IELTS Exam Sample Questions on IELTS Speaking Topic — Fruit and Vegetable

Parmar Sneha
5 min readMar 26, 2024


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Yes, I enjoy eating fruits, and my favorite is mango. The succulent sweetness and juiciness of ripe mangoes make them a delightful and refreshing treat. Whether eaten on their own or incorporated into dishes, mangoes hold a special place in my palate.

How often do you eat fresh fruit?

I make it a point to include fresh fruit in my daily diet. Consuming fruit regularly provides essential vitamins, fiber, and natural sugars that contribute to overall health and well-being. On average, I eat fresh fruit at least once a day, incorporating variety for a diverse nutrient intake.

In your opinion, what’s the most delicious fruit?

While opinions on the most delicious fruit may vary, I personally find strawberries to be the most delicious. Their vibrant red color, juiciness, and sweet-tart flavor make them a delightful and versatile addition to various dishes and snacks.

Do you like vegetables? What’s your favorite one?

Yes, I do like vegetables, and my favorite is spinach. Spinach’s versatility in both raw and cooked forms, along with its nutrient-rich profile, makes it a staple in my meals. Whether added to salads, smoothies, or sautéed dishes, spinach is a versatile and nutritious choice.

Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Why or why not?

Absolutely, fruits and vegetables are crucial for maintaining good health. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, which contribute to overall well-being. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables has been linked to numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of chronic diseases and improved digestive health.

Are you or would you like to be vegetarian?

While I appreciate a plant-based diet, I am not a vegetarian. However, I do incorporate vegetarian meals into my routine and emphasize a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, both plant-based and animal products.

How often do you drink fruit juice? What kind of fruit juice do you drink?

I drink fruit juice occasionally, as I prefer whole fruits for their fiber content. When I do consume fruit juice, it is typically freshly squeezed or 100% natural without added sugars. I believe that consuming whole fruits provides a more complete nutritional package compared to fruit juices.

Do you like to eat fruit salad?

Yes, I enjoy eating fruit salad. It offers a delightful combination of flavors and textures, and it’s a versatile dish that can be customized with a variety of fruits. Whether as a refreshing snack or a side dish, fruit salad is a tasty and nutritious option.

What kind of vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?

At the supermarket, I prioritize a diverse selection of vegetables and fruits. Common purchases include leafy greens like spinach and kale, colorful bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, bananas, berries, and citrus fruits. Ensuring a mix of different colors and types helps me achieve a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

What the means the saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?”

The saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” emphasizes the health benefits of regularly consuming apples. It suggests that incorporating apples into one’s daily diet can contribute to overall well-being and potentially reduce the likelihood of needing medical attention. Apples are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious choice for promoting good health.

What are the most common fruits and vegetables in your country?

In my country, the most common fruits include apples, bananas, oranges, and mangoes. Common vegetables include tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and leafy greens such as spinach and lettuce. These staples are readily available and widely consumed, forming the foundation of many traditional dishes.

Can fruits and vegetables help you cure diseases?

While fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in supporting overall health and preventing certain diseases, claiming they can cure diseases may be an oversimplification. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can contribute to a strong immune system and help manage some health conditions, but specific medical treatments are necessary for curing diseases. A balanced and nutritious diet complements overall health and well-being but should be part of a comprehensive healthcare approach.

Can fruits and vegetables help you lose weight if you are on a diet?

Yes, incorporating fruits and vegetables into a weight loss diet can be beneficial. They are low in calories, high in fiber, and rich in essential nutrients, making them nutritious choices for those seeking to manage weight. The fiber content promotes satiety, helping individuals feel full and satisfied with fewer calories. However, weight loss also requires overall dietary balance, physical activity, and individualized approaches for sustainable results.

Do you cultivate fruits or vegetables in your garden?

Currently, I do not cultivate fruits or vegetables in my garden. However, I appreciate the idea of home gardening and recognize its numerous benefits, including access to fresh produce, sustainability, and the joy of cultivating one’s food. In the future, I may explore the possibility of growing my own fruits and vegetables to enhance the connection with nature and promote a sustainable lifestyle.

Do you like to use things that have a fruit smell? (E.g., perfumes, erasers, etc.)

Yes, I appreciate products with fruit scents, such as perfumes, candles, or skincare items. Fruit-scented products often evoke a sense of freshness and vibrancy, creating a pleasant and uplifting experience. While I enjoy these scents, I also prioritize the quality and ingredients of the products to ensure a positive and skin-friendly experience.

How many vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?

The quantity of vegetables and fruits I buy at the supermarket varies based on my weekly meal planning and preferences. I aim to include a diverse selection, typically purchasing a mix of vegetables and fruits to ensure a well-rounded and nutritious diet. The variety allows for culinary creativity and ensures a range of vitamins and minerals in my daily meals.

