IELTS Exam Sample Questions on IELTS Speaking Topic — Friends

Parmar Sneha
6 min readMar 26, 2024


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Yes, in my culture, there are several famous stories that highlight the value of friendship. One notable example is the tale of two friends who faced adversity together, showcasing loyalty, sacrifice, and unwavering support. These stories often emphasize the enduring nature of true friendship and serve as inspirational narratives in our cultural heritage.

Can you describe one of your closest friends?

Certainly, one of my closest friends is a person I’ve known since childhood. We share a deep bond built on trust, understanding, and shared experiences. This friend is incredibly supportive, always there during both joyous and challenging moments. Our friendship is characterized by open communication, laughter, and a genuine connection that has stood the test of time.

Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.

Yes, I am fortunate to have maintained strong friendships from my childhood. One particular friend and I have navigated the journey from adolescence to adulthood together. Our bond has grown and adapted over the years, yet the foundation of shared memories, mutual respect, and unwavering support remains constant. These enduring childhood friendships are treasured connections that bring a sense of continuity and comfort.

Do you have any long-distance friends?

Yes, I have a few long-distance friends who reside in different cities or even countries. Despite the physical distance, our friendship remains strong, thanks to modern communication methods.

How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?

To stay connected with my long-distance friends, I utilize various communication tools such as video calls, messaging apps, and social media. These platforms enable real-time interactions and provide a sense of closeness despite the geographical separation.

How often do you see your long-distance friends?

The frequency of seeing my long-distance friends depends on individual circumstances and travel opportunities. While it may not be as often as local friends, I make an effort to visit or plan meetups when possible, fostering a continued sense of closeness.

Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?

Borrowing money from a friend should be approached with caution. While friends may want to help, financial transactions can strain relationships if not handled carefully. It is essential to communicate openly about expectations, terms, and timelines to avoid misunderstandings. In general, seeking financial support from friends should be a last resort, and alternative options should be explored first.

Do you make friends easily?

Making friends comes naturally to me. I value interpersonal connections, and I’m open to meeting new people. Approaching others with genuine interest, kindness, and authenticity has allowed me to establish friendships easily in various social settings.

Has a friend ever let you down?

Yes, there have been instances where a friend did not meet my expectations or let me down in some way. It’s an inevitable part of human relationships. However, addressing conflicts openly, expressing feelings, and understanding each other’s perspectives have been essential in resolving issues and maintaining the friendship.

Have you made any friends over the Internet?

Yes, I have made friends over the Internet. Online communities, forums, and social media platforms provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals globally. Some of these virtual friendships have evolved into meaningful relationships, demonstrating the capacity for genuine connections to form online.

How often do you write to them?

The frequency of writing to online friends varies. While we may not exchange messages daily, we stay in touch through periodic updates, shared interests, and occasional virtual conversations. The flexibility of online communication allows for meaningful connections, even with varying response times.

Have you ever met them in person?

Yes, I have had the opportunity to meet some of my online friends in person. These meetings have transitioned virtual connections into tangible friendships, reinforcing the idea that genuine connections can transcend the digital realm.

How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?

Adult friendships often differ from childhood friendships in terms of complexity and depth. While childhood friendships are characterized by simplicity, shared activities, and proximity, adult friendships involve a deeper understanding of individual identities, mutual support, and navigating life’s complexities together. The nature of friendships evolves as individuals mature and face new life stages.

How do you maintain a good friendship?

Maintaining a good friendship requires effort, communication, and mutual respect. Regular check-ins, active listening, and being there during both joys and challenges contribute to a healthy friendship. Honesty, trust, and shared experiences also play crucial roles in fostering a lasting and meaningful connection.

How do you make new friends?

Making new friends involves being approachable, showing genuine interest in others, and participating in activities aligned with personal interests. Networking in social settings, being open-minded, and initiating conversations are effective ways to connect with potential friends. Building friendships takes time and effort, but the process is rewarding when authentic connections are established.

How many people do you consider your “best friends?”

I consider a select few individuals as my “best friends.” These are the friends with whom I share a deep, meaningful connection, trust implicitly, and can rely on for support and understanding. While the number may be small, the quality of these friendships is paramount.

Is it common to have friendships across generations?

Yes, friendships across generations are not uncommon. Interactions with individuals of different age groups can provide diverse perspectives, wisdom, and enriching experiences. Such friendships contribute to personal growth and foster intergenerational understanding and empathy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships?

Advantages of intergenerational friendships include the exchange of wisdom, learning from different life experiences, and fostering a sense of community. However, challenges may arise due to differing cultural references, communication styles, and generational gaps. Overcoming these differences requires open-mindedness and a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives.

Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?

Yes, I have friends from different generations. These friendships have provided unique insights, cultural perspectives, and shared experiences that contribute to a well-rounded understanding of life.

There is a saying “To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.” How can you be a good friend?

Being a good friend involves several key qualities. It includes being a good listener, showing empathy and support during both positive and challenging times, being trustworthy, and celebrating each other’s successes. Additionally, being dependable, respectful, and fostering open communication are crucial aspects of being a good friend.

What do you usually do with your friends?

Activities with friends vary but often revolve around shared interests. This can include going to movies, exploring new places, participating in hobbies, or simply enjoying each other’s company over a meal or coffee. The essence is to engage in activities that strengthen the bond and create lasting memories.

What makes friends different from family?

While friends and family both contribute to a person’s support system, friends are individuals chosen based on shared interests and mutual understanding. Unlike family, friendships are often formed voluntarily and can span diverse backgrounds and experiences. Friends provide companionship, emotional support, and unique perspectives that complement the familial bond.

What qualities do you think are important in a friend?

Important qualities in a friend include trustworthiness, loyalty, empathy, good communication, and a shared sense of values. A good friend is someone who offers support during challenges, celebrates successes, and contributes positively to each other’s lives.

What is a friend?

A friend is someone with whom one shares a genuine connection, mutual understanding, and a sense of companionship. Friends offer support, laughter, and comfort during various life experiences. The essence of friendship lies in the shared moments, trust, and the unique bond that develops between individuals.

What things should friends never do?

Friends should never betray trust, intentionally harm each other, or engage in actions that compromise the well-being of the friendship. Honest communication, respect for boundaries, and maintaining a sense of loyalty are essential to preserving a healthy and enduring friendship.

