connections, shared experiences, and a more profound understanding of each other. The dynamic evolves from the excitement of the first meeting to a more comfortable and established connection over subsequent dates.

